B38: BriskerGolf in brief: Brutal, Restrictive, Inclusive & ensuring Brisker Play

Individual scoring in BriskerGolf is as elegant as that of Skins:

  • Win a Hole outright and a BriskerGolfer wins a Coin (perhaps pledged to a charity), or possibly an accumulation of Coins, previously not won (a Coin Bonanza)
  • Win a hole outright and a Skins Player wins a Skin, or possibly an accumulation of Skins, previously not won, which may or may not have a value as a prize


However BriskerGolf is far more brutal, restrictive, and yet inclusive in its scoring rules than Skins, to ensure exciting brisker play at all times!

BriskerGolf scoring has three distinct categories:

  • Unacceptable scores
  • Acceptable scores
  • Masterful scores

An Unacceptable score may be either:

  • Any score worse than a Net Par. Every BriskerGolfer is given Net Bogey score on each hole, termed an @Given-Net-Bogey. This is the Backstop Score. Thus it is irrelevant and time wasting to equal the Backstop Score!
  • Any score that is worse than an already-posted score, e.g. a Net Par score when a Net Sub-Par score has already been posted, such as a Net Birdie or a Net Eagle score, OR a Net Birdie score when a Net Eagle score has already been posted.

An Acceptable score may be either:

  • Any @Leading-Score that is a Net Par score
  • One, and only one Net Par score that ties a Leading Net Par score, because the BG rule for Net Par tying scores is Two Tie, All Tie (except on the last Hole)
  • Exclusively on the last Hole, the Ultimate Net Par score is the only Acceptable score in the event of multiple Net Par scores and no Masterful scores at the last Hole

A Masterful Score may be either:

  • Any score that beats a Leading Net Par score (i.e. a Net Birdie score, a Net Eagle score, or a Net Albatross score)
  • Any score that ties or beats a Leading Net Sub-Par score (i.e. any @Ultimate-Leading-Sub-Par score, because the BG rule when Net Sub-Par scores are tied is that the Ultimate Leading Net Sub-Par score TRUMPS the former Ultimate Leading Net Sub-Par score)


An Unacceptable score is easily avoided by a BriskerGolfer by curtailing his/her play appropriately. (Theoretically a Briskergolfer’s curtailed score can range from 2. to 6. , or in the case of an exceptionally high handicapper, 7.)


The BriskerGolf rule on the most basic of scores, a failed Net Par attempt is:

  • All Fail, All Tie

i.e. An Unacceptable score can never win a hole outright, but is sufficient to tie a hole if every member of the BriskerGolf group posts a similarly Unacceptable score, even if one or more scores are Penalty scores, P, on Holes 1 to 17.

However an opportunity to win a Coin or Bonanza of yet-to-be-won-Coins exists in the event of a tie for anyone without a blemish of a P18 on his/her card on the final hole, (i.e. with no ineligibility Penalty, P18, on the 18th).

Failure to curtail play the moment it becomes impossible to make a positive contribution to the contest on a hole incurs either:

  • A penalty, P, of two-off-the-next-tee, applicable to an errant BriskerGolfer at the conclusion of holes 1 to 17 inclusive.
  • An ineligibility Penalty, P18for an errant BriskerGolfer at the conclusion of hole 18.


P18 => ineligible to qualify for a potential Coin Bonanza in the event of a tie on the 18th hole.


Ultimate Net Birdie example

On a Par 5 hole the scoring could be:

Player    A; …….  B; …….  C; ……   D; …………. E   in order of completion of the Hole.

Gross      5; …….  4; ……..  5; …….. 4;  ………… 5

Net          5;          4;          4;          4;              5

Result:  Par;  B’die*; B’die**; B’die***; Par

* & ** are formerly @Ultimate-Net-Birdies, and then @Losing-Net-Birdies

*** is a winning @Ultimate-Net-Birdie that supercedes Player C’s @Ultimate-Net-Birdie


Optional: Information Gathering, using a BG App

Individual scoring in BriskerGolf also includes the award of bonus koins at the conclusion of each of the three segments of an 18 hole golf course (1st to 6th; 7th to 12th; 13th to 18th), for the briskest of BriskerGolfers, who are also awarded the title ‘Exemplary BriskerGolfer’, as selected by the BG App:

  • Exemplary BriskerGolfers win two bonus Koins for each segment that they achieve their Exemplary status for brisk play, irrespective of their scores.
  • Other Exemplary BriskerGolfers win one bonus koin for each segment that they achieve cumulative shot times within 20% of the leading Exemplary BriskerGolfer for a segment

Any number of a BriskerGolf group may qualify as Exemplary BriskerGolfers for each segment, by the following means:

  • Regularly being within 20% of the cumulative shot times of the leading Exemplary BriskerGolfer for a segment, which equates to one koin per brisk segment
  • Achieving a Perfect  Curtailment Performance (PCP) over the whole of the 18 hole BriskerGolf round. PCP* equates to a bonus award  of three koins on completion of a round.
  • Having a total koin score for a BriskerGolf round of at least 5 koins

[*A BriskerGolf PCP is a round with no blemishes (i.e. a round without any penalty, P, scores for tardy play.]


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