B09: BriskerGolf: a step forward – there’s no going back – Almost!

BriskerGolf is an abbreviated but very pure golf game, designed with the positive intention of educating golfers in the art of playing golf more Briskly!

Golfers learn that BriskerGolf means that there’s no going back, other than using the benign Five Strides RulePlaying a provisional ball is never an option!

Equally, it is a game structured to enable Charitable Causes to benefit from its competitions, whether they be Amateur, Club-Pro/Am, Tour-Pro, Tour-Pro/Celeb-Am, or Celeb-Am/Celeb-Am games; single or mixed sex; junior, adult or senior.

Moreover, it is also a game to challenge the elite golfers of the world, with the promise of a new World Title, that of the BriskerGolf  World Champion!

And for golfers of all abilities it is a game in which they are guaranteed to experience the exhilarating delights of individual competitiveness, athleticism, team spirit (co-operation), drama, comedy, tragedy, camaraderie, sociability and philanthropy – throughout the round!

BriskerGolf is a game that is indeed a step forward – there’s no going back – Almost!

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  1. FranBig on January 8, 2020 at 9:45 pm

    Hello. I have checked your briskergolf.am and i see you’ve got some duplicate
    content so probably it is the reason that you don’t
    rank hi in google. But you can fix this issue fast.
    There is a tool that rewrites content like human, just search in google:
    miftolo’s tools

    • David on January 20, 2020 at 11:06 pm

      Hi Jerald, you’re correct – I do have some duplicate content. Some of it is to emphasise a point.
      However I’ll keep revising my text!
      Best wishes,