B56 Comments by the Author

Comments on BriskerGolf As the author of this website I suppose I write primarily to entertain myself, but in doing so I am secretly hoping that I am helping all and sundry with my advice, always in a light-hearted1* and positive way. [1* When I was 12 my English teacher, the venerable Mr Bumphead, warned…

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B53: Revised Omniscorecard: 4th July’19

The new Omniscorecard is a primary record of all gross scores on each hole, for a BriskerGolf group. At the end of each hole, a calculation is made of the significant net score or scores at a hole, and the coin scoring at the hole, either automatically, by the BG App, or intellectually, by a…

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B48: Memories of Bobby Locke

The author has three friends with direct connections to Bobby Locke. Most directly, Pete Coleman, now aged 81, played with Bobby in an RAF Charity event when he [Pete] was 16 or 17. At that time Pete’s handicap was plus four, and he was being advised by the legendary 1920 Open Champion, George Duncan, who by…

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B47: Historic Non-BriskerGolfer: Bobby Locke

The wonderfully idiosyncratic and charismatic Bobby Locke, was his own man. He had nerves of steel, as exemplified by his war record as a pilot in World War Two, where he reputedly flew more than 100 missions over Europe for the South African Air Force, and in addition ‘served with distinction as a Royal Air…

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B39: BG Omniscorecard and Punctuation. Also Penalty Codes

The BG App automatically produces a dynamic interpretation of Gross scores and Net scores, when a single figure is inputted and verified by Secondary and Self-Markers, using the following punctuation: No Punctuation:  e.g. for an outright Gross score win equating to a Net Par (on the last Hole) or Net Birdie or Net Eagle on any Hole e.g. scores such as  6 / 5  or  5 / 4  or…

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B37: BriskerGolf played Casually, like Skins, or Formally, using a BG App

Like the classic game of Skins, BriskerGolf is both an individual and a team game. Unlike Skins however, BriskerGolf is a tightly regulated game, whose adherents are guided by a series of Brisker Rules that ensure that Brisk progress is made by every BriskerGolfer on every hole. Like Skins, BriskerGolf may be played completely informally by a group of three,…

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