B36: BG App ‘Lost Items’: an electronic noticeboard that helps to maintain BRISKER play.

By David | November 13, 2018

When you reach for a club in your bag, only to find that it has mysteriously gone missing, it is…

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B37: BriskerGolf played Casually, like Skins, or Formally, using a BG App

By David | November 14, 2018

Like the classic game of Skins, BriskerGolf is both an individual and a team game. Unlike Skins however, BriskerGolf is…

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B38: BriskerGolf in brief: Brutal, Restrictive, Inclusive & ensuring Brisker Play

By David | November 14, 2018

Individual scoring in BriskerGolf is as elegant as that of Skins: Win a Hole outright and a BriskerGolfer wins a Coin…

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B39: BG Omniscorecard and Punctuation. Also Penalty Codes

By David | November 16, 2018

The BG App automatically produces a dynamic interpretation of Gross scores and Net scores, when a single figure is inputted and verified by Secondary…

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B44: Historic BriskerGolfer: George Duncan, 1920 British Open Champion

By David | November 28, 2018

George Duncan was a professional standard soccer player who wisely chose to become a Professional Golfer. He came to prominence…

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B45: Historic BriskerGolfer: Harry Vardon, Six-Time British & One-Time US Open Champion

By David | November 29, 2018

Nicknamed The Greyhound, Harry Vardon was the world’s greatest golfer of his era. He had most of his tournament successes whilst…

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B46: Historic BriskerGolfer: Arnold Palmer, Legendary Multiple Major Winner & Golfing Icon

By David | November 29, 2018

In many golfer’s estimations no one did more to popularize the sport of golf than Arnie. One report described ‘his…

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B47: Historic Non-BriskerGolfer: Bobby Locke

By David | November 29, 2018

The wonderfully idiosyncratic and charismatic Bobby Locke, was his own man. He had nerves of steel, as exemplified by his…

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B48: Memories of Bobby Locke

By David | December 5, 2018

The author has three friends with direct connections to Bobby Locke. Most directly, Pete Coleman, now aged 81, played with…

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