B44: Historic BriskerGolfer: George Duncan, 1920 British Open Champion

George Duncan was a professional standard soccer player who wisely chose to become a Professional Golfer. He came to prominence before the first World War, with six top ten finishes in the British Open before the outbreak of the War.

Aged 37 in 1920 he won the first post World War British Open at Royal Cinque Ports in Kent, coming back from a 13 shot deficit after two rounds, to win by 2 shots from Abe Mitchell.

Aged 39 he came a close second by one shot to Walter Hagen, in the British Open at Royal St George’s Golf Club in Sandwich, Kent. He fluffed a chip on the last hole of the final round, from a dip in the fairway near to the green. With typical British irony, the dip on the 18th at Sandwich has been immortalised as ‘Duncan’s Hollow’!

George had many fine qualities. His tournament career was exceptional, over a very long period; he was a gifted golf teacher, regarded as the pro’s pro; he was a very fine golf course architect.

One thing that set him apart from all golfers was his pace of play. Such was his command of golf, that he rarely took a practice swing before playing a shot. As he approached his ball, wherever it was lying, including on the putting green, he had already decided on the stroke he was going to play, and would execute his shot without delay.

The author is privileged to know Peter Coleman, whose father was Assistant Professional to George at Mere Golf Club in Cheshire, from 1935 to about 1938.

In about 1952 Pete joined Mere Golf Club as a 15 year-old amateur.

Pete’s first meeting with George was in George’s Pro’s shop.

‘Ah, young Coleman,’ said George, ‘let’s have a look at your swing,’ and he marched Pete to the first tee.

Pete then hit a drive down the middle of the fairway!

‘It’s true what they say about you’ said George, and promptly turned to walk back to his shop!

About two years later, Pete, aged 16 or 17, was playing with the magical Bobby Locke. By then Pete’s handicap was plus four!

Pete never became a Golf Pro, nor was he ever selected for England as an Amateur, but his personality, business acumen and golfing talent have ensured that he has continuously prospered.

George Duncan was an exemplary BriskerGolfer all his golfing life, and he will always be remembered as the world’s foremost BriskerGolfer!

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