100 Are FIVE golfers playing in Photo 100 below?
Four golfers are playing together, or is it five golfers? The fifth one could be within the woods, but would not delay the group by more than 30 seconds, as a BriskerGolfer.
Photo 100 Are there Four or Five golfers playing below ?? ↓

105 Introduction to BriskerGOLF.com (BG), a Five Ball MATCH-PLAY Golf Game.
Magically, every Hole in a BG five ball golf game has the potential to become a dramatically tight contest, within the whole of the golf round itself, in a LEVELLING UP process that demands the full commitment of all five BG players!
BG is an outstandingly entertaining and very inclusive golf game. Throughout every Hole there are numerous opportunities for golfers of almost all abilities to experience the amazingly spontaneous camaraderie of playing in a group of five: either as an effective team member of a whole variety sub-groups*, fluidly created and disbanded without acrimony; or as an unassuming Front-Runner(F-R) in vital win/loss/tie golfing duels.
[* Active-Underdogs, (A-U), is a spontaneously formed resistance group to a successful Front-Runner(F-R) at the conclusion of the initial phase of a BG Hole.]
The object of every Match Play Golf game is to win a Hole outright. In BG an outright win at a Hole is worth either one COIN, or a greater number of accumulated yet-to-be-won COINS (a COIN BONANZA!!)
A BG Scorecard is available for formal use, (see 105 Scorecard Excerpt below, and 105 Graphic of a Scorecard further below).
However, in casual BG games it is better to rely on memory-only BG contests.
See 105 Scorecard Excerpt below
105 SCORECARD Excerpt.
105 GRAPHIC of a BG Scorecard

110 BriskerGolf(BG) is a TWO ZONE game: (i) The ∞ zone (Infinity zone => an INFINITE Playing Field); (ii) The Ω zone (Omega-shaped zone, Closed Loop => the TARGET zone)
The ∞ zone (Infinity zone) on a BG Hole is an INFINITE playing field area, that stretches from the TEE in ALL directions*, well beyond any restrictive Standard Golf (SG) boundaries.
[* Including backward ricochet shots!]
The ∞ zone also surrounds the Target at a Hole, termed the Ω zone (Omega zone).
BriskerGolfers begin each Hole from a TEE within the ∞ zone and play in turn until every active BG player has reached the Ω zone.
On landing at the Ω zone an active BG player must immediately mark his/her ball, with an appropriately coloured pencil, about 5 inches (roughly 12 cm) long.
The colour of the marker pencil must be either Red, White or Blue, to reflect the Net Regulation Status of the ball on the Ω zone, as follows:
- W ( .W => White Hot Net Reg of 1 under Net Reg on the Ω zone*)
- R ( .R => Red Hot Net Reg of 'level' with Net Reg on the Ω zone)
- B ( .B => Cool Blue Net Reg of 1 over Net Reg on the Ω zone)
[* The 'Full Stop' (USA 'Period') to the left of a colour symbol or a ' + ' sign, indicates that a ball has come to a Full Stop on the Ω zone of the golf Hole in play.]
Any ball landing on the Ω zone in 2 over Net Reg or more, cannot be marked, and is to be Picked Up as it is a BLOATED score!
On a formal scorecard a BLOATED score is marked as:
- + ( ' . + ' is also known as a 'Dot Plus' score)
(TEMPORARILY RETAINED) Photos ...... ....... ......... above ↑, and Photos ....... ........ ....... below ↓
Photo 110 The Ω zone at a Hole is completely surrounded by ∞ zone areas ↓
![RD (∞) [∞] {∞} 17 June24 RD (∞) [∞] {∞} 17 June24](https://briskergolf.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/RD-∞-∞-∞-17-June24.jpeg)
110 Key to '∞ zone' BRACKETS used in Photo 110 above.
∞, with no brackets, => ∞ zone, on Fairway
( ∞ ) => ∞ zone, Left of Fairway; either in-bounds or out-of-bounds in Standard Golf(SG)
[ ∞ ] => ∞ zone, Right of Fairway; either in-bounds or out-of-bounds in Standard Golf(SG)
{ ∞ } => ∞ zone, Overhit Beyond Ω zone entirely; either in-bounds or out-of-bounds in Standard Golf(SG)
115 ORCHESTRATION of the FIRST PHASE OF BG PLAY at a Hole, WITHIN THE Ω zone, takes place between ALL Active BG Players that have legitimately marked their balls W or R or B using an appropriately coloured PENCIL to describe the NET REGULATION Status of their ball, as WHITE hot (one under Net Reg), Red Hot (level with Net Reg), or cool Blue (one over Net Reg). Any Ω zone ball that cannot be marked either W, R or B, is termed a BLOATED BALL , implying it represents an uncompetitively HIGH Score, and must be PICKED UP!
BriskerGolf may be either a SINGLE PHASE GAME, in the event of a TIE at a Hole. However if the Hole is NOT TIED, the contest at the Hole continues, as a SECOND PHASE Repêchage (Skewed Putting) competition. (See Note 120)
Note 120: BriskerGolfers compete as individuals in a FIVE BALL match play golf game, initially to achieve the status of PROVISIONAL WINNER (PW) at a Hole. This may become a PYRRHIC victory! As PW, a BG player automatically earns the exclusive title of 'privileged' FRONT-RUNNER, ('p' F-R), and must now defend this title in a SKEWED Repêchage Putting contest at the Hole, (or possibly Two SKEWED Repêchage Putting contests!) Success for the ('p' F-R) in the Repêchage/Repêchages is a minimum of TWO Repêchage TIES, or a decisive WIN in the FIRST Repêchage. This would earn the ('p' F-R) a STATUS upgrade to that of ABSOLUTE WINNER , (AW), of the Hole! Failure in the Repêchage event/events equates to LOSS of the Hole for the ('p' F-R) and the sour taste of a pyrrhic victory!
If a ('p'F-R) loses a Repêchage event to the spontaneously formed Active-Underdogs ,(A-U), group, this represents a conclusive VICTORY for the (A-U) team. They have conserved* the COINS! value of a Hole.
[* This COIN value is rolled up, together with the single COIN representing the value of the successive Hole, forming a COINS! BONANZA as a prize for the ABSOLUTE WINNER (AW) of the next Hole.]
Both Repêchages, RP1 and RP2 are deliberately SKEWED:
- RP1 is skewed in favour of the Active-Underdogs(A-U) group simply because of the ODDS of a four-strong putting team against a solo putter are generally in favour of the putting group!
- RP2 is skewed in favour of the ('p'F-R) because the qualification of an overall WIN by the privileged Front-`runner in the RP2 event is reduced to that of a TIE in the RP2.
In the event of an initial TIE at a Hole, there is no Repêchage event to follow it, and the Historic Rule:
A TIE implies that TWO BG PLAYERS have become the joint Front-Runners* (F-Rs) at the Hole.
Thus the COINS! value of a failed WIN (i.e. a TIE) at the current Hole is conserved and carried forward, to be accumulated with the single COIN value of the successive Hole.
This 'rolling up' practice of yet-to-be-won COINS! provides a COIN BONANZA at the very next Hole, which continues to grow with every successively tied Hole, until an ABSOLUTE Win, (AW), is achieved.
[* There is no point in a third BG player attempting to TIE a Hole. Such an attempt is TIME-WASTING and equates to a forced Withdrawal (WD) for such a tardy BG player, for the whole of the subsequent Hole!]
Rescindment of a forced WD necessitates the offending BG player being Briskly Present on the next-but-one TEE, and being FIRST** to TEE OFF in his/her BG Group of Five at this subsequent Hole.
[** Failure to be FIRST off the TEE by a forced WD negates rescindment for an additional Hole, where the FIRST to TEE OFF rule continues to apply, and so on!]
A Withdrawal (WD) may be used more benignly, to WD from a BG contest at a Hole in order to begin a Solo Search, after a fruitless 30 second group-search for a precious item, such as a pristine ball, mobile phone, golf club, lover, etc.
Such a WD is irreversible, from the moment it is declared.
Similar to a forced Withdrawal, (WD), at a Hole, a benign Withdrawal, (WD), may only be rescinded by a WD player adhering to the FIRST to TEE OFF rule at the very next Hole, (whereas a forced Withdrawal (WD) as described above, includes a WD from the whole of the next Hole.)
When a COIN BONANZA is eventually won outright, the COINS! value of a WIN at the next Hole reverts to a single COIN, and the competitive process of the game of COINS! ( => BriskerGolf ) continues as before.
125 Creating Opportunities to 'rein in' Leading BG Scorers.
A PROVISIONAL WIN of a Hole in a BG five-ball ball matchplay game is possible with an IMPRESSIVE SCORE of either:
- a Net Par
- or a Net Birdie
- or a Net Eagle
- or a Net Albatross
With generous full handicap WHS* allowances, exclusively within the FIRST PHASE of Play at the Hole**, most of these IMPRESSIVE achievements are within the range of a majority of sub-19 H'cap BriskerGolfers***!
[* World Handicap System]
[**i.e. excluding ALL Repêchage Putting in the SECOND PHASE of play, in which there are NO H'CAP allowances at a repeat use of the Ω zone of the BG Hole]
[*** BG has a H'cap limit of 18 (higher handicaps may play BG, but must play off 18 H'cap, and must be in the minority of a Five Ball BG game. Elite players, Pros & Ams, play off ZERO H'cap.]
Nevertheless it is often the case that a BriskerGolfer needs the support of his/her FULL H'cap****, together with that of the benign rules of BriskerGolf within the ∞ zone*****!
[****BG never operates a fractional H'cap allowance, such as three-quarters of a H'cap!]
[***** See BG web page "X + lowercase'x' Assists"]
However, there is no H'cap allowance when putting within the Ω zone of a BG Hole, in any Second Phase Repêchage event!
(BG App) => a Future BG APP: to promote (i) Less Formal single match BG games, and (ii) More Formal multiple match BG games
130 LEVELLING UP in BG is achieved by using a Second Phase contest at a Hole. This is OPEN to All Active* BG Players, and involves One, or possibly Two, Repêchage Putting contests! [* WD Players, who are non-active, are EXCLUDED from the whole of this Second Phase contest.]
It is often necessary to 'rein in' the most naturally successful exponents of BG, (possibly in addition to any BriskerGolfers whose WHS H'caps, [without prejudice], are artificially too high!)
Therefore, for balance, it is necessary to have a maximum* of a Two Stage Ω zone Repêchage Putting contest in order to confirm an Absolute Winner at a Hole.
[* Or a minimum of a Single Stage Ω zone Repêchage Putting contest, in the event of a decisive result (win) in the First Phase!]
- First Stage challenge: If a Provisional Outright Win* at a Hole is achieved with an IMPRESSIVE NET score by a single Front-Runner, (F-R), at the Hole, the Provisional Victor of the Hole achieves the temporary title of 'privileged'** Front-Runner, 'p'(F-R), at the Hole. The emergence of an individual 'p'(F-R) spontaneously creates an opposing fourfold team*** of Active-Underdogs,(A-U), at the Hole!
[* If an Outright Win at a Hole is NOT achieved, inevitably the Hole has been TIED by two Front-Runners,(F-Rs), at its conclusion.. It is wholly unnecessary for a third BG player to attempt to TIE the Hole! (This would be TIME WASTING, earning an immediate forced withdrawal (WD) from the current Hole, together with the whole of the next Hole for the transgressor!).
The Historic Rule in a TIED circumstance is Two Tie, All Tie. Therefore if the Hole is already TIED by two BG players, the Hole is concluded at this FIRST PHASE stage.
The unwon COIN (or COINS BONANZA) for victory at the Hole is conserved and rolled over, to be played for at the very next Hole, together with the COIN prize for this successive Hole, (increasing the COINS BONANZA at this Hole!)]
[** A 'privileged' Front-Runner, 'p'(F-R), earns the exclusive right to attempt to convert his/her Provisional Win (PW) into an Absolute Win (AW) in the Second Phase Repêchage challenge at the Hole!
On the other hand, the fourfold team of Active-Underdogs,(A-U), are motivated to CONSERVE the COIN value of a win at the Hole by defeating the 'p'(F-R) in the same Second Phase Repêchage Challenge at the Hole.]
[*** The (A-U) at full strength is a group of FOUR, but occasionally this group is diminished by one or more of its members undergoing a withdrawal (WD) period!]
- Second Stage Repêchage challenge: this is initiated by a need to resolve a contest between a single 'p'(F-R) and the potentially fourfold might of the Active-Underdogs (A-U) competing group. This challenge comprises of One, or possibly Two, skewed Repêchage Putting contests, RP1 and (possibly) RP2, within the Ω zone, between the 'p'(F-R) and the (A-U), to finally determine the outcome of the battle between the 'p'(F-R) and the (A-U)! The R1 battle is possibly (i) a single step* event, in which a victory or loss for the 'p'(F-R) is either an outright win or outright loss. However, an RP1 tie, results in (ii), a second step** event, of a second Repêchage Putting contest, RP2. Such an RP2 event can only occur if the warring 'p'(F-R) and (A-U) tie the first stage event. WARNING: the 'privileged' 'p'(F-R) earns the privileged right to an overall VICTORY over the tenacious (A-U) with either a tie in this second step RP2 event or a win! Only a loss in the RP2 event by the 'p'(F-R) can prevent him/her becoming the Unconditional Winner* (AW) of the Hole at this later Stage!
[* DEFEAT of the 'p'(F-R) in either the first or second step of the Repêchage Putting contests, RP1 or RP2, earns the Front-Runner the ignominious title of the Absolute Loser (AL) of the Hole, and the COIN or COIN BONANZA prize for winning the Hole is cancelled. The (A-U) celebrate a team victory at the Hole by conserving the COIN or COINS value of the Hole, for it to be rolled over to be played for at the very next Hole, together with the COIN value of this Hole, creating a COIN BONANZA prize at this successive Hole.]
[* (i) in a brutally skewed Sudden Death Repêchage Putting contest, (RP 1), from a starting point that is to be determined by the 'p'(F-R) as being about two strides width of the Ω zone imaginary base line at the Hole, marked by the 'p'(F-R) with TWO TEE PEGS. The 'p'(F-R) must either SURVIVE in RP 1 (by tieing for the lead in the skewed RP 1 at the Hole), or TRIUMPH in the RP 1 (by winning the skewed RP 1 contest at the Hole, and thus becoming the Unconditional Winner (UW) of the Hole! The UW's prize is the COINS value of the Hole and the contest for the Hole ends abruptly at this point! Similarly, If the 'p'(F-R) loses the RP 1 contest at the Hole to the (A-U), the contest for the Hole ends abruptly! The (A-U) group's members CONSERVE the value of the COINS prize at the Hole, for ALL FIVE BG players, and this is rolled up, together with the COIN prize for the following Hole, creating a COINS BONANZA at this Hole! Unfortunately the 'p'(F-R) becomes titled the Absolute Loser (AL) of the Hole!]
[** (ii) in the event of a TIE between the pF-R and the (A-U) in RP 1 a second brutally skewed Sudden Death Repêchage Putting contest, (RP 2), must take place, this time from a starting point that is again to be determined by the 'p'(F-R) as being about two strides width of the Ω zone imaginary top line at the Hole, marked by the 'p'(F-R) with TWO TEE PEGS.((((different location with a more favourable format for the 'p'(F-R) ! The 'p'(F-R) may win the RP 2 contest, but in fact only has to TIE this Repêchage, RP 2, to win the entire Repêchage Putting contest, and the COINS prize at the Hole, and the title of Unconditional Winner (UW) of the Hole! ]
Thus it possible to involve all matchplay BG players, all of the time, in the quirky and quick game of BriskerGolf!
Repêchages 1 (and possibly 2) represent a definitively last-ditch attempt to include ALL BriskerGolfers that are on the brink of defeat at a BG Hole, termed:
- the Active-Underdogs (A-U) at the BG (Ω zone only) phase of the Hole!
- Pitting the Provisional Winner, (the 'privileged' Front-Runner)'p'(F-R), of a BG Hole against the Active-Underdogs(A-U) in a devilishly Skewed Sudden Death Repêchage Putting contest is a form of levelling up the competition between BriskerGolfers in a group, and adds to the collective FUN of BG.
Repêchage, R1, rules (exclusively within the Ω zone of a BG Hole)
(i) Playing from the common Base Line* of the joint Ω / ∞ dividing line at the front of the Green of the current Hole, with No H'cap allowance, every BG player plays in a solo turn, continuously, from the Base Line towards the PIN at the Hole, to either a conclusion (Holing out) or to a concession (picking up ball).
[* Mark out an approximate Base Line width of TWO STRIDES using two TEE pegs to represent the limits of this putting line.]
(ii) The PIN at the Hole is to be left unattended* throughout the whole of this mini-competition.)
[*And never removed from the Hole]
(iii) No ball is to be marked in this Repêchage event.
(iv) (No H'cap allowances are permitted in this Repêchage event.)
(v) The First BG player to play in Repêchage, R1, is always the privileged Front-Runner, 'p'(F-R).
(vi) The order of play of the Active-Underdogs (A-U) team (fourfold or depleted by forced WD) is to be alphabetical by surname**.
[** A non-binding rule!]
(vi) One solo player, always the 'p'(F-R), begins putting from the imaginary line marked out between the two TEE PEGS, and completes his/her putting score in a continuous action, without ever marking his/her ball, or removing the PIN from its cup.**
[**Any solo player that defaults in this process of continuous action, by either touching his/her ball, with hand/foot/club/etc, or by touching or removing the Flagstick until his/her putting is completed or curtailed, is immediately withdrawn (WD) from the Repêchage competition, and this WD is also applied to the following Hole.]
(vii) The solo 'p'(F-R) sets the target score for any member of the (A-U) to either TIE or IMPROVE ON.
(viii) Play continues with the first member of the (A-U) attempting to out-putt the 'p'(F-R)***
[***ALL (A-U) players are GIVEN a three putt score at the R1 Hole, and therefore the upper target score for an (A-U) player becomes two putts!
(ix) No Given Putt is allowed for the 'p'(F-R).
Participating in a Skewed SDPC from time to time in a BriskerGolf round is unavoidable!
Every Provisional Win at a Hole is immediately followed by a Conclusive BALANCING Team Play Event at the Hole: a contest that always involves ALL the BriskerGolfers in a group, to its fatal conclusion!
The elegant rule: Two Tie, All Tie suffices for all IMPRESSIVE NET Score ties at a Hole. (i.e. Two NET PAR Ties; Two NET BIRDIE Ties; Two NET EAGLE Ties; Two NET ALBATROSS Ties [in theory].)
The threefold group of BG losers that naturally forms at the completion of a Tied IMPRESSIVE BriskerGolf Hole are the relieved beneficiaries of such Ties!
Equally the BriskerGolf Backstop Rule is effective in equalising scores that are less than Impressive at the level of no worse than a NET BOGEY score, enabling a dignified and brisk NET BOGEY Tie (Two Tie, All Tie) for ALL at any substandard Hole.
Thus brisk progress is continually made by all BG players, without any setbacks!
(BG Nursery Slope games: BG4 SR(Single Round), BG3 SR, & BG2 SR have similar rules to BG5 SR)
(BG App) => a Future BG APP: to promote (i) Less Formal single match BG games, and (ii) More Formal multiple match BG games
125 REPÊCHAGE event, R1.
[* (i) in a brutally skewed Sudden Death Repêchage Putting contest, (RP 1), from a starting point that is to be determined by the 'p'(F-R) as being about two strides width of the Ω zone imaginary base line at the Hole, marked by the 'p'(F-R) with TWO TEE PEGS. The 'p'(F-R) must either SURVIVE in RP 1 (by tieing for the lead in the skewed RP 1 at the Hole), or TRIUMPH in the RP 1 (by winning the skewed RP 1 contest at the Hole, and thus becoming the Unconditional Winner (UW) of the Hole! The UW's prize is the COINS value of the Hole and the contest for the Hole ends abruptly at this point! Similarly, If the 'p'(F-R) loses the RP 1 contest at the Hole to the (A-U), the contest for the Hole ends abruptly! The (A-U) group's members CONSERVE the value of the COINS prize at the Hole, for ALL FIVE BG players, and this is rolled up, together with the COIN prize for the following Hole, creating a COINS BONANZA at this Hole! Unfortunately the 'p'(F-R) becomes titled the Absolute Loser (AL) of the Hole!]
[** (ii) in the event of a TIE between the pF-R and the (A-U) in RP 1 a second brutally skewed Sudden Death Repêchage Putting contest, (RP 2), must take place, this time from a starting point that is again to be determined by the 'p'(F-R) as being about two strides width of the Ω zone imaginary top line at the Hole, marked by the 'p'(F-R) with TWO TEE PEGS.((((different location with a more favourable format for the 'p'(F-R) ! The 'p'(F-R) may win the RP 2 contest, but in fact only has to TIE this Repêchage, RP 2, to win the entire Repêchage Putting contest, and the COINS prize at the Hole, and the title of Unconditional Winner (UW) of the Hole! ]
Thus it possible to involve all matchplay BG players, all of the time, in the quirky and quick game of BriskerGolf!
Repêchages 1 (and possibly 2) represent a definitively last-ditch attempt to include ALL BriskerGolfers that are on the brink of defeat at a BG Hole, termed:
- the Active-Underdogs (A-U) at the BG Ω zone phase of the Hole!
- Pitting the Provisional Winner, (the 'privileged' Front-Runner)'p'(F-R), of a BG Hole against the Active-Underdogs(A-U) in a devilishly Skewed Sudden Death Repêchage Putting contest is a form of levelling up the competition between BriskerGolfers in a group, and adds to the collective FUN of BG.
Repêchage, R1, rules (exclusively within the Ω zone of a BG Hole)
(i) Playing from the common Base Line* of the joint Ω / ∞ dividing line at the front of the Green of the current Hole, with No H'cap allowance, every BG player plays in a solo turn, continuously, from the Base Line towards the PIN at the Hole, to either a conclusion (Holing out) or to a concession (picking up ball).
[* Mark out an approximate Base Line width of TWO STRIDES using two TEE pegs to represent the limits of this putting line.]
(ii) The PIN at the Hole is to be left unattended* throughout the whole of this mini-competition.)
[*And never removed from the Hole]
(iii) No ball is to be marked in this Repêchage event.
(iv) (No H'cap allowances are permitted in this Repêchage event.)
(v) The First BG player to play in Repêchage, R1, is always the privileged Front-Runner, 'p'(F-R).
(vi) The order of play of the Active-Underdogs (A-U) team (fourfold or depleted by forced WD) is to be alphabetical by surname**.
[** A non-binding rule!]
(vi) One solo player, always the 'p'(F-R), begins putting from the imaginary line marked out between the two TEE PEGS, and completes his/her putting score in a continuous action, without ever marking his/her ball, or removing the PIN from its cup.**
[**Any solo player that defaults in this process of continuous action, by either touching his/her ball, with hand/foot/club/etc, or by touching or removing the Flagstick until his/her putting is completed or curtailed, is immediately withdrawn (WD) from the Repêchage competition, and this WD is also applied to the following Hole.]
(vii) The solo 'p'(F-R) sets the target score for any member of the (A-U) to either TIE or IMPROVE ON.
(viii) Play continues with the first member of the (A-U) attempting to out-putt the 'p'(F-R)***
[***ALL (A-U) players are GIVEN a three putt score at the R1 Hole, and therefore the upper target score for an (A-U) player becomes two putts!
(ix) No Given Putt is allowed for the 'p'(F-R).
Participating in a Skewed SDPC from time to time in a BriskerGolf round is unavoidable!
Every Provisional Win at a Hole is immediately followed by a Conclusive BALANCING Team Play Event at the Hole: a contest that always involves ALL the BriskerGolfers in a group, to its fatal conclusion!
The elegant rule: Two Tie, All Tie suffices for all IMPRESSIVE NET Score ties at a Hole. (i.e. Two NET PAR Ties; Two NET BIRDIE Ties; Two NET EAGLE Ties; Two NET ALBATROSS Ties [in theory].)
The threefold group of BG losers that naturally forms at the completion of a Tied IMPRESSIVE BriskerGolf Hole are the relieved beneficiaries of such Ties!
Equally the BriskerGolf Backstop Rule is effective in equalising scores that are less than Impressive at the level of no worse than a NET BOGEY score, enabling a dignified and brisk NET BOGEY Tie (Two Tie, All Tie) for ALL at any substandard Hole.
Thus brisk progress is continually made by all BG players, without any setbacks!
(BG Nursery Slope games: BG4 SR(Single Round), BG3 SR, & BG2 SR have similar rules to BG5 SR)
(BG App) => a Future BG APP: to promote (i) Less Formal single match BG games, and (ii) More Formal multiple match BG games
130 Repêchage Event, R2
Repêchage, R1, rules (exclusively within the Ω zone of a BG Hole)
(i) Playing from the common Base Line* of the joint Ω / ∞ dividing line at the front of the Green of the current Hole, with No H'cap allowance, every BG player plays in a solo turn, continuously, from the Base Line towards the PIN at the Hole, to either a conclusion (Holing out) or to a concession (picking up ball).
[* Mark out an approximate Base Line width of TWO STRIDES using two TEE pegs to represent the limits of this putting line.]
(ii) The PIN at the Hole is to be left unattended* throughout the whole of this mini-competition.)
[*And never removed from the Hole]
(iii) No ball is to be marked in this Repêchage event.
(iv) (No H'cap allowances are permitted in this Repêchage event.)
(v) The First BG player to play in Repêchage, R1, is always the privileged Front-Runner, 'p'(F-R).
(vi) The order of play of the Active-Underdogs (A-U) team (fourfold or depleted by forced WD) is to be alphabetical by surname**.
[** A non-binding rule!]
(vi) One solo player, always the 'p'(F-R), begins putting from the imaginary line marked out between the two TEE PEGS, and completes his/her putting score in a continuous action, without ever marking his/her ball, or removing the PIN from its cup.**
[**Any solo player that defaults in this process of continuous action, by either touching his/her ball, with hand/foot/club/etc, or by touching or removing the Flagstick until his/her putting is completed or curtailed, is immediately withdrawn (WD) from the Repêchage competition, and this WD is also applied to the following Hole.]
(vii) The solo 'p'(F-R) sets the target score for any member of the (A-U) to either TIE or IMPROVE ON.
(viii) Play continues with the first member of the (A-U) attempting to out-putt the 'p'(F-R)***
[***ALL (A-U) players are GIVEN a three putt score at the R1 Hole, and therefore the upper target score for an (A-U) player becomes two putts!
(ix) No Given Putt is allowed for the 'p'(F-R).
Participating in a Skewed SDPC from time to time in a BriskerGolf round is unavoidable!
Every Provisional Win at a Hole is immediately followed by a Conclusive BALANCING Team Play Event at the Hole: a contest that always involves ALL the BriskerGolfers in a group, to its fatal conclusion!
The elegant rule: Two Tie, All Tie suffices for all IMPRESSIVE NET Score ties at a Hole. (i.e. Two NET PAR Ties; Two NET BIRDIE Ties; Two NET EAGLE Ties; Two NET ALBATROSS Ties [in theory].)
The threefold group of BG losers that naturally forms at the completion of a Tied IMPRESSIVE BriskerGolf Hole are the relieved beneficiaries of such Ties!
Equally the BriskerGolf Backstop Rule is effective in equalising scores that are less than Impressive at the level of no worse than a NET BOGEY score, enabling a dignified and brisk NET BOGEY Tie (Two Tie, All Tie) for ALL at any substandard Hole.
Thus brisk progress is continually made by all BG players, without any setbacks!
Photo 104 Are there Four or Five golfers playing below ? ↓
140 Two separate sets of BG Rules have been created to govern play in the two distinct zones at each Hole: the ∞ zone rules & the Ω zone rules, [See Notes 125 & 130 below], to facilitate BRISKER progress in every BG round.
Four golfers are playing together, or is it five golfers? The fifth one could be within the woods, but would not delay the group by more than 30 seconds, as a BriskerGolfer.
150 Overview of BG (BriskerGolf). BG is a Pure and Very Brisk Five Ball golf game!
X Assist => (Xero penalty) Assist
x assist => (xero penalty) assist
Photo 135 below ↓

140 The vastness of the ∞ zone (INFINITY zone) of a BriskerGolf(BG) Hole is confirmed below, in Photo 110. The ∞ zone exists as a gigantic, unlimited PLAYING FIELD, that stretches from the TEE at any specific Hole to beyond the furthest reaches of the perifery of the GREEN at the Hole, and includes areas that are 'infinitely BEYOND' any outer boundaries* created for 'formal Standard Golf(SG) play' at a Hole. [*All balls SKEWED or OVERHIT beyond SG boundaries, (potentially some of those shown in Photo 110 below, as areas (∞), [∞] and {∞}), are WITHIN the ∞ zone, wherever they land. Such balls, 'found' or decisively declared 'lost', within 30 seconds of their owners' arrival at a ball search location, are playable as ∞ zone balls when FOUND (or declared LOST) and may be FREELY moved and Carefully PLACED 'within SG boundaries' by virtue of the FREE X Assist Rule: [See Note 245 on webpage BG(2)].
Photo 111 below ↓
![RD (∞) [∞] {∞} 17 June24 RD (∞) [∞] {∞} 17 June24](https://briskergolf.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/RD-∞-∞-∞-17-June24.jpeg)
150 Overview of BG (BriskerGolf). BG is a Pure and Very Brisk Five Ball golf game!
X Assist => (Xero penalty) Assist
x assist => (xero penalty) assist
Photo 150 below ↓
145 Natural & Artificial lies. Optional use of 'X Assist' and 'x assist.'
Every ball location from a TEE shot is PLAYABLE in BriskerGolf(BG), with the majority of second shots being from ∞ zone lies.
Most ∞ zone lies are termed Natural lies, such as:
- ALL in-bounds lies in the Rough (which includes ALL formal and casual Water hazards, and ALL Natural sand lies, such as barancas and beaches.)
- ALL Standard Golf(SG) out-of-bounds lies.
- ALL Lost Ball occasions.
Optional FREE RELIEF is available for decisive BriskerGolfers within 30 seconds of arrival at either the approximate location of a 'Lost' ∞ zone Ball, or the exact location of a 'Found' ∞ zone Ball, (albeit found in an awkward lie).
For such a Natural lie, an optional FREE aid is available, X Assist, for ALL BriskerGolfers. [See Note 245 on webpage BG(2) for details of X Assist (X => Xero penalty)].
An Artificial lie is the opposite of a Natural lie: it is a lie in a deliberately manicured construction on a golf course. Examples of Artificial lies include:
- Fairways
- Hard Core Roads and Pathways
- Raked Sand Bunkers
- Greens
- Manicured Grass Aprons adjacent to Greens
- Stone or wooden constructions
It is sometimes possible to land in a degraded Artificial lie. To guard against being disadvantaged by such an event, a separate, optional, FREE x assist is available to all BriskerGolfers. [See Note 250 on webpage BG(2)] for details of x assist (where x => xero penalty)].
Examples of degraded Artificial lies include:
- Fairways degraded by divots, animal scrapes, sprinkler heads, artificial constructions (stone-based or metal or wooden), footpaths and roads, bridges, bulwarks, fences, sheds, towers, casual water
- Raked Sand Bunkers degraded by an embedded ball lie, divots, animal scrapes, footprints(human or animal), machinery
- Greens degraded by pitch marks, divots, animal scrapes, footprints(human or animal), machinery, casual water
- Aprons adjacent to Greens similarly degraded as Greens

155 An IMAGINARY STRAIGHT LINE at a TANGENT to the Very Front Edge of a GREEN at a Hole, is of DUAL SIGNIFICANCE in BriskerGolf: (i) It is the Straight Line (Base-Line) beginning of an OZONE Boundary, part of a joint Boundary between the ∞ zone and the Ω zone of a Hole, (see Photo 120 above). (ii) Additionally, it is the START LINE which is used in the event of an initial REPÊCHAGE (putting event), R1, being played at a Hole. [See Repêchage event, Note 260 on webpage B(2).]
Photo 160 Another ∞ / Ω zone Base-Line boundary below ↓, (similar to Photo 120 Ω zone Base-Line Boundary above ↑)

Photo 160 above ↑
165 Another IMAGINARY STRAIGHT LINE at a TANGENT to the Very REAR Edge of a GREEN at a Hole ('INVISIBLE' in Photos 120 & 122 above), parallel to the Principal Imaginary Straight Line at the Base of the Hole, is of SPECIAL SIGNIFICANCE in BriskerGolf: it is the START LINE which is used in the event of a SECOND REPÊCHAGE (putting) event , R2, being played at a Hole.
170 INTERLUDE (1): Photo 120 above, is also an example of a distinct difference between STANDARD Golf(SG) and BRISKER Golf(BG
BriskerGolf (BG) dispenses with the relatively new Rule Modification* initiated by the R&A and USPGA on 1st January 2019, which reduced Ball Search Time to a maximum of 3 minutes.
[* A modification of the age-old 5 minute Ball Search Time rule].
The invisible fifth BriskerGolfer above will be able to claim much improved FREE relief within 30 seconds of his/her arrival at an approximate ball-search area at a Hole, via the important BG Free Ball Search Rule: X ASSIST (Xero ASSIST).
X ASSIST is a BG FREE RULE that enables a BriskerGolfer to eXtricate himself/herself from any awkward Natural in-bounds lie, either within the rough*, or in any out-of-bounds lie**, external to a Standard Golf(SG) Hole, including any lost ball lie. [See Note 115 above, and Note 245, webpage BG(2)]
[* Rough includes includes any form of water: formal (Ponds, Lakes, Sea, Rivers, Ditches, Streams, Canals) and casual (puddles, bogs)].
[** Out-of-bounds refers to any ball lost or found externally to the current boundary of a Standard Golf(SG) Hole.]
175 The ∞ zone at a Hole always surrounds the Ω zone, as shown in Photo 175 below. Note that the Ω/∞ TOP LINE, parallel to the Ω/∞ BASE LINE remains 'invisible'. This Top Line is only to be temporarily marked out with with TWO TEE PEGS, when needed for a second REPÊCHAGE event, R2, at a Hole.
155 below ↓ shows that the ∞ zone surrounds the Ω zone at a Hole. Note that the imaginary Ω / ∞ Top Line parallel to the Ω / ∞ Base Line remains invisible. This latter line (just below {∞}) is only to be marked out (by two TEE PEGS) and used for a second Repêchage event, R2.
175 below↓

055 Above ↑
Note that the Ω / ∞ boundary may optionally exceed the boundary of the Green at a Hole, but its minimum size is the actual boundary of the Green, plus the minimal area between the straight-line ∞ / Ω boundary at a tangent to the forefront of the Green, and the curvature of the Green at either side of its tangential forefront.
BriskerGolfers may choose to include or exclude any manicured areas of grass or sand that are adjacent to the Green, as either Ω or ∞ zone regions of a Hole.
When an imaginary Ω / ∞ boundary passes through a sand hazard, as in 055 above, the WHOLE of the sand hazard may be deemed to be in the Ω zone. Alternatively NONE of the sand hazard may be deemed to be in the Ω zone.
060 below ↓

060 above ↑
Note that a WIDER version of the Ω zone above may be imagined, to include the two bunkers either side of the Green.
065 below ↓ shows a glorious links green, without any green side bunkers, but having a very variable interpretation of its Ω zone!

065 above ↑
Note that manicured areas of grass, adjacent to the fine cut areas of the Green, may be considered to be within the Ω zone of the Hole.
070 Natural Hazards within the ∞ zone of a BG Hole.
A Natural Hazard on a BriskerGolf(BG) Hole may be in any ∞ zone location: fairway, rough (including native sand), or in an out-of-bounds area of a Standard Golf(SG) Hole! (Note that such an SG out-of-bounds area is only recognised as an ∞ zone in BG.)
A ball considered by its owner to be lying in a marginally BELOW AVERAGE LIE, within the ∞ zone of a BG Hole, (i.e. more awkward to play than in a normal lie) qualifies as being in a Natural Hazard.
Natural Hazards include:
- Fairway lies, such as divot holes; animal scrapes; mud balls; puddle balls; stone impediments
- Rough lies, such as thick semi-rough; deep rough grass; scrub; bushes; trees; stone or wooden impediments
- Watery lies, such as temporary puddles and mud; boggy ground
- Essential man-made on-course immovable constructions are also termed Natural Hazards. Examples include sprinkler heads, fences, walls, towers, sheds, bulwarks and bridges.
- Lost Ball lies
- Out Of Bounds lies (any ball in an out-of-bounds area of a Standard Golf(SG) Hole is NOT PENALISED. The errant ball (or a substitute ball) is moved to a location within the in-bounds area of a Standard Golf(SG) Hole, not nearer to the PIN, and from this spot the X Assist Rule (BG FREE FIVE STRIDE RETREAT RULE [BG FFSRR]) is applied to the found ball or to a substitute ball.)
∞ zone locations of Natural Hazards are denoted as:
(∞) => left of fairway; ∞ => central fairway; [∞] => right of fairway
{∞} => beyond {i.e. overshooting} the Target of the Ω zone
(See 040 above ↑)
075 Artificial Hazards in the ∞ zone of a BG Hole.
An Artificial Hazard in the ∞ zone of a BriskerGolf(BG) Hole may be in the fairway or the rough, and its location is purposely to entrap unwary golfers!
Examples include raked sand bunkers, cut grass bunkers, cut grass mounds, and water hazards, (excluding temporary water, such as puddles and boggy ground, which are Natural Hazards).
Artificial Hazards include:
- Raked Sand Bunkers: denoted as (∞ sand); ∞ sand; [∞ sand]; {∞ sand}
- Cut Grass Hollows: denoted as (∞ hollow); ∞ hollow; [∞ hollow]; {∞ hollow}
- Cut Grass Humps: denoted as (∞ hump); ∞ hump; [∞ hump]; {∞ hump}
- Formal Water Hazards: (ditches, streams, ponds, lakes, rivers, sea, ocean) denoted as (∞ water); ∞ water; [∞ water]; {∞ water}
080 The BG 'X Assist' is a LIFELINE that is freely available to any BriskerGolfer experiencing a 'Natural Hazard' within the ∞ zone.
085 1.01.9 The BG Free Single Stride Retreat Rule (BG FSSRR) is a short but vital LIFELINE from an 'Awkward Lie' in any Artificial Hazard in the ∞ zone.
An Artificial Hazard in the ∞ zone of a BriskerGolf(BG) Hole may be in the fairway or the rough, and its location is purposely to entrap unwary golfers!
A ball in an Artificial Hazard may be moved and replaced (not dropped!), a distance of upto a Single Stride, not nearer to the PIN, from its replacement point (its awkward lie, or estimated lost ball lie), and in the particular instance a ball lying in a raked sand hazard, the ball may not be replaced outside the boundary of the sand hazard.
Artificial Hazards include:
- Raked Sand Bunkers: locations denoted as (∞ sand); ∞ sand; [∞ sand]; {∞ sand}
- Cut Grass Hollows: locations denoted as (∞ hollow); ∞ hollow; [∞ hollow]; {∞ hollow}
- Cut Grass Humps: locations denoted as (∞ hump); ∞ hump; [∞ hump]; {∞ hump}
- Formal Water Hazards (ditches, streams, ponds, lakes, rivers, sea, ocean): locations denoted as (∞ water); ∞ water; [∞ water]; {∞ water}
095 A 'Natural Hazard*' LIFELINE in the ∞ zone: The BG Free Five Strides Retreat Rule (BG FFSRR).
The ∞ zone is a vast area in which all golfers are encouraged to make Brisk Progress by means of extremely sporting rules that minimise the inevitable setbacks experienced in golf by all of its devotees, to a greater or lesser degree.
Two Free BG Lifelines are available to BriskerGolfers in need of help at a Hole.
(i) The Free Five Strides rule*:
[* Applicable only to BG ∞ zone Natural Lies]
This is a BG Free Lifeline for any awkward ∞ zone lie, from an actual or an estimated point of entry into any In-Bounds or Out-Of-Bounds Standard Golf(SG) location.
Use the BG Free Five Strides Retreat Rule, (BG FFSRR), to place, (never drop!) the found ball, or a substitute ball for an unfound ball, in a playable lie, without penalty.
The BG Free Five Strides Retreat Rule (BG FFSRR) is to take FIVE STRIDES laterally, from the estimated or actual point of origin of the awkwardly positioned ball, towards the centre of a Hole, and then take FIVE STRIDES in retreat, towards the TEE of the Hole,
(Actual or Estimated Point of Origin) >| → → → → → >(Towards Centre of Fairway)<
(Retreating Towards TEE)
Then gently PLACE the formerly SKEWED ball in a good lie. (DO NOT DROP IT!)
- A lost ball lie in an awkward ∞ zone lie: in a game of BriskerGolf such a ball may declared permanently mislaid, after a search of no more than 30 seconds, (search timed by a Ball Marker), after which decisive action must be taken.
A BriskerGolfer may accept the sad loss of his/her ball and use the BG Free Five Strides Retreat Rule (BG FFSRR), as above, from the approximate location of the lost ball, to place (never drop!) a substitute ball, in a playable lie, without penalty.
Alternatively a BriskerGolfer may accept a default score of a Net Bogey at the current Hole, and continue his/her ball search alone, or with a personal caddy, withdrawing from the current Hole, but taking care to be present thereafter at the conclusion of his group's play at the Ω zone with fellow competitors, to be able to participate with fellow competitors in any repêchage event at the end of the Hole.
- An unplayable ball lie in an ∞ zone: in a game of BriskerGolf a ball may declared unplayable, after a successful search of no more than 30 seconds, (search timed by a Ball Marker). Thereafter the BG Free Five Strides (BG FFS) rule, from the location of the found ball, must be used to place (never drop!) the found ball, in a playable lie, without penalty. In the event of a ball being found, but in an irretrievable lie, such as a gorse bush, then a substitute ball may be used, and an estimate of Five Strides be made from the actual location of the found ball.
- A variation of the BG Free Five Strides (BG FFS) rule may be used when appropriate: firstly to take FIVE STRIDES in retreat, towards the TEE of a Hole, and then to take FIVE STRIDES laterally, towards the centre of the Hole. This is often necessary when a ball careers into a water hazard.
- Another variation of the BG Free Five Strides (BG FFS) rule is the BG Free Ten Strides (BG FTS) rule. This is often necessary when attempting to find a playable lie after a remarkably SKEWED shot! (Note that two successive applications of the BG FFS rule are exactly equivalent to one application of the BG FTS rule.
(ii) The One Free Stride rule(OFS rule)*, may be used in the event of an awkwardly lying ball, in any location. The ball must be PLACED (never dropped!) not nearer to the Hole, using a single grab/ungrab**contact with such a problematic ball:
[* Applicable to both ∞ & Ω zone lies]
[** A second grab/ungrab contact with an awkwardly lying ball is illegal, and is an immediate Penalty, P, of one stroke.]
The OFS rule is a BG Free Lifeline for the following awkward lies:
- All sand lies, in raked bunkers or in natural sand, such as barancas.
- All puddle and mud lies, on fairways and in rough.
- All man-made divots, on fairways and in rough.
- All animal scrapes.
- All pitch marks on GREENS.
Again, all balls afforded free relief must be PLACED, never Dropped, into position.
100 The difficulties posed by both Natural and Artificial Hazards in ∞ zones are often mitigated respectively by the BG X Assist rule( a LIFELINE from a Natural Hazard) or by the BG x assist rule( a LIFELINE from an Artificial Hazard).
The ∞ zone is a vast area in which all golfers are encouraged to make Brisk Progress by means of extremely sporting rules that minimise the inevitable setbacks experienced in golf by all of its devotees, to a greater or lesser degree.
A series of Free BG Lifelines are available to BriskerGolfers in need of help at a Hole.
(i) The Free Five Strides rule*:
[* Applicable only to BG ∞ zone lies]
This is a BG Free Lifeline for the following awkward lies:
- A Standard Golf(SG) Out-Of-Bounds lie: there are no Out-Of-Bounds lies in BriskerGolf(BG)! From the estimated point of entry into an SG O-O-B location, use the BG Free Five Strides (BG FFS) rule to place (never drop!) the found ball, or a substitute ball, in a playable lie, without penalty.
The BG FFS rule is to take FIVE STRIDES laterally, from the estimated point of entry (as above), towards the centre of a Hole, and then take FIVE STRIDES in retreat, towards the TEE of the Hole,
(SG O-O-B) >| → → → → → >(Centre of Fairway)<
(Retreating Towards TEE)
Then gently PLACING the formerly SKEWED ball in a good lie. (DO NOT DROP IT!)
- A lost ball lie in an ∞ zone: in a game of BriskerGolf it may declared temporarily mislaid, after a search of no more than 30 seconds, (search timed by a Ball Marker), after which decisive action must be taken.
A BriskerGolfer may accept the sad loss of his/her ball and use the BG Free Five Strides (BG FFS) rule, as above, from the approximate location of the lost ball, to place (never drop!) a substitute ball, in a playable lie, without penalty.
Alternatively a BriskerGolfer may accept a default score of a Net Bogey at the current Hole, and continue his/her ball search alone, or with a personal caddy, withdrawing from the current Hole, but taking care to be present thereafter at the conclusion of his group's play at the Ω zone with fellow competitors, to be able to participate with fellow competitors in any repêchage event at the end of the Hole.
- An unplayable ball lie in an ∞ zone: in a game of BriskerGolf a ball may declared unplayable, after a successful search of no more than 30 seconds, (search timed by a Ball Marker). Thereafter the BG Free Five Strides (BG FFS) rule, from the location of the found ball, must be used to place (never drop!) the found ball, in a playable lie, without penalty. In the event of a ball being found, but in an irretrievable lie, such as a gorse bush, then a substitute ball may be used, and an estimate of Five Strides be made from the actual location of the found ball.
- A variation of the BG Free Five Strides (BG FFS) rule may be used when appropriate: firstly to take FIVE STRIDES in retreat, towards the TEE of a Hole, and then to take FIVE STRIDES laterally, towards the centre of the Hole. This is often necessary when a ball careers into a water hazard.
- Another variation of the BG Free Five Strides (BG FFS) rule is the BG Free Ten Strides (BG FTS) rule. This is often necessary when attempting to find a playable lie after a remarkably SKEWED shot! (Note that two successive applications of the BG FFS rule are exactly equivalent to one application of the BG FTS rule.
(ii) The One Free Stride rule(OFS rule)*, may be used in the event of an awkwardly lying ball, in any location. The ball must be PLACED (never dropped!) not nearer to the Hole, using a single grab/ungrab**contact with such a problematic ball:
[* Applicable to both ∞ & Ω zone lies]
[** A second grab/ungrab contact with an awkwardly lying ball is illegal, and is an immediate Penalty, P, of one stroke.]
The OFS rule is a BG Free Lifeline for the following awkward lies:
- All sand lies, in raked bunkers or in natural sand, such as barancas.
- All puddle and mud lies, on fairways and in rough.
- All man-made divots, on fairways and in rough.
- All animal scrapes.
- All pitch marks on GREENS.
Again, all balls afforded free relief must be PLACED, never Dropped, into position.
Photo 50 below, showing an Ω zone, surrounded by the ∞ zone.

Referring to Photos below ↓
125 The ∞ zone (INFINITY zone) of every BriskerGolf(BG) Hole is a gigantic, unlimited PLAYING FIELD, from the TEE at the Hole, to 'infinitely' BEYOND any outer boundaries* created for formal Standard Golf(SG) play at the Hole. [*All balls SKEWED outside SG boundaries, such as (∞), [∞] and {∞} in 1.01.5 above, are playable from within SG boundaries by virtue of the BG Free Five Strides rule] ................................................................................................................. In addition, internally, the ∞ zone shares a distinctive and somewhat VARIABLE boundary with the Ω zone (OMEGA zone), termed the ' ∞ / Ω (Infinity/Omega) Boundary Line ', in either 'Ω zone, D-mode'(1.01.4 above) or 'Ω zone E-mode'(1.01.6 below). ................................................................................................................... An ∞/Ω zone boundary is always a CLOSED LOOP, made up of a linear section(the Base Line), and an 'artistically' curved section, roughly in the shape of an Ω
The ∞ zone is a vast area in which all golfers are encouraged to make Brisk Progress by means of extremely sporting rules that minimise the inevitable setbacks experienced in golf by all of its devotees, to a greater or lesser degree.
A series of Free BG Lifelines are available to BriskerGolfers in need of help at a Hole.
(i) The Free Five Strides rule*:
[* Applicable only to BG ∞ zone lies]
This is a BG Free Lifeline for the following awkward lies:
- A Standard Golf(SG) Out-Of-Bounds lie: there are no Out-Of-Bounds lies in BriskerGolf(BG)! From the estimated point of entry into an SG O-O-B location, use the BG Free Five Strides (BG FFS) rule to place (never drop!) the found ball, or a substitute ball, in a playable lie, without penalty.
The BG FFS rule is to take FIVE STRIDES laterally, from the estimated point of entry (as above), towards the centre of a Hole, and then take FIVE STRIDES in retreat, towards the TEE of the Hole,
(SG O-O-B) >| → → → → → >(Centre of Fairway)<
(Retreating Towards TEE)
Then gently PLACING the formerly SKEWED ball in a good lie. (DO NOT DROP IT!)
- A lost ball lie in an ∞ zone: in a game of BriskerGolf it may declared temporarily mislaid, after a search of no more than 30 seconds, (search timed by a Ball Marker), after which decisive action must be taken.
A BriskerGolfer may accept the sad loss of his/her ball and use the BG Free Five Strides (BG FFS) rule, as above, from the approximate location of the lost ball, to place (never drop!) a substitute ball, in a playable lie, without penalty.
Alternatively a BriskerGolfer may accept a default score of a Net Bogey at the current Hole, and continue his/her ball search alone, or with a personal caddy, withdrawing from the current Hole, but taking care to be present thereafter at the conclusion of his group's play at the Ω zone with fellow competitors, to be able to participate with fellow competitors in any repêchage event at the end of the Hole.
- An unplayable ball lie in an ∞ zone: in a game of BriskerGolf a ball may declared unplayable, after a successful search of no more than 30 seconds, (search timed by a Ball Marker). Thereafter the BG Free Five Strides (BG FFS) rule, from the location of the found ball, must be used to place (never drop!) the found ball, in a playable lie, without penalty. In the event of a ball being found, but in an irretrievable lie, such as a gorse bush, then a substitute ball may be used, and an estimate of Five Strides be made from the actual location of the found ball.
- A variation of the BG Free Five Strides (BG FFS) rule may be used when appropriate: firstly to take FIVE STRIDES in retreat, towards the TEE of a Hole, and then to take FIVE STRIDES laterally, towards the centre of the Hole. This is often necessary when a ball careers into a water hazard.
- Another variation of the BG Free Five Strides (BG FFS) rule is the BG Free Ten Strides (BG FTS) rule. This is often necessary when attempting to find a playable lie after a remarkably SKEWED shot! (Note that two successive applications of the BG FFS rule are exactly equivalent to one application of the BG FTS rule.
(ii) The One Free Stride rule(OFS rule)*, may be used in the event of an awkwardly lying ball, in any location. The ball must be PLACED (never dropped!) not nearer to the Hole, using a single grab/ungrab**contact with such a problematic ball:
[* Applicable to both ∞ & Ω zone lies]
[** A second grab/ungrab contact with an awkwardly lying ball is illegal, and is an immediate Penalty, P, of one stroke.]
The OFS rule is a BG Free Lifeline for the following awkward lies:
- All sand lies, in raked bunkers or in natural sand, such as barancas.
- All puddle and mud lies, on fairways and in rough.
- All man-made divots, on fairways and in rough.
- All animal scrapes.
- All pitch marks on GREENS.
Again, all balls afforded free relief must be PLACED, never Dropped, into position.
1.01.5 (BLANK 03).
1.01.5 (BLANK 04).
1.01.5 (BLANK 05).
1.01.5 (BLANK 06).


Photo 1.01.6 below. An 'almost impossibly balanced CUBE on one of its corners' shows a (twice) Tri-Coloured CUBE (WHITE opposite invisible White; RED opposite invisible Red; BLUE opposite invisible Blue). This Cube may be used to Emphasise DESCRIPTIVE MARKING of the NET REGULATION of a ball, on its arrival onto the Ω zone using COLOURED CRAYONS: Red, White & Blue ( R, W, & B) to mark a Ball.
No ball deemed by its owner to be within the ∞ zone may ever be marked!
However, on each Hole, when a ball is deemed by its owner to have reached the Ω zone at a Hole, this is the one and only occasion when it is mandatory to mark the ball, in TWO very specific ways:
- Initially, by using DESCRIPTIVE TEE PEG MARKING (DTPM), as described above.
- Secondly, by using a special (twice) three-coloured (six-faced) CUBE! (See Photo 1.01.6 below, and six more Photos 1.01.7 to 1.01.12)
Imagine that FIVE BriskerGolfers (BGs) have all progressed sufficiently well to be considered to be within the imaginary elastic Ω zone boundary of the Hole, depicted, for example, in Photo 1.01.4 above, and are all still contesting this beautifully tortuous Hole!
None of their shots to this wonderful GREEN have peppered the PIN, but all of them are reasonably well-placed within the imagined Ω zone of the Hole.
Descriptive TEE PEG Marking (DTPM) combined with Coloured Cube Marking (CCM) is an appropriate declaration from a BriskerGolfer of the moment that his/her ball has arrived at:
- either a location within the obvious boundary of the GREEN itself, by enacting (i) a DTPM/CCM of their ball, or (ii) a Dead Ball Pick Up
- or, more generally, a location within the inclusive but somewhat speculative(imprecise) boundary of the Ω zone, but external to the GREEN itself, by enacting (i) a DTPM/CCM of their ball, or (ii) a Dead Ball Pick Up, or (iii) neither of these actions*
[* The third choice, after an inactive period of over 10 seconds, in the vicinity of a BriskerGolfer's ball, implies a declaration that in the unchallengeable opinion of the ball's owner, the ball is still within the ∞ zone, and is therefore subject to Standard Honour rules of Etiquette**]
[** Furthest from the PIN plays first, with no marking permitted, almost certainly onto the Ω zone, at which point the ball must be marked using DTPM/CCM]
Descriptive TEE PEG Marking, (DTPM), or Descriptive TEE PEG Marked, (DTPM'd) is the use of an appropriately coloured TEE PEG to signify the NET Regulation Status of a BriskerGolfer's ball when it has initially settled anywhere within the Ω zone of a Hole, as deemed by its owner, as a result of his/her successful shot towards the the Ω zone of a Hole from an ∞ zone lie.
Note that a TEE PEG must be used to mark a ball once, and once only, when it has been initially deemed to be in an Ω zone lie, and that this includes SAND LIES within the Ω zone, as well as GRASS LIES within the Ω zone.
When marking a ball in an Ω zone lie, it is NOT PERMISSIBLE to touch or otherwise remove the ball, even if the ball will ultimately be subject to a relief rule (e.g. as a sand hazard ball) until it is about to be played, under BriskerGolf Etiquette rules (nearest ball to the PIN on the Ω zone plays FIRST, and to a Conclusion or a Curtailment).
As soon as a Descriptive Tee Peg (W, R or B)has been used to mark a ball on an Ω zone it is recommended that a special COLOURED DICE, with the faces coloured:
- WHITE (& WHITE on opposite side)
- RED (& RED on opposite side)
- BLUE (& BLUE on opposite side)
is used to EMPHASISE the Descriptive Tee Peg Marking (DTPM). See Photo 1.01.7 below.
A BriskerGolfer may choose NOT TO MARK his/her ball in what may be arguably the borderline of the Ω / ∞ zone, implying that he/she considers the ball to be in the ∞ zone.
In which case the Honour to play his/her ball would be by use of Standard Golfing Honour rules of Etiquette, (i.e. the furthest away from the PIN in the ∞ zone plays FIRST).
However, once all balls are within the Ω zone and have been DTPM'd, the Honour to Play is determined by the Orchestrated BriskerGolf Etiquette System! (Nearest to the PIN plays FIRST, and continues to play, either to a CONCLUSION (Holing Out), or to a CURTAILMENT (Dead Ball Pickup).
???(See Note 1.02.6 below)???
There are three Descriptive Colours of TEE PEGS to be used as ball markers, by placing a TEE PEG immediately behind a ball, on the far side of the ball to the PIN, and not removing the ball, as follows:
White (Hot); Red (Warm); Blue (Cool), representing:
- White (Hot) => An excellent arrival onto the Ω zone => on in ONE UNDER of (NET) REGULATION
- Red (Warm) => An above average arrival onto the Ω zone => on in IN LEVEL of (NET) REGULATION
- Blue (Cool) => A below average arrival onto the Ω zone => on in IN ONE OVER of (NET) REGULATION
Scoring Prospects for such Descriptively Marked arrivals onto the Ω zone at a Hole are:
- White (Hot) => a Net Eagle (by a single putt); or a Net Birdie (by two putts); or a Net Par (by three putts); [ or by a 'GIVEN
Net Bogey'=> a Dead Ball Pick Up]
- Red (Warm) => a Net Birdie (by a single putt); a Net Par (by two putts); [or by a 'GIVEN
Net Bogey'=> a Dead Ball Pick Up]
- Blue (Cool) => a Net Par (by a single putt); [or by a 'GIVEN
Net Bogey'=> a Dead Ball Pick Up]
- Heroic (Last Ditch) attempts to chip in, or pitch in, directly from the ∞ zone, for a Net Par are allowed. An unsuccessful Last Ditch attempt then equates to a 'GIVEN
Net Bogey'=> a Dead Ball Pick Up.
- Forlorn (Failed Last Ditch attempts) to reach the Ω zone in a Net Par score, subsequently equate to a Dead Ball Pick Up within the ∞ zone!
The non-arrival of a ball onto the Ω zone should imply the correct use of a Dead Ball Pickup (DBP) in the ∞ zone of the Hole*.
[* i.e. a Dead Ball Pickup (DBP) in the ∞ zone implies that it has become impossible to reach the Ω zone to Hole Out in a meaningful score at a Hole, of ONE OVER (NET) REGULATION at the Hole or better]
However a DBP does NOT equate to the exclusion of an unlucky non-scoring BriskerGolfer from participating in a possible repêchage event at the culmination of a Hole!
A Penalty Score, P, or P18, is when a LIVE Time-Wasting score of a Net Double Bogey, or worse, has been achieved, instead of a Dead Ball Pick Up (DBPU)!
The ∞ zone is the vast area on a golf Hole that is NOT the Ω zone. It has NO BOUNDARIES from the TEE, other than its boundary with its counterpart Ω zone at the same Hole, termed the:
∞ / Ω boundary
The optionally enlarged size of the Ω zone compared to that of the GREEN within the Ω zone, is for every BG player to use or not use, to their Brisk advantage, on their arrival at what they deem to be a legitimate Ω zone area, encompassing the GREEN itself, together with a variable amount of its adjacent embellished areas of Cut Grass and (possibly) Sand.

Photo 1.01.7 above. Showcasing a (twice) tri-coloured CUBE with one of its Primary Plane's uppermost surfaces (horizontally) as WHITE: a Six-faced Cube with Six Rounded Corners, with no balance issues! Showing three VISIBLE faces of the Cube, clockwise, from the uppermost full-facing WHITE surface (opposite an invisible White surface), to a mere glimpse of a RED surface (opposite an invisible Red surface), and an equally glimpsed BLUE surface (opposite an invisible Blue surface).
Every competing* BriskerGolfer arriving at the Ω zone region of a Hole, initially marks his/her ball using BriskerGolf etiquette:
- The ball is not touched, nor is it to be moved by any club, other instrument or boot!
- The ball is initially marked, without being moved, using a specifically coloured TEE PEG (White, Red or Blue) that signifies the ball's progress onto the Ω zone region, from the ∞ zone region.
- [*A Non-competing BriskerGolfer at a Hole is a BG player whose score is disappointingly inflated, or temporarily disrupted, either: (i) a non-competitive BG score on the arrival of his/her ball onto the Ω zone or (ii) an historically non-competitive BG score from a series of unfortunate events within the ∞ zone or (iii) Tardy, non-competitive arrival onto the Ω zone due to an early sporting submission at a Hole, usually accompanied by acceptance of a BG Back-Stop score of a given NET Bogey, to focus on an extended ball search, or other treasured item search.]
White Hot progress => Onto the Ω zone in ONE UNDER of (NET) Regulation Strokes
Red Hot progress => Onto the Ω zone in LEVEL of (NET) Regulation Strokes
Cool Blue progress => Onto the Ω zone in ONE OVER of (NET) Regulation Strokes]
Unsatisfactory progress => Onto the Ω zone in TWO OVER of (NET) Regulation Strokes]
=> Dead Ball Pick Up (DBPU)
Only scores of (NET) Par or better are deemed to be at an acceptable level to WIN a Hole in BriskerGolf.
All BriskerGolfers play off their full WHS* handicaps, (see Note .......), and the very generous minimal penalty relief, (see Note .......), principally (but not exclusively) in the ∞ zone, gives many enhanced opportunities to score well.
[* World Handicap System]
A single shot from a struggling BriskerGolfer, in a LAST DITCH attempt to Hole a shot from the ∞ zone, that, if successful, would represent a score of ONE OVER, of (NET) PAR, (i.e. a NET Bogey score) is permissible. Otherwise the result is a Dead Ball Pick Up.
In general, unsatisfactory progress within the ∞ zone => NOT COMPETING in the Ω zone => Dead Ball Pick Up.
However, all is not lost for a non-competitor at a Hole!
If a Preliminary Winner (PW) of a Hole emerges, there is always a repêchage event, for all to participate in, to confirm* or deny** the PW of his/her win.
This event is the 'Team of Losing BGs' vs The PW in a sudden death putting competition.
(See Note 1.02.1 Repêchage event)
[* Confirm the PW as the Outright Winner (FW) of a Hole, and the COINS value for a win at the Hole.]
[** Deny the PW as the Outright Winner of a Hole, and confirm that the COINS value for his/her loss at the Hole is to be carried over (rolled over) to the next Hole.]
A Twice Tri-Coloured CUBE (R/W/B) is used in conjunction with Coloured TEE PEGS (Red, White or Blue), to mark each competitive ball that arrives onto the Ω zone at a Hole.
The Flagstick remains in its cup throughout a BriskerGolf game.
The marking sequence for a competitive Ω zone ball, from the PIN is:
- Ball (remains in situ), and is marked behind (on the away side from the PIN), by using an appropriately coloured TEE PEG.
- Ball & TEE PEG (both remains in situ), and the Ball is doubly marked behind (on the away side of the PIN , by using an appropriately coloured CUBE, so that the marking sequence is ...................PIN ............Ball..TEE Peg..(Six-faced) Cube
Only WHITE, RED or BLUE cube faces may be used on an Ω zone.



Interlude 1.02.1 Universal Suppression of Five Ball SKINS Golf....!
Pleas from Regular Amateurs to Play the World's Most Sublime and Enduring 19TH CENTURY 5-Ball Matchplay Golf Game are Constantly Rejected by Golf Club Officials!
When five friends meet spontaneously at a golf club they will be prevented from playing together in a five-ball.
Currently the unpalatable choice for a group of five regular amateur golfers is either to split into a couple of dissimilar groups of three and two, or to banish one friend and play in a four!
Course managers cite the possibility of disruptively slow play in a five as the reason to veto such an amateur game.
The privilege of playing golf in a five is universally restricted to very exclusive groups:
- Professional Golfers
- Elite Amateurs
- Golf Course Owners
- Golf Course Managers
As an historic and elegant multi-player sports game, 19th Century Five Ball SKINS golf has an impeccable pedigree and is a game that has endured, unchanged, for possibly 200 years!
The magnificence of five ball Skins is undeniable. It is regularly the game of choice for the majority of those privileged to be allowed to play it.
However, it is very much a game of skill and self discipline, and most golf clubs have either a written or an unwritten rule that prohibits non-privileged club golfers from ever playing Skins in its most Classic Five Ball Form.
On balance, it is a well-intentioned decision to limit the play of Five Ball Skins to very select groups, as outlined above.
Firstly, untutored golfers could play catastrophically slowly in a Five Ball Skins game, ruining every other variety of golf game on a course!
Secondly, playing Five Ball Skins by very select groups of expert players conserves the historic game, as a living rather than an obsolete game!
But what of the vast majority of the world's golfers, perhaps 60 million or more? Are they to be confined to playing in smaller groups of two, three or four, supposedly to guard against golf's greatest problem:
Is this simplistic solution effective? Does it rid the game of slow play?
160 Interlude: Exhortations to play golf MORE SWIFTLY fall on deaf ears....!
Unsatisfactory Pace of Play is Still a Major Issue
From the late 19th Century there has been a succession of superstar golfers!
Nicknamed The Greyhound, Harry Vardon dominated professional golf for many years. In 1896, aged 26, he won the first of his six British Opens. Despite a debilitating bout of T.B. in 1903, his high-level playing career continued beyond WW1. He won the US Open in 1900, finished second in the 1913 US Open, and then in the 1920 US Open, aged 50, he was leading by five shots with five Holes to play, but then unfortunately dropped five shots to par, to finish in joint second place!
Harry's enormous contribution to the progression of golf overlapped with the careers of the equally inspirational, fast-playing George Duncan, and the stylish Americans: Gene Sarazen, Walter Hagen and Bobby Jones, of the post WW1 era.
WW2 interrupted the early golfing career of the legendary Bobby Locke. Hower his indefatigable aerial exploits as a combat pilot throughout this critical period were exceptional!
Post WW2, his steely character complemented his sublime manoeuvring of a golf ball from the tee onto the green, and this magic was equalled by his stupendous putting! His virtually insuperable golfing reign continued long into the Fifties, albeit at his distinctively leisurely pace.
Thanks to increasingly regular TV coverage of golf from the late Fifties onwards, many global golf stars emerged, most significant of whom were the dynamic Arnold Palmer, the imperious Jack Nicklaus and the athletic Gary Player.
As professional golf became more and more lucrative, the game became more serious, no matter how dynamic, imperious or athletic you were!
Golf rounds taking at least four and a half hours, and occasionally more than five hours, were normalised in the ranks of professional golfers!
The average pace of regular amateur golf club rounds began to reflect the public's long-held and possibly erroneous perception of the leisurely procession of the professional game.
Exhortations to observe brisker golfing practices have been made for many decades, from golfing authorities and expert golf commentators, most notably the legendary Peter Alliss, to professional and club players alike, but to date these have made no discernible difference to golfers' progress on a course.
The popularity of golf has grown exponentially in the last Half-Century, but for many millions of novice or underperforming regular golfers, the most basic lesson of all:
has yet to be imparted!
Without prejudice to any past unequivocal leadership, a radically different 21st Century Golf approach to the age-old problem of slow play is suggested: BRISKERGOLF*
[* The thrice-named 21st Century Golf game:
- Primarily as BriskerGolf (BG)
- Optionally as COINS! golf (BG players attempt to win a COIN or a COIN BONANZA at a Hole)
- Optionally as TOKENS! golf (Alt. to COINS! golf: to win a TOKEN or TOKEN BONANZA at Hole)]
Photo 1.02.3
Without any imaginary overlays the standard GREEN immediately below is a much reduced target zone at the golf Hole, compared with that of the enhanced Ω zone above, in Photo 50

Photo 1.02.7
An imaginary Base Line across the front edge of a golf GREEN is the approximately unique linear section of the ∞/Ω line* boundary of this golf Hole. Such a Base Line is a vital part of potential BriskerGolf repêchage play at a Hole!
[*Infinity/Omega zone Base Line, across the front edge of the GREEN at a Hole.]

Interlude 4. Undoubtedly a Superstar Golfer, and a modest war-time hero to boot, Bobby Locke was incomparable amongst his peers! His relaxed pace on course was the very opposite of the urgency of the equally talented George Duncan of a slightly earlier era.
A Relaxed Pace of Play is not a style to be copied!
In the estimation of many golf aficionados Bobby Locke was the world's greatest-ever golfer! His ability to control the shape of every one of his shots, from his idiosyncratic driving through to his gloriously unique putting, was mesmerising; possibly akin to that of an autistic savant!
He transcended the complexities of the game of golf with ease, and was in a category all of his own: that of an all-conquering entertainer*. As such, his rather relaxed pace did not detract from the magic of his public performances, but may have just disqualified him from being dubbed the world's greatest-ever golfer.
[*Two of the author's distinguished golfer friends, Bryon Hutchinson and Peter Coleman, have given very similar descriptions of the magical Bobby Locke, from their own precious experiences of being in his company as players themselves, when Bobby was in his prime. Typically, after a game, Bobby would sing to his fans, whilst accompanying himself on his ukulele!]
Bobby Locke epitomised almost everything that was glorious about his chosen sport, throughout his illustrious career. We can only speculate why he resisted becoming a BriskerGolfer.

NOTE 1.04.7
Every golf Hole consists of an imaginary closed Ω zone (Omega zone) area, and an outer, unlimited ∞ zone (Infinity zone) area!

Note 1.05.1 The ∞ zone (Infinity zone) and the Ω zone (Omega zone) are the Two Components of Every Golf Hole! Relief is available within both zones!
Relief from any awkward lie, mostly within the ∞ zone
Both in-bounds or out-of-bounds relief may be obtained irrefutably by a self-declared, overtly-signalled* appropriate expression:
There are three types of relief available to decisive BriskerGolfers.
(i) ASL (Awkward SAND Lie) relief, for an exclusively in-bounds Found Ball, within either the ∞ zone or the Ω zone, comprising: either a raked sand (manicured bunker) lie; or a natural sand lie (e.g. a Barranca).
(ii) MAGL (Moderately Awkward GRASS Lie) relief, for an exclusively in-bounds Found Ball, within the ∞ zone.
(iii) VANSL (Very Awkward NONE-SAND Lie) relief, anywhere within the ∞ zone: for a Found Ball or Lost Ball, either in-bounds or out-of-bounds.
[* Possibly by the Art of Mime?]
An ASL Found Ball is exclusively in-bounds, within either the ∞ zone or the Ω zone, and may always benefit from the Free, Collect then Release within 10 seconds, rule* :
- Delicately Collect a Found Ball in any sand lie
- Delicately Release the Found Ball in a preferred sand lie, up to one stride away from its original lie, and not nearer to the Hole, within 10 seconds of the Collection of the Found Ball.
The whole manœuvre, from touching to releasing the Found Ball must be less than 10 seconds!
Tardy BriskerGolfers will receive a PENALTY, P or P18, for Time-Wasting! (See Note 1.10.1)
A MAGL Found Ball is exclusively within the in-bounds region of the ∞ zone, and may always benefit from the Free, Collect then Release within 10 seconds, rule* :
- Delicately Collect a Found Ball in any shallow grass lie on the GREEN, Fairway or in the Semi-Rough.
- Delicately Release the Found Ball onto a preferred shallow grass lie, that corresponds to the Found Ball's initial lie, of either Fairway or Semi-Rough, up to one stride away from its original lie, and not nearer to the Hole, within 10 seconds of the Collection of the Found Ball.
The whole manœuvre, from touching to releasing the Found Ball must be less than 10 seconds!
[* Lies included within this MAGL rule are on Fairways or possibly in Semi-Rough, but NEVER in Deep Rough!]
A VANSL Found Ball or Lost Ball is either within the in-bounds region of the ∞ zone, or often more simply, may be declared to be a VANSL Lost Ball within either the in-bounds or the out-of-bounds region of the ∞ zone.
Whichever way, a VANSL Found or Lost Ball always benefits equally from the Free, Five Stride Retreat rule, provided a BRISK DECISION is made to use this beneficial offering!
For a VANSL Found Ball in-bounds* the Free, Five Stride Retreat rule is an optional and very BRISK rule to be used by a BriskerGolfer within a decision timeframe of 30 seconds from his/her Arrival** at the EXACT or APPROXIMATE ball landing point.
[* Lies included in this rule are (i) within Water (of any depth), (ii) within Deep Rough (iii) within Scrub (such as Heather, Bracken, and Low Lying Wooden Scrub, such as Gorse and Broom) (iv) within Trees (v) adjacent to man-made Obstacles, such as stone, brick or wooden bridges or bulwarks or towers].
The Free, Five Stride Retreat rule is an initial grouping of Five Strides ACROSS, at RIGHT ANGLES to the direction of the central route towards a golf Hole, followed by a second grouping of Five Strides AT RIGHT ANGLES to the direction of initial grouping and in Retreat, towards the original golf Hole TEE.
It is also permissible to reverse the two Five Stride Strides groupings by firstly performing five strides in Retreat, towards the original golf Hole TEE, and secondly making Five Strides AT RIGHT ANGLES to this initial Retreat, in a direction across to the central route of a golf Hole.
The Free Five Strides Retreat rule may be used in multiples of Five Strides, as either the Free Ten Strides Retreat rule; Free Fifteen Strides Retreat rule; Free Twenty Strides Retreat rule; and so on.] See also Note 1.09
Use of the Free Five Strides Retreat rule means that a ball or its substitute should seldom be 'Lost to the contest' at a Hole.
[** ' Arrival ' at a ball search area is defined as the moment a BriskerGolfer releases control of his/her golf bag, by either (a) exiting a ride-on buggy (b) releasing the power control of his/her personal buggy (c) laying down a personal carrying bag (d) instructing his/her caddie to lay down his/her BriskerGolfer's bag of clubs]
Any delay beyond the decision timeframe of 30 seconds of the Five Strides rule implies: (i) an automatic WITHDRAWAL from the normal BriskerGolf contest at the Hole, (ii) a Backstop rule GIFT of a passive NET BOGEY score at the Hole, to an indecisive BriskerGolfer.
WITHDRAWAL from the normal BriskerGolf contest at the Hole, allows for an extended solo search period, but there is no permission to play any Found Ball, post withdrawal.
However there is a possibility of a Team BriskerGolf repêchage event taking place, exclusively within the Ω zone area, before the conclusion of a Hole has been formally declared, as either a positive transition from Preliminary Winner to Overall Winner, or as a negative transition from Preliminary Winner to Overall Loser!
Prompt attendance at the Ω zone is necessary to compete as a member of Team BriskerGolf, to help to de-throne any Preliminary Winner of a Hole, and thereby conserve the COINS! value of the Hole, for it to be rolled up with the COIN value of the successive Hole, as a COINS! BONANZA!
The other VANSL option is to play a ball as it lies!
Photo 1.06.1
An excellent GREEN, surrounded by peripheral manicured grass aprons, and noticeably devoid of manicured (raked) sand hazards.
Note the sad figure of a single golfer, who has undoubtedly been unable to join up to a Five Ball BriskerGolf game!

Note 1.07.1 With the exception of the LAST HOLE (the 18th), it is Mandatory for a Repêchage event in the Ω zone to automatically follow a PRELIMINARY WIN of a BriskerGolf Hole! This is an Early Opportunity to Dislodge the PRELIMINARY WINNER of a Hole by a TEAM EFFORT (of the spontaneously formed Active Underdogs team of the Four Losers of the Preliminary event at the Hole!
It is MANDATORY for the Preliminary Winner (PW) at a Hole, to be immediately challenged to a Skewed Repêchage (SR) event within the Ω zone of the Hole. This pits the PW against four separate Team BriskerGolf* players! The best SR attempt of a Team BriskerGolf player is set against the putting score of the PW. Only a WIN for Team BriskerGolf can CONSERVE the COINS! score at the Hole, which would then be Rolled Up to be played for at the Next Hole, together with the COIN representing this successive Hole, creating a COINS! BONANZA!
[* Team BriskerGolf is the four-person group of Losing BriskerGolfers at a Hole]
No Repêchage contest occurs at the LAST Hole. The Preliminary Winner(PW) is declared to be the Outright Winner of the Last Hole.
No Repêchage contest occurs at any BriskerGolf Hole that ie TIED, including a TIED result at the Last Hole.
In the event of a TIE at the Last Hole, the Winner is determined from those that have TIED the Last Hole, by Countback to the Last Outright Winner (i.e. the last former PW Repêchage winner of a Hole).
In the event of no former PW Repêchage winner of a Hole being in a TIE at the Last Hole, a Sudden Death Putting Contest from the Base Line at the Last Hole to the PIN will commence, following Repêchage rules (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) below, and, if necessary, will be repeated, until a winner of the Last Hole emerges.
Repêchage rules:
(i) Sudden Death Continuous Putting contest, from the Linear BASE LINE of the Ω zone to the PIN
(ii) No Handicap Allowances
(iii) No Given putts
(iv) Flagstick remains in its Cup throughout the contest
(v) Continuous Individual Putting, to a CONCLUSION (Holing Out), or to a CURTAILMENT (Dead Ball Pick-Up)
(vi) Team BriskerGolf play FIRST, as four individuals, each one hoping to defeat the PW, each playing to a CONCLUSION or to a CURTAILMENT.
(vii) The Preliminary Winner, PW, is to play LAST, to a CONCLUSION, or to a CURTAILMENT.
(vii) The Preliminary Winner must TIE or BEAT the best individual achievement of a member of Team BriskerGolf, to be declared the Winner of the skewed Repêchage contest, and therefore the Overall Winner of the Hole.
(viii) If the Preliminary Winner fails to TIE or BEAT the best individual achievement of a Team BriskerGolf individual, then the PW is declared the Overall Loser of the Hole, and he/she forfeits the COINS! prize for winning the Hole, which is instead Conserved and rolled up together with the COIN prize for the subsequent Hole, to create a COINS! BONANZA! at this Hole.
Photo 1.08.1
An excellent GREEN, surrounded by peripheral manicured grass aprons, and FOUR of its FIVE manicured (raked) sand hazards which are clearly within the Ω zone of this Hole.

140 Interlude (3 or 4) 19th Century SKINS golf & 21st Century Golf, (as 'COINS! golf', i.e. BriskerGolf)
19th Century SKINS golf in its most Classic Form of FIVE-BALL golf, is an amazingly elegant golf game that has endured for possibly two centuries, seemingly without any rule changes!
This hallowed golf game is quietly conserved by golf's elite. It's a magically sociable, yet fiercely competitive game, rarely glimpsed by the vast majority of journeyman/journeywoman golfers.
It is one of golf's rarest privileges to play in a 5-ball SKINS game. Unfortunately it's just not sensible for golf course controllers to allow such a joyous game to be played by hoards of semi-competent amateur golfers. It's obvious that anything less than a blanket ban on playing golf's greatest match play game would result in countless chaotic and long-winded rounds of golf.
Unsurprisingly, the R&A has no rule against playing golf in a five ball. Its members are among the most prominent of the golfing elite, and as such, all have the necessary exceptional golfing skills to play and thereby conserve one of the world's most historic games.
Reluctantly the author accepts that his chances of playing in a legitimate 5-Ball Skins golf game are somewhat remote, and therefore he has created his own 21st Century Golf 5-Ball game, the Three-Named:
- BriskerGolf, (primary name)
- COINS! golf (occasional name)
- TOKENS! golf (occasional name)
BriskerGolf(BG) is an abbreviated five-ball 21st Century Golf game that combines the very best elements of magical camaraderie and white hot match play that are regularly characterised as commonplace features of the phenomenally iconic 5-Ball Skins golf, but unlike this historic game, BG is a game that is remarkably devoid of any pitfalls that could befall an unwary or simply, an unlucky golfer, of any standing!
BG is a game with many levelling up opportunities, and is uniquely played at a consistently brisk pace, brisker on average than that of a standard three-ball stroke play game!
The author bemoans the demise of the World Skins Golf Championship, and suggests that Celebrity Am-Am events of BriskerGolf will serve to ignite or re-kindle interest in playing a universally Brisk-Paced, 5-Ball golf event.
Whilst one version of BriskerGolf is a memory-only, single-round game, a more sophisticated version of a multi-round, multi-course BG game is planned, using a BG App to record and collate results in real time, in the form of a pp (positional points) Leaderboard, as shown in Graphic 1.05.2 below.
The utopian dream for five moderate golfers to be trusted to play competitive match-play 5-ball golf at a very acceptable pace will soon become a reality.
The separate 21st Century Golf game of BriskerGolf gives the vast golfing majority, (some 60m or more golfers), the opportunity to actively experience many entertaining elements similar to the Historic Five-Ball Skins golf game, by adhering to simple rules* that not only create the brisk pace of play of 21st Century Golf, but also act as a form of levelling up bonus for temporarily embarrassed golfers!
[* See Free Relief from ANY awkward lies (Note 1.03.1), and Skewed Sudden Death Putting in Repêchage events (to formally confirm, or negate, a Provisional Winner of a Hole (Note 1.03.3).

Photo 1.11.1
Examples of DESCRIPTIVE TEE PEG MARKING (DTPM) on an Ω zone, using Coloured Dice to emphasise the colours of TEE PEGS on the Ω zone.

150 COINS! GOLF, ( i.e. BriskerGolf), is very much 21ST CENTURY GOLF: an ACTIVE rather than PASSIVE sport, for EVERYONE!
21st Century COINS! golf is mindful of modern-day needs for active, competitive and brisk sport, in a most congenial atmosphere, within an efficient time frame; one that is exceptionally convenient for busy 21st Century people of any age, gender or social standing.
Golf is an incredibly variable game that can be tailored to suit young or old, with the potential to develop through effortless camaraderie, genuinely deep, lifelong friendships, and very positive social and commercial behaviours: it is possibly the finest means of networking in business!
The magical interaction of five golfers has been well known as a given, ever since the game of SKINS was first developed.
Understandably there have been absolutely no developments in the Classic 19th Century Five Ball Golf game since its inception, because it would be sacrilegious to tamper with the world's most iconic sports game!
In terms of the preservation of this precious, historic 19th Century Five Ball game, this is in the safest of hands: those of the golfing elite.
Now, well into the 21st Century, it is finally the moment to bring the wonders of a modern five-ball golf game, to a much wider audience, with just a nod to a 19th Century Five-Ball golf game.
Five Ball COINS! golf (also known as BriskerGolf) is a spirited and positive attempt to bring a thrilling five-ball golf game to a vast audience of golfers: past, present and future; Amateur and Professional.
The author believes that this 21st Century Golf 5-ball game offers a scintillating opportunity for golfers of all abilities to actively experience a streamlined version of classic golf, which may surpass all expectations!
Photo 1.12.4
Graphic 1.13.1
A BG Leaderboard showing positional points (pp) for the top five BriskerGolfers, out of, say, a total of 60 competitors, for each Day's play, (in twelve groups of FIVE.)
The worst individual pp score in every group, each day, is 5pp. The best individual pp score in every group, each day is 1pp.
The lowest (i.e. best) possible cumulative score for, say, a 4 day pp Total is theoretically 4pp; and for a 5 day total, it's 5pp, and so on.

Photo 1.13.1

Photo 1.14.1

Note 1.15.1 21st Century COINS! golf (BriskerGolf) addresses any concerns regarding Pace of Play! NOT READY GOLF!!
BriskerGolf (BG) endorses the R&A's notion of READY GOLF, but only for it to be employed EXCLUSIVELY in the ∞ zone...!!
There is no penalty in BG for playing out of turn within the ∞ zone, and BriskerGolfers are allowed and encouraged to play READY GOLF: that is to play out of turn, in a safe and responsible way, in the ∞ zone .
Within the ∞ zone
Declaring that a BriskerGolfer's (BG's) Found Golf Ball, is in an AWKWARD LIE!
Signalling by a raised hand in BriskerGolf implies that a BG's Golf Ball has been Found, and that in all probability the BriskerGolfer is considering using either the BG FREE Grasp rule, or the BG FREE Five Strides rule, in order to extricate himself/herself from an awkward lie.
The BG Free Grasp rule of a Found Golf Ball
This rule is permission to:
- Grasp a BG's Found Golf Ball
- with the intent of lifting it, and identifying it,
- and briefly cleaning it, manually, without using a cloth or any liquid,
- and gently repositioning it, in a preferred lie, not nearer to the PIN, within One Stride Distance of its original position,
- then Ungrasping the BG's Found Golf Ball, all within a time frame* of TEN Seconds!
[* The maximum Timed difference between grasping and ungrasping!]
Within the ∞ zone
The Grasp rule may be used on multiple occasions, but only once, per awkward lie:
- in most ∞ zone lies: rough; semi-rough; fairway; sand, but NOT WATER lies!**
[** The FREE Five Stride Rule applies to ALL WATER lies, and to all very awkward LAND-BASED lies, both IN-BOUNDS and OUT-OF-BOUNDS. See Note ..... ]
Within the Ω zone
It is compulsory to use the Mini-Grasp rule just ONCE, on a ball's first arrival onto the Ω zone of a Hole.
The Mini-Grasp rule is the FREE repositioning of an active ball by its owner, within a handspan of the original lie of the BG's ball on reaching the Ω zone, and not nearer to the PIN, within a Time Frame of TEN seconds, from Mini-Grasp to Mini-Ungrasp:
- The Mini-Grasp rule is permitted in ALL Ω zone lies, including sand hazard lies, cut grass apron lies (of aprons adjacent to GREENS) and fine cut lies, on the GREEN itself.
- The Mini-Grasp rule is mandatory, to enable the initial Ω zone process of Descriptive TEE PEG Marking (DTPM) of any ball that has legitimately landed in the Ω zone of a Hole, in active preparation to attack the Hole, (all done in the unquestionable opinion of a ball's owner).
- A BriskerGolfer (BG) is compelled to use DTPM as a clear indication that his/her ball is deemed to be an active ball, within the Ω zone of the current Hole, by use of a White, Red or Blue TEE PEG marker, placed to the immediate rear of a BG's extant ball.
- DTPM is restricted to active, competing balls in Ω zone lies, whose NET Regulation descriptions on landing on the Ω zone vary from weak to very strong: (i)(Weak): On in NET One-Over-Regulation; to (ii)(Good): On in NET Regulation; to (iii)(Very Good): On in NET One-Under-Regulation; to (iv)(Exceptional): On in NET Two-Under-Regulation; to (v)(Theoretical!): On in NET Three-Under-Regulation.
- Shots onto the Ω zone that result in passive, uncompetitive & illegal non-active scores, such as: (i) On in NET Two-Over-Regulation (Pick up: Penalty score) (ii) On in NET Three-Over-Regulation (Pick up: Penalty score), or worse, equate to a Time Wasting Penalty, P, or P18. (See Note 1.09 or 1.10)
- The Ω zone rule for DTPM is that a ball in the Ω zone must be Distinctively Marked on its arrival onto the Ω zone, with either a WHITE TEE PEG behind a replaced ball, or with a RED TEE PEG behind a replaced ball, or with a BLUE TEE PEG behind a replaced ball, using the Mini-Grasp rule.
- The Honour System of Ω zone play is not initiated until all active balls have been DTPM in the Ω zone.
Photo 1.16.1

Note 1.17.1 Orchestration of Ω zone Etiquette in 21st Century COINS! golf (BriskerGolf)
Orchestration of Ω zone play, using the INVERSE of the Standard Honour System
- Only active balls may be present in the Ω zone. Any temptation to play a passive* ball that is not contesting the Hole must be resisted, and an overt Ball Pick up used, to signal a conceded Hole by a BG, and, if legitimate, acceptance of a passive score of a (given)NET Bogey.
- Each Ω zone ball is significantly marked in a colour coded way, using TEE PEGS for DTPM, as follows: White (=> White Hot!); Red (=> Red Hot!); Blue (=> Cool Blue).
- Each colour of TEE PEG refers to the initial STATUS of an Ω zone ball, in terms of its REGULATION on the Ω zone (which is equivalent to the Pro Golf term 'in Regulation' on a GREEN). Thus: White => On the Ω zone in One Under Reg.; Red => On the Ω zone in Level Reg.; Blue => On the Ω zone in One Over Reg.
Ω zone play begins, with the NEAREST BALL to the PIN being played, to either a Conclusion (Holing Out), or to a Curtailment (a Dead Ball Pick Up)
This must be a CONTINUOUS process, with NO BALL MARKING, with no BALL grasping, and with the PIN remaining in its cup throughout, with NO given putts.
The NEXT NEAREST BALL to the PIN is then played in a similar manner to the NEAREST BALL to the PIN.
There is no need to have any ball marked with this method of Inverse Honour BriskerGolf play.
TRANSFER (below) to another Module 6 Feb'24, possibly Note 1.04b ?
The FREE Five Stride rule (Also see Note 1.099)
This rule applies to all ∞ zone balls that cannot be advantageously lifted to within One Stride Distance, Not Nearer to the Hole, of their original positions, into preferred lies.
Examples of such balls are:
- Any balls lying in water
- Any balls self-declared to be lying out of bounds
- Any balls self-declared to be lost
- Any balls self-declared to be in found, but in impossibly awkward lies
Photo 1.18.1

Note 1.06.3 BriskerGolf Simplification of ∞ zone & Ω zone rules.
BriskerGolf (BG) DOES NOT endorse the R&A's notion of READY GOLF,
There is no penalty in BG for playing out of turn within the ∞ zone, BUT BriskerGolfers are NOT encouraged to play READY GOLF: that is to try to play out of turn, in a safe and responsible way.
Within the ∞ zone
Declaring that a BriskerGolfer's (BG's) Found Golf Ball, is in an AWKWARD LIE!
Signalling by a raised hand in BriskerGolf implies that a BG's Golf Ball has been Found, and that in all probability the BriskerGolfer is considering using either the BG FREE Grasp rule, or the BG FREE Five Strides rule, in order to extricate himself/herself from an awkward lie.
The BG Free Grasp rule of a BG's Found Golf Ball
This rule is permission to:
- Grasp a BG's Found Golf Ball
- with the intent of lifting it
- and briefly cleaning it, manually, without using a cloth or any liquid
- and gently repositioning it, in a preferred lie, not nearer to the PIN, within One Stride Distance of its original position
- and Ungrasping the BG's Found Golf Ball, all within a time frame* of TEN Seconds!
[* The maximum Timed difference between grasping and ungrasping!]
Within the ∞ zone
The Grasp rule may be used on multiple occasions, but only once, per awkward lie:
- in most ∞ zone lies: rough; semi-rough; fairway; sand, but NOT WATER lies!**
[** The FREE Five Stride Rule applies to ALL WATER lies, and to all very awkward LAND-BASED lies, both IN-BOUNDS and OUT-OF-BOUNDS. See Note ..... ]
Within the Ω zone
It is compulsory to use the Mini-Grasp rule just ONCE, on a ball's first arrival onto the Ω zone of a Hole.
The Mini-Grasp rule is the FREE repositioning of an active ball by its owner, within a handspan of the original lie of the BG's ball on reaching the Ω zone, and not nearer to the PIN, within a Time Frame of TEN seconds, from Mini-Grasp to Mini-Ungrasp:
- The Mini-Grasp rule is permitted in ALL Ω zone lies, including sand hazard lies, cut grass lies (of aprons adjacent to GREENS) and fine cut lies, on the GREEN itself.
- The Mini-Grasp rule is mandatory, to enable the initial process of Descriptive TEE PEG Marking (DTPM) of any ball that has legitimately landed in the Ω zone of a Hole, in active preparation to attack the Hole, (in the unquestionable opinion of its owner).
- A BriskerGolfer (BG) is compelled to use DTPM as a clear indication that his/her ball is deemed to be an active ball, within the Ω zone of the current Hole, by use of a White, Red or Blue TEE PEG marker, placed to the immediate rear of a BG's extant ball.
- DTPM is restricted to active, competing balls in Ω zone lies, whose NET Regulation descriptions on landing on the Ω zone vary from weak to very strong: (i)(Weak) On in NET One-Over-Regulation; to (ii)(Good) On in NET Regulation; to (iii)(Very Good) On in NET One-Under-Regulation; to (iv)(Exceptional) On in NET Two-Under-Regulation; to (v)(Theoretical!) On in NET Three-Under-Regulation.
- Shots onto the Ω zone that result in passive, uncompetitive & illegal non-active scores, such as: (i) On in NET Two-Over-Regulation (Pick up: Penalty score) (ii) On in NET Three-Over-Regulation (Pick up: Penalty score), or worse, equate to a Time Wasting Penalty, P, or P18. (See Note ...)
- The Ω zone rule for DTPM is that a ball in the Ω zone must be Distinctively Marked on its arrival onto the Ω zone, with either a WHITE TEE PEG behind a replaced ball, or with a RED TEE PEG behind a replaced ball, or with a BLUE TEE PEG behind a replaced ball, using the Mini-Grasp rule.
- The Honour System of Ω zone play is not initiated until all active balls have been DTPM in the Ω zone.
Orchestration of Ω zone play, using the INVERSE of the Standard Honour System
- Only active balls may be present in the Ω zone. Any temptation to play a passive* ball that is not contesting the Hole must be resisted, and an overt Ball Pick up used, to signal a conceded Hole by a BG, and, if legitimate, acceptance of a passive score of a (given)NET Bogey.
- Each Ω zone ball is significantly marked in a colour coded way, using TEE PEGS for DTPM, as follows: White (=> White Hot!); Red (=> Red Hot!); Blue (=> Cool Blue).
- Each colour of TEE PEG refers to the initial STATUS of an Ω zone ball, in terms of its REGULATION on the Ω zone (which is equivalent to the Pro Golf term 'in Regulation' on a GREEN). Thus: White => On the Ω zone in One Under Reg.; Red => On the Ω zone in Level Reg.; Blue => On the Ω zone in One Over Reg.
Ω zone play begins, with the NEAREST BALL to the PIN being played, to either a Conclusion (Holing Out), or to a Curtailment (a Dead Ball Pick Up)
This must be a CONTINUOUS process, with NO BALL MARKING, with no BALL grasping, and with the PIN remaining in its cup throughout, with NO given putts.
The NEXT NEAREST BALL to the PIN is then played in a similar manner to the NEAREST BALL to the PIN.
There is no need to have any ball marked with this method of Inverse Honour BriskerGolf play.
TRANSFER (below) to another Module 6 Feb'24, possibly Note 1.04b ?
The FREE Five Stride rule (Also see Note 1.099)
This rule applies to all ∞ zone balls that cannot be advantageously lifted to within One Stride Distance, Not Nearer to the Hole, of their original positions, into preferred lies.
Examples of such balls are:
- Any balls lying in water
- Any balls self-declared to be lying out of bounds
- Any balls self-declared to be lost
- Any balls self-declared to be in found, but in impossibly awkward lies
Photo 1.06.4
Note 1.06.5 BriskerGolf Simplification of ∞ zone & Ω zone rules.
The FREE Five Stride rule (Also see Note 1.099)
This rule applies to all ∞ zone balls that cannot be advantageously lifted to within One Stride Distance, Not Nearer to the Hole, of their original positions, into preferred lies.
Examples of such balls are:
- Any balls lying in water
- Any balls self-declared to be lying out of bounds
- Any balls self-declared to be lost
- Any balls self-declared to be in found, but in impossibly awkward lies
STORAGE: 2 Mar'24
A VAL Found or Lost Ball in-bounds or out-of-bounds is exclusively within the ∞ zone. Relief may be obtained for either the Found Ball, or a Substitute Ball for the Lost Ball, by the Free Five Strides rule. (See Note 1.08)
The rule for MAL relief within the Ω zone of a Hole is described separately in Note 1.09
There is no VAL relief within the Ω zone.
Photo 1.03a and Photo 1.03b show two views of the same golf Hole, with the same overlay of an imaginary Omega zone (Ω zone).
Photo 1.03c shows an overlay of an imaginary Omega zone (Ω zone) that approximately surrounds a fabulous links GREEN, with an irrefutable amount of manicured embellishment of Cut Grass Apron adjacent to the GREEN and no adjacent Raked Sand Hazards.
Photo 1.03d shows an overlay of an imaginary Omega zone (Ω zone) that approximately surrounds both the GREEN and certain sections of manicured embellishments of Cut Grass and Raked Sand Hazard that are adjacent to the GREEN.
Also visible is part of a very large area that is external to the Ω zone.
This latter area is termed the Infinity zone (∞ zone).
The ∞ zone begins with a shot from the TEE, and is an INFINITE zone, in that the ∞ zone range is beyond that of the most powerful of ball strikes, in any direction, in-bounds or out-of-bounds....!
The ∞ zone is EVERYWHERE from an initial TEE shot, except for its only boundary: the closed border of the whole of the Ω zone at a Hole, termed the:
∞ / Ω boundary
Note that the straight base line (in DASHES) of the Ω zone adjoins the 'heels' of the two splayed 'feet' of the approximate and imagined Omega shape, and is positioned:
- tangentially across the front edge of a GREEN, at right angles to the general flow towards the PIN.
- very approximately at right angles to the general direction of the flow from the front to rear of the GREEN.
Every golf Hole has an imaginary Ω zone that may be visualised as follows:
- from its base line at the front edge of its GREEN,
- curving around from one end of the base line,
- to include both the whole of the GREEN,
- and slightly beyond the perimeter of the GREEN,
- intersecting with various adjacent embellishments of CUT GRASS & RAKED SAND,
- and returning to the other end of the base line, to form a closed boundary,
- as in Photos 1.03a, 1.03b, 1.03c and 1.03d above, and in many other Photos that follow.
Some Photos below show examples of the whole of an imaginary Ω zone at a Hole, some others show just an imaginary base line at the front edge of a GREEN, and others show the amazing artistic variety of pure golf GREENS and their adjacent embellishments, without any imaginary overlays!
Every single straight line boundary as an overlay, such as those visible in Photos 1.01.2, 1.02a, 1.02b above, is an example of an irrefutable* base line of an imagined Ω zone area.
[* An Unchallengeable estimation of the location of a base line boundary of a golf Hole by a BriskerGolfer ]
The Primary Aims of every BriskerGolfer are to win a COINS! golf Hole outright with an IMPRESSIVE LEADING Net Score, as a PRELIMINARY WINNER (PW), and to win or tie the Repêchage event immediately following the PRELIMINARY WIN, to achieve an irrefutable prize of ONE, TWO or MORE COINS!* for such a WIN.
[* Two or more COINS! won at a single Hole are termed a COINS! BONANZA]
A Secondary Aim of every BriskerGolfer is to conserve the COINS! value of the current Hole by Tieing with any IMPRESSIVE LEADING Net Score, and achieving the salvage of the COINS! value of the current Hole, for this COINS! value to be rolled up together with the COINS! value of the successive Hole, to become a COINS! BONANZA.
The invisible fifth golfer in the group elects to continue his search for his pristine golf ball in the undergrowth to the right of the right-hand fairway bunker, after an initially fruitless (timed) 30 second search for his ball has expired.
Following the expiry of the deadline of his 30 second search, the invisible fifth BriskerGolfer has accepted a passive score of a Net Bogey at the current Hole, in return for his withdrawal from any more active play in the preliminary BriskerGolf contest for the Hole.
However, if a Provisional Winner of the preliminary BriskerGolf contest for the Hole emerges, the invisible passive BriskerGolfer may yet be significantly involved in active play at this Hole, in the form of a repechage!
Photo 1.06.6

Note 1.06.7 BriskerGolf Simplification of Ω zone rules. COPY??
BriskerGolf does NOT endorse the R&A's notion of READY GOLF within the Ω zone
Once ALL Found Golf Balls have legally reached the Ω zone of a Hole in an active score, which could theoretically lead to competitive active scores at the Hole of:
there is still an opportunity for floundering BriskerGolfers to achieve respectably brisk team results, in the form of passive NET BOGEY scores by appropriate DEAD BALL Pick Ups (heroic failures!)
Within the ∞ zone
The Grasp rule of a BG's Found Golf Ball
This rule is permission to:
- Grasp a BG's Found Golf Ball
- with the intent of lifting it
- and briefly cleaning it, manually, without using a cloth or any liquid
- and gently repositioning it in a preferred lie, not nearer to the PIN, within One Stride Distance of its original position
- and Ungrasping the BG's Found Golf Ball, within a time frame* of TEN Seconds!
[* The maximum Timed difference between grasping and ungrasping!]
Within the ∞ zone
The Grasp rule may be used on multiple occasions:
- in ALL ∞ zone lies, except WATER lies!**
[** The FREE Five Stride Rule applies to ALL WATER lies]
In the Ω zone, the Grasp rule may only be used sparingly
- The Grasp rule is permitted in ALL Ω zone sand hazard lies, once only.
- The Grasp rule is mandatory in the initial process of Descriptive TEE PEG Marking (DTPM) of any ball that has legitimately landed in the Ω zone of a Hole, (in the unquestionable opinion of its owner, who is compelled to use DTPM as a clear indication that his/her ball is deemed to be within the Ω zone of the current Hole).
- DTPM is restricted to competitive on-the-Ω zone shots of either NET in-Regulation/ NET in-One-Over-Regulation/ NET in-One-Under-Regulation/ NET in-Two-Under-Regulation.***
[*** Shots onto the Ω zone that result in uncompetitive & illegal active scores, such as:
- on the Ω zone in Two-Over-Regulation/Three-Over-Regulation, or worse, equate to a Time Wasting Penalty, P, or P18.]
- The Ω zone rule of DTPM is that a ball in the Ω zone must be Distinctively Marked, with either a WHITE TEE PEG behind the replaced ball, or with a RED TEE PEG behind the replaced ball, or with a BLUE TEE PEG behind the replaced ball.
- The Honour System of Ω zone play is not initiated until all still-active balls are DTPM in the Ω zone.
Possibly already covered in Note 1.04a ???
The Honour System of Ω zone play
- Only still-active balls may be present in the Ω zone. Any temptation to passively play a ball that is not contesting the Hole must be resisted, using an overt Ball Pick up (or more than one overt Ball Pick Up) to signal a conceded Hole (or Holes), and acceptance of a passive score of a given NET Bogey.
- Each Ω zone ball is significantly colour coded, using TEE PEGS for DTPM, as follows: White (=> White Hot!); Red (=> Red Hot!; Blue (=> Cool Blue).
- Each colour of TEE PEG refers to the STATUS of an Ω zone ball, in terms of its REGULATION on the Ω zone (which is equivalent to the term in Regulation on a GREEN)
- Improving Its Lie, within a 10 second timed limit, before releasing his/her grasp on the ball
- is Permitted anywhere within the ∞ zone
- within One Stride Distance of its original position, Not Nearer to the Hole.
Without releasing a BG's grasp of his/her Found Golf Ball it may be lifted from a majority of lies* and replaced without penalty in a preferred lie,
(Whilst in this sole grasp a ball may cleaned rudimentarily in a one-handed or two-handed manner, without resort to any cleaning implement or fluid.)
Once a Found Ball has been released from a BG's grasp it is deemed to be in its preferred lie and may not be touched again, without a one-shot penalty being recorded.
[ * This includes Sand, but the future preferred lie must be within the confines of a bunker, not nearer to the PIN.]
The Solo Grasp rule has a 10 second limit from initial excludes any Water lie. The Free Five Strides rule applies). ]
The FREE Five Stride rule (Also see Note 1.099)
This rule applies to all ∞ zone balls that cannot be advantageously lifted to within One Stride Distance, Not Nearer to the Hole, of their original positions, into preferred lies.
Examples of such balls are:
- Any balls lying in water
- Any balls self-declared to be lying out of bounds
- Any balls self-declared to be lost
- Any balls self-declared to be in found, but in impossibly awkward lies
Photo 1.06.8

Note 1.06.9 A PRELIMINARY WIN of a Hole in COINS! golf* is a 'Temporary Honour', and potentially a POISONED CHALICE, which is held briefly until the result of a REPÊCHAGE event! This latter contest Confers the Title of either 'OVERALL WINNER' or 'OVERALL LOSER' of the Hole, Exclusively on the PRELIMINARY WINNER, and with it, either the COINS! Award for the Hole, or Forfeiture of the COINS! Award!
[ *COINS! golf => Five-Ball BriskerGolf => Five-Ball 21st Century Golf ]
Imagine in Photo 1.04 above, that a group of FIVE Briskergolfers(BGs) has just completed this waterside Hole.
The FIVE BGs are playing in the five-ball 21st Century Golf game of COINS! golf, which is a much brisker version of the most elegant and enduring five-ball 19th Century Golf game of SKINS golf.
Photo 1.04 is a tough right-to-left dog-leg Par 4 Hole, and all five BGs (none pictured) are in receipt of a Shot at this Hole.
One BG, Jack, scores an Active Gross 4 => Net 3, whereas the other BGs scores are:
Bill = Active score Net 4, Steve = Active score Net 4, Rupert = Passive NET bogey score* Net 5, Mike = Passive NET bogey score* Net 5.
[*A Passive score is an Inactive score that is given to a BriskerGolfer who has conceded that he/she suddenly cannot Actively compete at a Hole, by overtly Picking Up his/her ball. Crucially a BriskerGolfer's act of concession must be performed at the precise moment his/her score at a Hole becomes excessive to the contest at the Hole, implying that his/her play has become Inactive. However a Passive score is a creditable score in terms of the pace of the BriskerGolf group! ]
Jack is termed the Preliminary Winner of the COINS! Hole.
Jack's COINS! prize for winning the Hole is subject to his performance** in the Repêchage event that automatically follows a Preliminary Win in COINS! golf.
[** The Preliminary Winner, Jack, faces a challenge in the Repêchage from the combined team of the Four Losers of the COINS! Hole: Bill, Steve, Rupert & Mike.]
Note that all four Losers of the COINS! Hole become Active BriskerGolfers again in the Repêchage event, working as a Team to defeat the Preliminary Winner, Jack.
Jack must either win or tie the Sudden Death Repêchage contest to become the Overall Winner of the COINS! Hole, and be awarded the COINS! prize for the Hole. However he must be extremely careful to avoid losing the Repêchage contest! If he were to lose the Repêchage he would automatically forfeit the COINS! award for the Hole, and be given the ignominious title of Overall Loser of the Hole....!
The forfeited COINS! prize would be conserved by being rolled over into the next hole, and it being accumulated with the single COIN prize of this successive Hole, to become a COINS! BONANZA.
Photo 1.06.10

Note 1.06.11 BriskerGolf ORCHESTRATION of Play in the Ω zone.
BriskerGolf endorses the R&A's notion of READY GOLF
There is no penalty for playing out of turn, and you are both allowed and encouraged to play “ready golf”: that is to play out of turn in a safe and responsible way.
Compare this with Note 1.04 above
A BG Player's Single Touching of his/her Found Golf Ball, with the intent of Lifting it and Improving Its Lie, is Permitted anywhere within the ∞ zone
Without releasing a BG's grasp of his/her Found Golf Ball it may be lifted from almost any lie* and replaced without penalty in a preferred lie, within One Stride Distance of its original position, Not Nearer to the Hole.
(Whilst in this single touch grasp a ball may cleaned rudimentarily in a one-handed or two-handed manner, without resort to any cleaning implement or fluid.)
Once a Found Ball has been released from a BG's grasp it is in its preferred lie and may not be touched again, without a one-shot penalty being recorded.
[ * This includes Sand, but the preferred lie must be within the confines of a bunker, not nearer to the PIN. However it excludes any Water lie (for which the Free Five Strides rule applies). ]
The FREE Five Stride rule (Also see Note 1.099)
This rule applies to all ∞ zone balls that cannot be advantageously lifted to within One Stride Distance, Not Nearer to the Hole, of their original positions, into preferred lies.
Examples of such balls are:
- Any balls lying in water
- Any balls self-declared to be lying out of bounds
- Any balls self-declared to be lost
- Any balls self-declared to be in found, but in impossibly awkward lies
Photo 1.06.12

Note 1.06.13 Encouraging Active Play, and Alertness of the Moment to Switch to Passive Play!
The journey that a BriskerGolfer undertakes at every Hole should resemble a natural athletic event, punctuated with camaraderie and concern for the golfing highs and pitfalls that all group members experience.
Most importantly the focus must be on a natural and rarely interrupted pace from the TEE to the PIN.
BriskerGolfers must be alert to the perennial time consuming effects of accidentally crooked shots, both personally and by fellow contestants. Liberal use of the BG FREE Five Stride rule will accelerate the general pace of a COINS! golf group.
Active play must not be stifled by elongated ball-searching. If a COINS! golfer senses danger for the survival of his/her pristine ball then he/she should substitute an unloved ball, to briskly avoid the wrench of retiring an errant ball, in a matter of seconds, if necessary.
A primary object is to negotiate the entire ∞ zone unscathed by any hold-up that could tarnish the whole group's progress.
Ideally your ball should arrive on the Ω zone in an ACTIVE score of:
- either NET regulation
- or even better, in ONE UNDER NET regulation
- or conceivably, in TWO UNDER NET regulation!
It is also acceptable to arrive on the Ω zone in an ACTIVE score of ONE OVER NET regulation! You are still hanging on to a respectably ACTIVE score!
However, it is very bad BG form to play an ACTIVE shot of absolutely no significance onto the Ω zone!
If a ball arrives at the target, the Ω zone, via an ACTIVE shot that creates an illegal presence on the Ω zone of TWO OVER NET regulation, or worse, this is a TIME WASTING offence, equating to either:
- a Penalty, P, of two-off-the-next-TEE
- a Penalty, P18, of a special Last Hole disqualification from a countback competition to determine the winner in the event of a TIE at the last Hole.
A shot onto the Ω zone creating an arrival of NET TWO OVER REGULATION should not have been played!
Acceptance of a PASSIVE score of a NET Bogey should have been indicated by an extravagantly gestured BALL PICK UP by a struggling BriskerGolfer, as opposed to a self indulgent, Time Wasting Shot onto the Ω zone!
An essential BRISK lesson in BG / COINS! scoring is that only a minority of Active scores qualify to progress onto the Ω zone in an average club-golfer five-ball COINS! game. These are:
- NET PAR scores
- NET BIRDIE scores
- NET EAGLE scores
Note that the above list of acceptable Active scores onto an Ω zone does NOT include:
- NET BOGEY scores (These are 'given' Passive scores if a punctual concession by an overt Ball Pick Up is made)
- NET DOUBLE BOGEY scores (These are excessive scores, not in the spirit of BriskerGolf...!)
- NET TREBLE BOGEY scores (These are excessive scores, not in the spirit of BriskerGolf...!)
- And so on ....!
NET DOUBLE BOGEY scores, NET TREBLE BOGEY scores, and so on, are illegal, time wasting, self indulgent scores, which equate to Penalty Scores of either P, or P18, as described above.
The general rule in BriskerGolf is that no shot from the NET BOGEY family of shots may be considered as an Active score, and exponents of such lower order scores must expect a Penalty, P or P18, if this Active score rule is abused.
Photo 1.06.14

Note 1.06.15 The Repêchage Event, after a 'Preliminary Win' at a COINS! Hole.
Imagine Photo 1.05 above to be the scene of the conclusion of the first phase of a COINS! game on a Hole for FIVE BriskerGolfers (BGs).
A 'Preliminary Winner' called Max has just scored an active NET 3 at this difficult links Par 4 Hole.
The other scores are: Robin: a passive NET 5, Adam: an active NET 4, Curtis: an active NET Net 4, and Neil: a passive NET 5.
NET 3 as a Net Birdie, and NET 4 as a Net Par are both good active scores.
Net 5 as a Net Bogey, is a good passive score (attained by a legitimate pick up)
As the 'Preliminary Winner' at the Hole, Max is facing a Sudden Death Repêchage against a Losers Team of Robin, Adam, Curtis and Neil.
Max is the only one who can win the COINS! prize, (which currently stands at 3 COINS).
The Losers Team of Robin, Adam, Curtis and Neil are motivated to beat Max to conserve the 3 COINS prize at the current Hole, so that it is not extinguished from their ambitions, and is instead ROLLED UP at the very next Hole, to become a COINS! BONANZA of 4 COINS to the potential Winner of the next Hole.
The Sudden Death Repêchage rules are:
- There are no handicap allowances.
- The flagstick must remain in its cup on the GREEN throughout the Repêchage.
- The honour to putt first is always that of the Losers' Team.
- The starting point for putting is anywhere along the Single Straight-Line Boundary of the Ω zone, such as seen in Photo 1.05 above.
- Each contestant putts Continuously, to a Conclusion (HOLING THE BALL), or to a Concession (a BALL PICK UP), without Marking or Touching their ball until holing out or a ball pick up taking place.
- Each member of the Losers' Team is GIVEN their THIRD putt ...!
- The 'Preliminary Winner' may not be given any putt!
- A WIN in favour of the 'Preliminary Winner'(PW) or a TIE is needed to declare that the PW has become the Overall Winner* of the current Hole, and is to receives the COINS! reward on offer.
[* A single putt from the PW also wins!]
- A LOSS by the 'Preliminary Winner'(PW) implies that the PW has failed to become the Overall Winner of the current Hole, and instead earns age sobriquet Overall Loser, forfeiting the COINS! reward on offer, which instead ROLLS OVER to be included in the COINS! reward at the successive Hole .
One member of the Losers' Team, Curtis, manages to Two Putt in the Repêchage, from the Ω zone base line to the awkwardly sited PIN at the Hole. His three team mates were all given their third putts.
Max was under pressure to two putt the Hole, to tie with Curtis and thereby gain title of 'Overall Winner' of the Hole, and collect the COINS! prize, which was a COINS! BONANZA of 3 Coins!
Unfortunately the pressure on Max told, and he failed to two putt the Hole!
As the 'Overall Loser' he missed out on an opportunity to collect a COINS! BONANZA!
However the COINS! prize was not extinguished, and was rolled up at the next Hole, together with the COIN already on offer at this subsequent Hole, to form a COINS! BONANZA! of 4 Coins! (which unlucky Max didn't win either!)
Photo 1.06.16

Note 1.06.17 Descriptive TEE PEG Marking (DTPM) of Ω zone Balls at a BG Hole; also the ∞ zone(Infinity zone) and the ∞/Ω (Infinity/Omega) Boundary.
Imagine that FIVE BriskerGolfers, (BGs), are playing the 21st Century Golf game of COINS! golf (BriskerGolf), (which is a much brisker version of the most elegant and enduring 19th Century Golf game of SKINS golf) and have all progressed sufficiently well to be considered to be within the imaginary elastic Ω zone boundary of the Hole, depicted in Photo 1.05 above, and are still contesting this beautifully tortuous Hole!
None of their shots to this wonderful links GREEN have peppered the PIN, but all of them are reasonably well-placed within the Ω zone of the Hole.
A COINS! golf rule states that there is to be absolutely no marking of any ball in the ∞ zone* (Infinity zone) of a Hole, but that the moment a ball is deemed by its owner to be in the Ω zone of a Hole, the ball must be marked, using Descriptive TEE PEG Marking (DTPM).
[ *The ∞ zone (infinity zone) is the converse counterpart of the Ω zone at every Hole. It is the vast area from the TEE to the ∞ zone/Ω zone boundary of a Hole]
Descriptive TEE PEG Marking (DTPM) is the compulsory duty of every BriskerGolfer to mark his/her ball, appropriately, as a declaration of the moment that his/her ball has arrived either:
- within the mandatory boundary of the GREEN itself
- within the optional boundary of the Ω zone, adjacent to the GREEN itself, (in the indisputable opinion of the ball's owner!)
Descriptive TEE PEG Marking (DTPM) is the use of an appropriately coloured TEE PEG to signify the NET Regulation Status of a BriskerGolfer's ball when it has initially settled anywhere within the Ω zone of a Hole, following a contestant's shot towards the Hole from an ∞ zone lie.
There are three Descriptive Colours of TEE PEGS to be used as ball markers:
White (Hot); Red (Warm); Blue (Cool)
- White (Hot) => An excellent arrival onto the Ω zone => IN ONE UNDER (NET) REGULATION
- Red (Warm) => An above average arrival onto the Ω zone => LEVEL, in (NET) REGULATION
- Blue (Cool) => A below average arrival onto the Ω zone => IN ONE OVER (NET) REGULATION
In extraordinary circumstances TWO WHITE TEE PEGS, side by side, may be used, as follows:
- White, White (Exceptionally Hot) => A superb arrival onto the Ω zone => IN TWO UNDER (NET) REGULATION
And in dire circumstances NO TEE PEGS, may be used for arrival onto the Ω zone in:
- TWO OVER (NET) REGULATION => Dead Ball PICK UP! => Default NET Bogey (DNB)
And no arrival onto the Ω zone => Dead Ball PICK UP! (earlier on, in the ∞ zone)
=> Default NET Bogey (DNB)
The ∞ zone is the vast area on a golf Hole that is NOT the Ω zone. It has NO BOUNDARIES from the TEE, other than its boundary with its counterpart Ω zone at the same Hole, termed the ∞/Ω boundary.
No ∞ zone ball is deemed to be out of bounds or 'lost to the game' in 21st Century Golf! (See the Five Stride Rule below, at Note 1.10)]
All FIVE BriskerGolfers in Photo 1.05 above are playing the 21st Century Golf game of COINS!, which is a much brisker version of the most elegant and enduring 19th Century Golf game of SKINS.
The optional enlarged size of the Ω zone compared to that of the GREEN, is for every BG player to use or not use, to their Brisk advantage, on their arrival at what they deem to be a legitimate Ω zone area, adjacent to the GREEN.
The Primary Aim of every BriskerGolfer is to win a COINS! Hole outright with an IMPRESSIVE LEADING Net Score, and achieve an irrefutable prize of ONE, TWO or MORE COINS!* for such a WIN.
[* Two or more COINS! won at a single Hole are termed a COINS! BONANZA]
The Secondary Aim of every BriskerGolfer is to conserve the COINS! value of the current Hole by Tieing with any IMPRESSIVE LEADING Net Score, and achieving the salvage of the COINS! value of the current Hole, for this COINS! value to be rolled up together with the COINS! value of the successive Hole, to become a COINS! BONANZA.
The invisible fifth golfer in the group elects to continue his search for his pristine golf ball in the undergrowth to the right of the right-hand fairway bunker, after an initially fruitless (timed) 30 second search for his ball has expired.
Following the expiry of the deadline of his 30 second search, the invisible fifth BriskerGolfer has accepted a passive score of a Net Bogey at the current Hole, in return for his withdrawal from any more active play in the preliminary BriskerGolf contest for the Hole.
However, if a Provisional Winner of the preliminary BriskerGolf contest for the Hole emerges, the invisible passive BriskerGolfer may yet be significantly involved in active play at this Hole, in the form of a repechage!
Photo 1.06.18

Note 1.06.19 The ∞ zone (Infinity zone) of Any Golf Hole, and RETIRED BALLS.
The ∞ zone (Infinity zone) is the VAST area on a golf Hole that is NOT the Ω zone. It begins from the TEE shot of a BriskerGolfer, and has NO BOUNDARIES from the TEE, other than its boundary with its counterpart Ω zone at the same Hole, termed the ∞/Ω boundary (Infinity/Omega boundary).
No ∞ zone ball is deemed to be 'out of bounds' or 'lost to the game' in 21st Century Golf!
Such Lost Balls, within bounds or out of bounds, are deemed to be equivalent to Unplayable Found Balls, and ALL these types of balls are termed RETIRED BALLS.
ALL retired balls benefit from the FREE Five Stride Rule (see Note 1.10)
Photo 1.06.18

Interlude 1.06.21 Bobby Locke
A Relaxed Pace of Play is Sometimes Overlooked?
In the estimation of many golf aficionados Bobby Locke was the world's greatest-ever golfer! His ability to control the shape of every one of his shots, from his idiosyncratic driving through to his glorious putting, was mesmerisingly unique; possibly akin to that of an autistic savant!
He transcended the complexities of the game of golf with ease, and was in a category all of his own: that of an all-conquering entertainer*. As such, his rather relaxed pace did not detract from the magic of his public performances, but may have just disqualified him from being dubbed the world's greatest-ever golfer.
[*Two of the author's distinguished golfer friends, Bryon Hutchinson and Peter Coleman, have given very similar descriptions of the magical Bobby Locke, from their own precious experiences of being in his company as players themselves, when Bobby was in his prime. Typically, after a game, Bobby would sing to his fans, whilst accompanying himself on his ukulele!]
Bobby Locke epitomised almost everything that was glorious about his chosen sport, throughout his illustrious career. We can only speculate why he resisted becoming a BriskerGolfer.
Photo 1.06.22

Note 1.06.25 A possible COINS! award for the Outright Winner of a Hole.
Imagine Photo 1.06.22 to be a sub-group of FOUR BriskerGolfers (BGs), out of a complete BG group of FIVE Briskergolfers, one of whom is out of sight beyond the right hand side of Photo 1.04, and has already begun a timed (30 second) search for his pristine ball.
All FIVE BriskerGolfers are playing the 21st Century Golf game of COINS!, which is a much brisker version of the most elegant and enduring 19th Century Golf game of SKINS.
The four in Photo 1.04 are progressing uphill towards a visible Bull's Eye target, (the PIN), situated within the confines of a much larger visible target, (the GREEN).
All the BriskerGolfers (BGs) are aware of the two visible targets as described above, and of the presence of a third, potentially somewhat larger target, termed the Ω zone (Omega zone), that encompasses both the whole of the GREEN, and optionally, some manicured areas that are adjacent to the GREEN, as embellishments to it.
The optional enlarged size of the Ω zone compared to that of the GREEN, is for every BG player to use or not use, to their Brisk advantage, on their arrival at what they deem to be a legitimate Ω zone area, adjacent to the GREEN.
These adjacent Ω zone manicured embellishments to the GREEN are either:
- Cut Grass areas of Aprons, Humps or Hollows
- Raked Sand areas of Bunkers
and together with the GREEN itself these embellished areas form the imaginary Ω zone in Photo 1.04
The Primary Aim of every BriskerGolfer is to win a COINS! Hole outright with an IMPRESSIVE LEADING Net Score, and achieve an irrefutable prize of ONE, TWO or MORE COINS!* for such a WIN.
[* Two or more COINS! won at a single Hole are termed a COINS! BONANZA]
The Secondary Aim of every BriskerGolfer is to conserve the COINS! value of the current Hole by Tieing with any IMPRESSIVE LEADING Net Score, and achieving the salvage of the COINS! value of the current Hole, for this COINS! value to be rolled up together with the COINS! value of the successive Hole, to become a COINS! BONANZA.
The invisible fifth golfer in the group elects to continue his search for his pristine golf ball in the undergrowth to the right of the right-hand fairway bunker, after an initially fruitless (timed) 30 second search for his ball has expired.
Following the expiry of the deadline of his 30 second search, the invisible fifth BriskerGolfer has accepted a passive score of a Net Bogey at the current Hole, in return for his withdrawal from any more active play in the preliminary BriskerGolf contest for the Hole.
However, if a Provisional Winner of the preliminary BriskerGolf contest for the Hole emerges, the invisible passive BriskerGolfer may yet be significantly involved in active play at this Hole, in the form of a repechage!
Photo 1.06.26

Note 1.06.27 The Golf Game COINS! A 21st Century 5-Ball BriskerGolf Contest at Every Hole
A BriskerGolf contest for a Hole may result in either:
- a Conclusive NET Tie for the Hole, between two BriskerGolfers, in which case the COINS! value of the Hole is salvaged, and is rolled over to be included in the very next BG Hole, as part of a COINS! BONANZA, by the BG rule: TWO TIE, ALL TIE.
- a Provisional NET Winner of the Hole, which triggersr a REPECHAGE EVENT to determine if he/she will become the Undisputed Winner of the Hole, earning its irrefutable COINS! value of One or More COINS!
Such a REPECHARGE is a very Brisk, NO HANDICAP, Sudden Death Single PUTT Contest (SDSPC) within the confines of the Ω zone of the Hole.
It is a no handicap single putt, nearest-to-the-PIN contest from any point on the Ω zone baseline towards the PIN (which must remain in its cup), involving ALL the BriskerGolfers who are present within the Ω zone at the start of the SDSPC.
Any BriskerGolfer who is absent from the Ω zone at the start of the SDSPC is disqualified from participating in this competition!
The SDSPC NO HANDICAP contest is between the Provisional NET Winner of the Hole in play, against the entire team of Provisional NET Losers of the Hole in play.
(The team of Provisional NET Losers may consist of Four BriskerGolfers or fewer, if one or more team members are absent from the start of the SDSPC event.)
The purpose of an SDSPC event is either:
- to confirm the Provisional Winner of the Hole as the Unconditional Winner of the BG Hole by virtue of his/her victory in the SDSPC event, and simultaneously award the COINS! value of the Hole in play to its Unconditional Winner.
- to conserve the award of the COINS! value of the Hole in play, by virtue of the team of Provisional NET Losers so that its COINS! value is rolled over to become part of the COINS! value of the following Hole to be played, creating a COINS! BONANZA at this successive Hole.
The Ω zone is a closed* imaginary boundary that includes:
- the whole of the GREEN at a Hole, optionally with the addition of various manicured embellished areas, immediately adjacent to the GREEN, such as:
- trimmed grass (aprons, and humps and hollows)
- raked sand
[* A Closed Boundary is the opposite of an Open Boundary. The former has NO BREAKS in its perimeter!]
The Ω zone NEVER INCLUDES any form of water, such as streams or ponds!
The Ω zone NEVER INCLUDES any manicured areas that are not immediately adjacent to the GREEN!
The Ω zone begins with an easily identifiable base line that closes the two feet at the base of a very approximate and imaginary elastically Ω shaped boundary that surrounds both the GREEN and, optionally, any peripheral adjacent manicured areas of grass and sand.
The aforementioned base line is tangential to the very front edge of a GREEN, at right angles to the direction of play towards the PIN, as in Photo 1.02 and Photo 1.03
Photo 1.06.28

Note 1.06.29 The 'Preliminary' Winner of a Hole in COINS!* is initially deemed to be the 'Preliminary Winner' until the result of a Repêchage event, which Confirms or Denies the Title of 'Overall Winner', and with this, the COINS! Award for the Hole, or its Forfeiture
For the purposes of BriskerGolf it is necessary to envisage a slightly larger target than the GREEN, termed the OMEGA zone, (abbreviated as the Ω zone).
The Ω zone is a closed* imaginary boundary that encompasses:
- the whole of the GREEN at a Hole
in addition to various manicured embellished areas, immediately adjacent to the GREEN, such as:
- trimmed grass (aprons, and humps and hollows)
- raked sand
[* A Closed Boundary is the opposite of an Open Boundary. The former has NO BREAKS in its perimeter!]
The Ω zone NEVER INCLUDES any form of water, such as streams or ponds!
The Ω zone NEVER INCLUDES any manicured areas that are not immediately adjacent to the GREEN!
The Ω zone begins with an easily identifiable base line that closes the two feet at the base of a very approximate and imaginary elastically Ω shaped boundary that surrounds both the GREEN and, optionally, any peripheral adjacent manicured embellishment areas of grass and sand.
The aforementioned base line is tangential to the very front edge of a GREEN, at right angles to the direction of play towards the PIN, as in Photo 1.02 and Photo 1.03
Photo 1.06.30

Photo 1.06.31

Graphic 1.06.32 BriskerGolf scorecard (Slightly Outdated)

Graphic 1.06.33 BriskerGolf scorecard (Slightly Outdated)

Graphic 1.06.34 BriskerGolf scorecard (Slightly Outdated)

Graphic 1.06.35 BriskerGolf scorecard (Slightly Outdated)

Graphic 1.06.36
A BriskerGolf.com LEADERBOARD, showing pp => positional points accrued at the end of each BG round.
1 pp => in First Place at the end of a BG round.
Thus the lowest possible Cumulative Total of pp (i.e. the PERFECT score) after four rounds is 4, which is rather unlikely in a field of well-matched BriskerGolfers!
The FINAL BG ROUND can be any multiple of 18 Holes, e.g. 54 Holes, 72 Holes, 96 Holes and so on.

Note 1.07.1 Inverse Etiquette in the Ω zone: nearest to the PIN plays FIRST*, Continuously, to either a CONCLUSION, (Holing Out), or to a CURTAILMENT(Dead Ball Pick Up)
[* Optionally, the nearest to the PIN in the Ω zone, initially, may play LAST rather than FIRST.]
Alternate Version of pp scoring. There are NO Ties in pp
In this version there are NO TIES for pp (positional points)!
In the event of any Ties at a Hole, the outright winner is the LAST PLAYER (Ultimate Player) to Tie the Hole, and any other player or players to Tie the same Hole achieve only a GHOST Tie!
The order of scoring at a TIED Hole is:
(i) For TWO players TYING a Hole,
ULTIMATE Player to Tie a Hole => WINNER of the Hole!
PENULTIMATE Player to Tie a Hole => GHOST TIE LOSER of the Hole!
(ii) For THREE players TYING a Hole,
ULTIMATE Player to Tie a Hole => WINNER of the Hole!
PENULTIMATE Player to Tie a Hole => GHOST TIE LOSER of the Hole!
ANTIPENULTIMATE Player to Tie a Hole => GHOST TIE LOSER of the Hole!
(iii) For THREE players TYING a Hole,
ULTIMATE Player to Tie a Hole => WINNER of the Hole!
PENULTIMATE Player to Tie a Hole => GHOST TIE LOSER of the Hole!
ANTIPENULTIMATE Player to Tie a Hole => GHOST TIE LOSER of the Hole!
(iii) For FOUR players TYING a Hole,
ULTIMATE Player to Tie a Hole => WINNER of the Hole!
PENULTIMATE Player to Tie a Hole => GHOST TIE LOSER of the Hole!
ANTIPENULTIMATE Player to Tie a Hole => GHOST TIE LOSER of the Hole!
PREANTIPENULTIMATE Player to Tie a Hole => GHOST TIE LOSER of the Hole!
(iv) For FIVE players TYING a Hole,
ULTIMATE Player to Tie a Hole => WINNER of the Hole!
PENULTIMATE Player to Tie a Hole => GHOST TIE LOSER of the Hole!
ANTIPENULTIMATE Player to Tie a Hole => GHOST TIE LOSER of the Hole!
PREANTIPENULTIMATE Player to Tie a Hole => GHOST TIE LOSER of the Hole!
The OUTRIGHT (OVERALL) Winner of a Hole. This INCLUDES All Outright Winners, confirmed by a Repêchage event, PLUS every ULTIMATE Tied Player that is declared the Winner of a TIED Hole!
To determine the final pp score in the event of a Tie in pp scores at the end of a BriskerGolf (COINS! golf) round (normally 18 Holes), the winning pp scores in the event of Tied pp scores, are calculated by Countback to the last winner of a Hole, to determine the following pp results:
a) Overall Winner (=> Outright Winner; or Outright Winner by Countback to the last winner of a Hole)
=> 1 pp [i.e. FIRST in pp]
b) Overall 2nd Place (=> Outright 2nd Place; or Outright 2nd Place by Countback to the last winner of a Hole)
=> 2 pp [i.e. SECOND in pp]
c) Overall 3rd Place (=> Outright 3rd Place; or Outright 3rd Place by Countback to the last winner of a Hole)
=> 3 pp [i.e. THIRD in pp]
d) Overall 4th Place (=> Outright 3rd Place; or Outright 3rd Place by Countback to the last winner of a Hole)
=> 4 pp [i.e. FORTH in pp]
e) Overall 5th Place (=> Outright 3rd Place; or Outright 3rd Place by Countback to the last winner of a Hole)
=> 5 pp [i.e. FIFTH in pp]
If there is a TIE in the leading number of COINS! golf (=> BriskerGolf) Tokens acquired at the end of a round, there is a formal way of differentiating between the joint victors of such a COINS! golf (=> BriskerGolf) Tokens, and ALL FIVE POSITIONS, at the conclusion of the Last Hole.
The infallible method of deciding ANY or ALL of the FIVE POSITIONS at the end of a COINS! golf (BriskerGolf) game is termed:
- COUNTBACK to the last winner of a Hole
And, if required, any other finishing position can be similarly calculated by COUNTBACK to the last winner of a Hole.
With reference to the Ganton scorecard above, there are two pp Ties for FIRST PLACE:
Player B => 6th Hole / 4 tokens(Coins); 10th Hole / 1 token (Coin) => 5 tokens (Coins)
Player C => 2nd Hole / 2 tokens(Coins); 9th Hole / 2 tokens(Coins); 13th Hole / 1 token(Coin) => 5 tokens (Coins)
(Note: Player E => 17th Hole/4 tokens(Coins) is NOT a Tie for FIRST PLACE. It's an Outright THIRD PLACE position!)
By Countback to the Last Hole won Outright, the 13th Hole, by Player C, the order of pp (positional points), is:
Player C => 1 pp
Player B => 2 pp (on Countback to the Last win, on the 13th Hole, by Player C)
Player E => 3 pp
Player D => 4 pp
Player A => 5 pp
Photo 1.07.2
Note 1.07.3 Lost Ball Etiquette
After an initially fruitless (timed search) the invisible fifth golfer in the group above elected to continue his search for his pristine golf ball in the undergrowth to the right of the right-hand fairway bunker, after the search period for his ball has expired.
After the deadline of his 30 second search, the invisible fifth BriskerGolfer accepted a passive score of a Net Bogey at the current Hole, in return for his withdrawal from any more active play in the preliminary BriskerGolf contest for the Hole.
However, if a Provisional Winner of the preliminary BriskerGolf contest for the Hole emerges, the invisible passive BriskerGolfer may yet be significantly involved in active play at this Hole, in the repechage!
Photo 1.07.4

Photo 1.07.5

Photo 1.07.6

Note 1.08.1 Lateral Thinking. COINS! golf (BriskerGolf): A Novel Way of Teaching Brisker Pace!
COINS! => Coins-Skins.com (=>.BriskerGolf.com)
=> a Modified 19th Century SKINS golf game
Coins-Skins.com=> a highly ENTERTAINING, EDUCATIONAL and COMPETITIVE 5-Ball Golf game!
Choosing to modify 5-ball SKINS, one of the most elegant and enduring variations of the game of golf, may seem like sacrilege to the sport's purists, but in fact it is a determined attempt to bring magic very similar to that of the world's most enduring and entertaining 5-ball golf game to the attention of the entire golfing population of our planet, present and future, and simultaneously to educate both novice and a sizeable proportion of experienced golfers in the Art of Brisker Golf!
Currently the most entertaining 5-ball golf game is unquestionably the 19th Century game of SKINS, yet it is a game that the vast majority of regular golfers have never played!!
Dating back to the very beginnings of golf, 5-ball SKINS has largely been the preserve of professional and elite amateur golfers, and additionally those fortunate to control the game of golf at club level and above.
5-Ball SKINS rules are the most elegant in golf, and when played properly by skilled exponents, SKINS is undeniably a wonderful game!
However the mere mention of regular amateurs playing 5-ball Skins golf at a club can cause severe friction between between officials and regulars, with the former perceiving it to be their duty to protect the current pace of play at the club, by denying the latter permission to play this contentious game at their club.
Fortified by the knowledge that the R&A has no rule that prevents 5-ball golf, the author has created COINS! : an abbreviated 5-ball golf game, combining 19th Century Golf Skins rules with 21st Century Golf BriskerGolf rules.
Crucially, the pace of a 5-ball COINS! golf game is equivalent to that of a 3-ball stroke play game!!
The modified SKINS game of 21st Century Golf COINS! (Coins-Skins.com => BriskerGolf.com) retains all the fabulous elements of 19th Century Golf SKINS:
- Winner-takes-all competitiveness at every Hole!
- Team-effort on behalf of the also-rans, to attempt to conserve the reward at every Hole, to build a bonanza COINS! prize at the next Hole!
- Incredible camaraderie and sportsmanship generated 'through the green' like no other golf game!
COINS! (i.e. Coins-Skins.com => BriskerGolf.com) enhances the three basic elements of Skins, with LEVELLING UP rules that enable more of the participants of the five-ball match play game of COINS! to enjoy being actively involved in a much greater proportion of the through the green play at each Hole, rather than having to passively sit out many crucial end-games at individual Holes.
Coins-Skins also educates ALL its participants in the Art of BRISKER PLAY, with a few incisive BriskerGolf rules that sportingly and benignly alleviate the unfortunate circumstances that all active golfers have to contend with, to a greater or lesser degree, in the course of a golf round!
COINS! (Coins-Skins) enables a LEVELLING UP of golf and a much BRISKER PACE of play!
COINS! golf => 21stCenturyGolf.com
COINS! golf => BriskerGolf.com
Fortunately the tried & tested elite five-ball golf game of 19th Century SKINS golf provides a useful template from which to build a new CATCH-ALL five-ball golf game termed COINS! golf. (BriskerGolf).
A combination of 19th Century Golf SKINS rules, together with 21st Century Golf BriskerGolf rules (=> Coins-Skins rules, creates the amazing game of COINS!
COINS! is a very distinctive five-ball match play golf game, which uniquely has a dual focus on LEVELLING UP opportunities and ACCELERATED PACE techniques, within the magic of five-ball golf play.
COINS! golf => www.briskergolf.com rules
[COINS! golf also applies to marginally less entertaining & educative four-ball, COINS!4 golf, & three-ball, COINS!3 golf, & two-ball, COINS!2 golf games]
Photo 1.08.2

Note 1.08.3 Description of ∞ zone (Infinity zone) play!
Introduction of a Snapshot MODULE, 1.03 SM: relating to photo above 1.03
The exclusive purpose of this MODULE: to describe ∞ zone (Infinity zone) play!
Imagine BriskerGolf (i.e. COINS!4 ) play at the photo of the golf Hole immediately above the description of COINS! in Note 1.03 above, showing four golfers progressing uphill, towards a very approximate initial imaginary straight base line that touches the front edge of the green.
These four BriskerGolfers are COINS!4 players, currently playing well within the ∞ zone of the Hole.
They are all intent on crossing the imaginary ∞ / Ω line in as few Net SHOTS as possible, onto the Ω zone, (providing that their approach shots are reasonably straight!!)
All these BriskerGolfers ( => COINS!4 players) have yet to play their final approach shots to the target PIN on the Ω zone area (PIN not visible).
The Ω zone consists of the GREEN and its adjacent manicured areas of cut grass and raked sand.
The honour to play, anywhere within the ∞ zone, is always the same as in traditional golf: the golfer furthest from the PIN has the honour to play first. (In the snapshot it is the golfer in white on the far left of the group to play first.
Unfortunately he duck-hooks his shot into the mature tree to the immediate left of the GREEN !
However, as a BriskerGolfer he knows that he is NOT out of the BG contest to win the Hole!!
When he arrives at the approximate resting place of his ball, he parks his trolley and releases his grip on its handle, and begins to search for his ball.
This is the moment that his marker puts him on the clock!
He has a mere 30 seconds in which to find his ball!
None of his fellow BriskerGolfers are obliged to help him in his search, but are encouraged to call out useful advice on the whereabouts of the troublesome shot from a distance.
Unluckily the man-in-white runs out of time in his 30 seconds search!
He now has a further 10 seconds, again on his marker's clock, to make a decision:
(i) Does he play on, without penalty, using a substitute ball, together with the use of the FREE BG Five STRIDES Rule, to bring his errant (albeit substitute) ball well into play, given that this wily duck-hooker was playing a rather unloved ball, and has no history of chronically hooking from a distance of 20 yards from the Ω zone!
(ii) Or does he decide to continue his search for his ball, for financial or sentimental reasons, beyond the 40 second clock time, by declaring absolutely his decision to withdraw from the contest at the Hole, and to accept a passive score of a Net Bogey at the Hole, under the BG Lost Ball Rule.
(iii) Any indecision, beyond the timed 40 seconds results in an immediate Penalty of P (or P18 on the last HOLE).
[Penalty P is a 2-off-the-next-TEE imposition, whereas Penalty P18 is exclusion from any Sudden Death TIE Break competition at the Last Hole]
Absent from the photo is the elastic boundary of the rest of the Ω zone, which extends around the Green and its manicured periphery adjacent to the Green, including cut grass and raked sand.
The revolutionary website COINS! => 21st Century Golf in a Five-Ball
=> BriskerGolf.com
(The abbreviation '=>' above always means 'implies')
Photo 1.08.4

Note 1.08.5 COINS! A Novel Way of Teaching Brisker Pace!
COINS! => Coins-Skins.com
=> a Modified SKINS golf game
The modified SKINS game of 21st Century Golf COINS! (Coins-Skins.com) retains all the fabulous elements of 19th Century Golf SKINS:
- Winner-takes-all competitiveness at every Hole!
- Team-effort on behalf of the also-rans, to attempt to conserve the reward at every Hole, to build a bonanza COINS! prize at the next Hole!
- Incredible camaraderie and sportsmanship generated 'through the green' like no other golf game!
COINS! (i.e. Coins-Skins.com) enhances the three basic elements of Skins, with LEVELLING UP rules that enable more of the participants of the five-ball match play game of COINS! to enjoy being actively involved in a much greater proportion of the through the green play at each Hole, rather than having to passively sit out many crucial end-games at individual Holes.
Coins-Skins also educates ALL its participants in the Art of BRISKER PLAY, with a few incisive BriskerGolf rules that sportingly and benignly alleviate the unfortunate circumstances that all active golfers have to contend with, to a greater or lesser degree, in the course of a golf round!
COINS! (Coins-Skins) enables a LEVELLING UP of golf and a BRISKER PACE of play!
COINS! => 21stCenturyGolf.com
COINS! => BriskerGolf.com
COINS! => Coins-Skins.com
Fortunately the tried & tested elite five-ball golf game of SKINS provides a perfect template from which to build a new CATCH-ALL five-ball golf game termed COINS!
A combination of 19th Century Golf SKINS rules, together with 21st Century Golf BriskerGolf rules, creates the exciting game of COINS!
COINS! is a very distinctive five-ball match play golf game, which uniquely has a dual focus on LEVELLING UP opportunities and ACCELERATED PACE techniques, within the magic of five-ball golf play.
COINS! => www.coins-skins.com rules
[COINS! also applies to marginally less entertaining & educative four-ball, COINS!4 , & three-ball, COINS!3 , games]
Photo 1.08.6

Note 1.08.7 Historic, 19th Century SKINS
Rules of 19th Century Golf SKINS
The rules of historic SKINS are the simplest and most elegant of any match play golf game, but are exclusively for those with a High Degree of golfing competency (or a High Degree of golfing influence!)
In a nutshell, historic SKINS rules are:
- (Ideally) FIVE golfers compete individually in a multi-match play golf game against each other, each golfer attempting to win one or more Holes outright.
- Each Hole has a value of a 'Skin'. (An imaginary or a real value)
- An outright Win at a Hole may be valued at One or More Skins:
(i) Either an outright Win at a Single Hole => (implies) an unaugmented prize of One Skin!
(ii) Or an outright Win at a Single Hole => (implies) an augmented prize of an Accumulated Number of yet-to-be-won Skins accumulated from immediately previous Holes!
=> (implies) a Skins Bonanza! (of 2, 3, 4 or more Skins!)
- A Tie at a Hole is always between just two players => (implying) the Skin or Skins value of the Hole (augmented or unaugmented) is conserved for the benefit of all five players contesting the Hole, by the Levelling Up rule:
Two Tie* at a Hole, All Tie
[* SIGNIFICANTLY a Tie in historic SKINS may be with any score at a Hole, including:
- a low level Tie, such as a two Net Bogey TIE,
- or a lower level, such as a two Net Double Bogey TIE,
- or an even lower level, such as a two Net Treble Bogey TIE,
- or worse!
In addition to:
- a high level Tie, such as a two Net Par TIE,
- or a higher level Tie, such as a two NET Birdie TIE,
- or an even higher level Tie, such as a two NET Eagle TIE
- [or, theoretically, a two NET Albatross TIE! ]
The overall winner of an historic Skins game is the golfer who has acquired the most Skins!
If there is a TIE in the leading number of Skins acquired, there is no formal way of differentiating between the joint victors of such a Skins game, at the conclusion of the Last Hole.
Photo 1.08.8

Note 1.08.9 21st Century Golf: COINS! golf (=> BriskerGolf.com)
Rules of 21st Century Golf COINS!
(=> Modified 19th Century SKINS golf => www.Coins-Skins.com => BriskerGolf.com)
The basic rules of COINS! match the simplicity and elegance of SKINS, but additionally necessitate enhanced rules to ensure that brisk golf (www.BriskerGolf.com) is consistently played, and that many more levelling up opportunities exist in the 21st Century Golf game of COINS! than in the enduring 19th Century Golf game of SKINS, whatever the golfing competency of a COINS! golfer may be.
Enhanced Rules of COINS! (Part One)
- FULL HANDICAP allowances up to and including the current WHS** Handicap of 18 of any golfer, male or female.
- A minority of Higher Handicap COINS! players in a five-ball group may be given written permission to play in a formal COINS! game from a golfing authority at a course, provided they undertake to play off a provisional Handicap of 18.
[** World Handicap System]
- COINS! rules to be adhered to in both the ∞ Zone and the Ω Zone of every Hole.
- (Ideally) FIVE golfers compete in a multi-match play golf game against each other, attempting to win a Hole outright.
- Each Hole has a value of a Coin! (An imaginary or a real value).
- An outright Win at a single Hole may be valued at One or More Coins:
(i) Either an outright Win at a Single Hole => an unaugmented prize of One Coin!
(ii) Or an outright Win at a Single Hole => an augmented prize of an Accumulated Number of yet-to-be-won immediately previous Holes! => a Coins Bonanza! (of 2, 3, 4 or more Coins!)
- A Tie at a Hole is always between just two players => (implying) the Coin or Coins value of the Hole ( unaugmented or augmented ) is conserved for the benefit of all five players contesting the Hole, by the Levelling Up rule:
Two Tie* at a Hole, All Tie
[* SIGNIFICANTLY a Tie in 21st Century Golf COINS! may be with:
- either TWO passive scores at a Hole, => just TWO correct BALL PICK UPS, at a Hole
( => That no better score or scores have been achieved at a Hole.)
=> The Correct acceptance of two passive NET Bogey scores
=> That the lowest level of COINS! Tie has been achieved
=> A two Net Bogey TIE
Note that no other passive scores are allowed in COINS!
ILLEGAL tied scores in COINS! are:
- a lower level, two Net Double Bogey TIE,
- or an even lower level, two Net Treble Bogey TIE,
- or worse!
Active COINS scores, are POSITIVE achievements of NET Pars; NET Birdies; NET Eagles (and occasionally NET albatrosses), and are much more significant than the a passive score of NET Bogey in COINS!
LEGAL tied scores in COINS! are:
- a high level Tie, such as a two NET Par TIE,
- or a higher level Tie, such as a two NET Birdie TIE,
- or an even higher level Tie, such as a two NET Eagle TIE
- [or, theoretically, a two NET Albatross TIE! ]
Equally any positive active score may be a singular winning score in COINS! such as:
- a NET Par
- a NET Birdie
- a NET Eagle
- a NET Albatross
The overall winner of a 21st Century COINS! game is the golfer who has acquired the most COINS!
If there is a TIE in the leading number of COINS! acquired at the end of a round, there is a formal way of differentiating between the joint victors of such a COINS! game, at the conclusion of the Last Hole.
The infallible method of deciding ALL FIVE POSITIONS at the end of a COINS! game is termed:
- COUNTBACK to the last winner of a Hole
And if required, any other finishing position can be similarly calculated by COUNTBACK.
COINS! scoring
(i) A win representing a Net Win of a Single Hole => One Coin!
(ii) A win representing a Net Win of a Cumulative Number of yet-to-be-won Holes => a Coin Bonanza (of 2, 3, 4 or more Coins!)
- A Tie at a Hole is always between just two players, and the Coin! or Coins! value of the Hole is always conserved for the benefit of all five BriskerGolfers contesting the Hole, by the Levelling Up rule:
Two Tie*** at a Hole, All Tie
[*** A minimum Coins! score of a default Net Bogey exists at every Hole, which implies any excessively poor scores are both irrelevant and ILLEGAL !!]
- The overall winner of a standard Coins! game is the golfer who has acquired the most Coins!
- In the event of a TIE in the leading total of COINS! acquired by two or more leading BriskerGolfers, crucially the overall winner of the COINS! game will be decided by countback to the last winner of a Hole!
Enhanced Rules of COINS! (Part Two)
- Permission to play in a five-ball COINS! game must be formally obtained from a golf course by prior arrangement.****
[**** There is no R&A rule against playing golf in a five, but virtually all golf courses will have a blanket rule against five ball play. However COINS! aficionados will be supported by 21st Century Golf (21stCenturyGolf.com) in any application to play an authorised COINS! game on a course.
21stCenturyGolf.com will assure concerned golf course controllers that the pace of a five-ball COINS! game is approximately that of a standard three-ball stroke play game.]
Enhanced Rules of COINS! (Part Three)
- Understanding the two BriskerGolf Zones of every golf Hole and the differing rules that apply to each Zone:
(i) The ∞ [Infinity] Zone
(ii) The Ω [Omega] Zone
(See Note 1.06 below, for 'Part Three, re-started, and amplified')
Photo 1.08.10

Note 1.08.11 21ST CENTURY GOLF trusts every BriskerGolfer to IMAGINE an Ω zone! Starting from an easily distinguishable STRAIGHT LINE base (shown in DASHES above), its Ω shaped boundary LOOPS around the whole of a Green, and also crosses SECTIONS of those MANICURED embellishment areas adjacent to the Green.
(A very approximate Ω Zone shape may be ANY continuous LOOP from one end of an imaginary Base Line to the opposite end of this Base Line. Occasionally it may be distinctly Circular or Oval, but more often it is an irregular imaginary LOOP.)
Every golf Hole has a Green with a Front Edge and a Back Edge in relation to a golfer's usual approach to it.
The Front Edge is the more significant for the purposes of 21ST CENTURY GOLF.
Players are required to visualise an imaginary straight line projected tangentially from the Front Edge of a Green to form an imaginary Base.
From this Base it is necessary to imagine a very approximate Omega-shaped boundary line that elastically loops around a modestly expanded Green, from one near-end of the Front edge straight line, back round to the opposite near-end of the Front Edge straight line.
This imagined loop intersects* one or more of the peripheral manicured embellishments adjacent to the Green:
- Raked Sand Bunkers
- Cut Grass Aprons
- Cut Grass Humps and Hollows
[* It is only necessary to imagine the loop of the Ω cutting across just a fraction of one of the manicured embellishments above, for the whole of such a manicured hazard to be included as part of the Ω zone.]
Note that water hazards are never included within the boundary of an Ω zone. They are always within the ∞ zone.
Examples of Joint Ω / ∞ Base Lines at the Front Edges of Greens are shown in isolation in many photos throughout this website, as well as there being several complete examples of Ω zones.
The shape depicted immediately above the base of an enclosed Ω zone area is simply indicative of an approximately imagined target that is a combination of adjacent manicured sections, the dominant one of which is always the whole of the fine cut Green.
Photo 1.08.12

Note 1.08. 13 Approximate Imagination below of an Omega zone on a golf Hole.
(An Ω Zone is Unlikely to be Circular)
BriskerGolfers are at liberty to imagine an enclosed two-dimensional loop, that follows the curvature of a Green, together with relatively small amounts of adjacent Manicured Areas*, with a distinctive Base Line represented by a single linear side at the front edge of the green:
- internally, the imaginary Ω zone enclosure consists of a front-of-green, straight-edged base and an adjoining looped closed barrier that always separates the Ω zone from the vast external ∞ zone
- externally, the ∞ zone, is everywhere else outside the Ω zone.
[* A Manicured Area is a well-tended area of grass or sand that adjoins the Green. (It is never an area of water, which is always designated as part of the ∞ zone.)]
External to every Ω zone is a corresponding ∞ zone, of which the latter is a vast area, only bounded by the limits of human incompetence, and by the imaginary fully enclosed perimeter of the Ω zone!
Note 1.09.1 BriskerGolf => 21ST CENTURY GOLF, as Modified SKINS, is a re-imagining of the formidable game of Golf as a relaxed, rational, inclusive and abbreviated FIVE BALL game that is wildly & joyously entertaining, scintillatingly competitive yet magnetically friendly, and above all, BRISK!
21ST CENTURY GOLF, as showcased by BriskerGolf-SR, (BG Single Round*), represents a Sea Change in the LEVELLING UP possibilities for ALL golfers, present & future, by playing this sublimely entertaining informal version of Single Round Five-Ball Golf
[* Also see Note 20. BriskerGolf-MR, (BG Multiple Round)]
Achieving Brisker Golf Pace
Several innovative BG rules contribute to the super-efficient progress of a new and exhilarating Five-Ball golf game, BriskerGolf, in the form of either:
- BriskerGolf-SR, (BG5-SR) for current Single Round, memory-only, five-ball matchplay golf
or futuristically
- by use of a BG App, to create BriskerGolf-MR, i.e. BG5-MR, for (future) Multiple Round, digitally recorded, five-ball match play golf competitions: locally; regionally; nationally; internationally and worldwide.
The pace of both of these five-ball games, BG5-SR and, in future, BG5-MR, is always equivalent to that of a standard three-ball golf game!
This is achieved by a BG redefinition of a golf Hole as two distinct areas:
- The Infinity zone => ∞ zone (a vast open area, whose only limiting border is that of its related Ω zone)
- The Omega zone => Ω zone (a closed, imaginary target area, surrounding the Pin, including the Green and adjacent sections of manicured embellished areas on the Periphery of the Green.)
and by several vital BG rules whose purpose is to enable a substantial amount of levelling up of the complexities of playing golf!
The whole game of BG bolsters the confidence of its players in a variety of ways, broadly:
- Athletically
- Competitively
- Socially
- Morally
- Commercially
Every member of a BG game has a vital role to play in the efficient and inspirational progress of each Hole, leading to the inevitable transformation of each Hole from an initial five-ball matchplay game into a hotly contested and much reduced (in BG player number) end game, of possibly one, two or three BG players!
In a unique twist to the final Conclusion of an apparent individual WIN at a BG Hole, such a clear WIN is nevertheless only deemed to be a Provisional WIN at the Hole, with a Final Indisputable WIN at the Hole elusively subject to another positive result (a WIN or a TIE) for the Provisional WINNER of the Hole, in:
- a Skewed SUDDEN DEATH PUTTING CHALLENGE* to confirm or negate the Provisional WINNER's (notional) COIN prize of a Final WIN at the Hole!
[* See Note 1001 on the BG web page 'Conclusion' for details of this dramatic twist!]
This brutal twist is a Levelling Up exercise involving ALL FIVE BriskerGolfers in a group, immediately after the Provisional Conclusion to every apparent WIN at a Hole.
Nursery slope versions of BriskerGolf exist as BG4-SR , BG3-SR and BG2-SR, for all levels of golfers, to practice both the basics and subtleties of the BG game.
Note 1.10. BriskerGolf => Continually BRISK PROGRESS on foot or by buggy facilitated by adherence to separate BG rules in the ∞ zone and thereafter in the Ω zone, and a couple of Joint ∞ & Ω rules, in 21ST CENTURY GOLF (as represented by BriskerGolf.com).
∞ Zone rules
These rules are twofold in their purpose:
- to prevent unnecessary delays in any problematic ∞ Zone situation.
- to dramatically improve the lie of any ∞ Zone ball, whether it be wholly unplayable or simply less than perfect, so that the main goal of a BriskerGolfer achieving an IMPRESSIVE* score at a Hole is not completely derailed by any unfortunate ∞ Zone location!
[* IMPRESSIVE scores are of either a Net PAR, a Net BIRDIE, a Net EAGLE or a Net ALBATROSS!]
Ω Zone rules
These rules are fivefold in their purpose:
- to clearly define the linear base of the Ω zone at a Hole.
- to artistically define the imaginary elastic loop that represents the Ω zone boundary, that extends from one near-end of the Ω zone linear base to the other near-end of the Ω zone linear base, encompassing both the Green and edges of adjacent manicured areas of grass and sand.
- to ensure that all Ω zone balls are descriptively marked on their arrival at the Ω zone, using one, two or three TEE Pegs.
- to orchestrate Ω zone level etiquette, by ensuring that all Ω zone balls are played in order of priority, by reference to their descriptive marking, to either a Conclusion (Holing Out), or a Curtailment (a Dead Ball Pick Up).
- to close play at a Hole, either as a Tie* for all five BriskerGolfers, or as a Win** for one very IMPRESSIVE BriskerGolfer.
[* A NATURAL LEVELLING UP Rule at a Hole: The Two Tie, All Tie, rule!]
[** A CONTRIVED LEVELLING UP Rule at a Hole: The Brutal Twist rule!]
Rules that apply jointly to ∞ Zone and Ω Zone
- The One Stride Radius* rule for any ball lying in sand
- The Five Stride Retreat** rule for any ball lying in any ∞ or Ω lie, other than a sand lie.
[* See Note ..... ]
[** See Note .......]
A NATURAL LEVELLING UP Rule at a Hole*: The Two Tie, All Tie, rule!
A CONTRIVED LEVELLING UP Rule at a Hole*: The Brutal Twist rule!
Near the very end of a Hole*, when its near-conclusion is termed 'Not Tied', this is also termed a 'Provisional Win', to be followed by:
- The 'Final Indisputable Win or Draw' of this type of 'Not Tied' Hole, being determined by a Brutal Twist rule! (BT).
[* Excluding the Last Hole]
The BT rule is an additional skewed Sudden Death Putting Contest which pits the putting skills of the current Provisional Winner(PW) of a Hole against the devilishly combined putting skills of the Fourfold Group of Losers (FGL) of the Hole!
BT conditions for PW vs FGL :
- Sudden Death Putting, from the LINEAR BASE of the Ω zone at the Hole, to a CONCLUSION(Holing Out) or a CURTAILMENT(Dead Ball Pick Up)
- The PIN must remain in its cup throughout the putting competition.
- All four FGL players putt towards the PIN and thereafter flat mark their balls from any point along the LINEAR BASE of the Ω zone, unless a ball has been sunk!
- All four FGL players agree to use a single extended flat marked position from which to play their second putt to the PIN
[** A notional prize for winning an isolated Hole is termed a COIN, which may have any pre-determined value.]
[*** A notional prize of two or more COINS for winning a cumulative Hole is termed a COIN BONANZA!]
[**** An agreeable sporting TIE at a Hole is exclusively between TWO BriskerGolfers, but it benefits the whole group of FIVE BriskerGolfers because of the BG Rule: Two Tie at a Hole, ALL Tie, which CONSERVES the value of a COIN or COINS, yet-to-be-won, to be played for at the following Hole. Extra to this conserved COINAGE is the COIN that represents the Hole to be played immediately after the Tie, thus creating a substantial COIN BONANZA for a Win at this subsequent Hole!]
(i) Scoring is limited to IMPRESSIVE scores, of Net PAR or better!
(II) All BG players play off FULL Handicaps within the range of zero to 18 H'cap.
(Beyond this range Professional players H'caps are enhanced to zero, and the H'caps of a few scrutinised* Higher handicappers that are truncated to 18.)
Broadly, for the majority of eligible BriskerGolfers, such handicapping enhances their chances of attaining IMPRESSIVE scores!
[* Scrutinised by BG officials]
(iii) Once a sporting TIE has been achieved by two BriskerGolfers the only other BG players to continue playing should be those with the potential to override the TIE.
When no player can override the current TIE this must be signalled by a sporting Dead Ball PICK UP.
It is unsporting to play on to a conclusion of a third irrelevant TIE!
Such unsporting play is a Time-Wasting activity in BG, with offenders acquiring either a General Penalty P or a Last Hole Special Penalty P18.
See Note 25, in BG Rules Page.
(iv) A Win at a Hole is a two phased achievement:
- (i) A Provisional Win at a Hole: either at an isolated Hole or at a cumulative Hole.
- (ii) A Final Indisputable Win at a Hole, in which the Provisional Winner (PW) of the Hole is pitted against the Fourfold Group of Losers (FGL) in a brutal last-ditch skewed Sudden Death Putting Challenge (SDPC)
To be confirmed as the Indisputable Winner of a Hole the PW must not lose the SDPC to the FGL!!
A Tie or a Win for the PW implies that the last-ditch challenge of the FGL has failed, and that the PW is confirmed as the Indisputable Winner of the Hole!
When the Indisputable Winner(IW) of a Hole is confirmed, the IW receives the notional prize for the Indisputable Win of the Hole, either:
- One COIN for winning an isolated Hole
- A COIN BONANZA for winning a cumulative Hole
[See Note 1001 on Web Page 'Conclusion']
Note 111. BriskerGolf/04: Scoring in 21ST CENTURY GOLF, as represented by BriskerGolf.com, is exclusively LIMITED to IMPRESSIVE SCORES of Net Par or Better*, to achieve either a Provisional Win at an isolated Hole, denoted by a notional Prize of One COIN**, or to achieve a Provisional Win at a cumulative Hole, equating to the COIN value of two or more successive Holes, (an accumulation of successively TIED Holes), which are denoted by a corresponding notional Prize of two or more COINS.***). Alternatively an agreeable SPORTING TIE between just TWO**** leading BriskerGolfers out of a five-ball BG Group, causes the entire COIN value of the current Hole to be CONSERVED, to be played for at the very next Hole, along with the isolated COIN value of this latter Hole; altogether making an increased COIN BONANZA for a future Provisional Win!
[* IMPRESSIVE scores are of either Net PAR, Net BIRDIE, Net EAGLE or Net ALBATROSS]
[** A notional prize for winning an isolated Hole is termed a COIN, which may have any pre-determined value.]
[*** A notional prize of two or more COINS for winning a cumulative Hole is termed a COIN BONANZA!]
[**** An agreeable sporting TIE at a Hole is exclusively between TWO BriskerGolfers, but it benefits the whole group of FIVE BriskerGolfers because of the BG Rule: Two Tie at a Hole, ALL Tie, which CONSERVES the value of a COIN or COINS, yet-to-be-won, to be played for at the following Hole. Extra to this conserved COINAGE is the COIN that represents the Hole to be played immediately after the Tie, thus creating a substantial COIN BONANZA for a Win at this subsequent Hole!]
(i) Scoring is limited to IMPRESSIVE scores, of Net PAR or better!
(II) All BG players play off FULL Handicaps within the range of zero to 18 H'cap.
(Beyond this range Professional players H'caps are enhanced to zero, and the H'caps of a few scrutinised* Higher handicappers that are truncated to 18.)
Broadly, for the majority of eligible BriskerGolfers, such handicapping enhances their chances of attaining IMPRESSIVE scores!
[* Scrutinised by BG officials]
(iii) Once a sporting TIE has been achieved by two BriskerGolfers the only other BG players to continue playing should be those with the potential to override the TIE.
When no player can override the current TIE this must be signalled by a sporting Dead Ball PICK UP.
It is unsporting to play on to a conclusion of a third irrelevant TIE!
Such unsporting play is a Time-Wasting activity in BG, with offenders acquiring either a General Penalty P or a Last Hole Special Penalty P18.
See Note 25, in BG Rules Page.
(iv) A Win at a Hole is a two phased achievement:
- (i) A Provisional Win at a Hole: either at an isolated Hole or at a cumulative Hole.
- (ii) A Final Indisputable Win at a Hole, in which the Provisional Winner (PW) of the Hole is pitted against the Fourfold Group of Losers (FGL) in a brutal last-ditch skewed Sudden Death Putting Challenge (SDPC)
To be confirmed as the Indisputable Winner of a Hole the PW must not lose the SDPC to the FGL!!
A Tie or a Win for the PW implies that the last-ditch challenge of the FGL has failed, and that the PW is confirmed as the Indisputable Winner of the Hole!
When the Indisputable Winner(IW) of a Hole is confirmed, the IW receives the notional prize for the Indisputable Win of the Hole, either:
- One COIN for winning an isolated Hole
- A COIN BONANZA for winning a cumulative Hole
[See Note 1001 on Web Page 'Conclusion']

Note 112. BriskerGolf/05: 21ST CENTURY GOLF, as BG, is a LEVELLED UP version of the incredible game of Golf, designed to address the perennial problem of SLOW PLAY in the game, in an entertaining and informative way!
21ST CENTURY GOLF, as showcased by BriskerGolf-SR, (BG Single Round*), represents a Sea Change in the LEVELLING UP possibilities for ALL golfers, present & future, who play this sublimely entertaining informal version of Single Round Five-Ball Matchplay Golf
21ST CENTURY GOLF, as BriskerGolf-SR, (BG Single Round), is a thrilling Match Play golf game in which the fortunes of many or all of the BriskerGolfers in an extremely cheery five-ball game, frequently oscillate wildly! Every BriskerGolfer plays variously as BOTH an Individual Player and a Team Player at a Hole! This sublime entertainment, together with Benign yet DECISIVE BG Rules makes for a very BRISK PACED golf game!
[* Also see Note 20. BriskerGolf-MR, (BG Multiple Round)]
BG in any form is not an attempt to subvert the Standard Rules of Golf, which have been progressively devised over a period of more than one-and-a-half centuries!
As BG5-SR it is a stand-alone, memory-only, informal single group* five-ball matchplay golf game, specifically designed to address the seemingly insoluble golfing problem of SLOW PLAY!
[* Eventually BG5 will also be broadened to include innumerable semi-formal groups in five-ball matchplay golf games, under the banner, BG5-MR**, all controlled by a BG App!]
[** See Note 20.]
Simultaneously, and almost as a by-product of the measures to educate and inspire ALL golfers to be BRISK, the game of BriskerGolf ratchets up the intensity of both individual matchplay and inspirational teamwork for every one of its adherents, with a game that is regularly punctuated by crescendos of hilarity or despair!
BriskerGolf captures all the magic of Skins and much more!
All the pitfalls of unregulated Skins are eliminated, arguably along with those of regulated Standard Golf, in a casual game!
Stripped out of unnecessary complications, BG is an extremely well-balanced, briskly competitive, yet magnetically social game, for the hitherto infamously regarded grouping of five golfers.

Note 111. BriskerGolf/05: 21ST CENTURY GOLF, as BG, and WHS HANDICAPPING
21ST CENTURY GOLF, as BriskerGolf (BG), adheres to WHS (World Handicap System) formal calculations in the broad range, from Scratch to 18 Handicap, as certified by WHS ratified Golf Clubs & Golf Societies. In addition, modified BG Handicaps exist to encourage a minority of Golfers from both extremes of the Golfing Spectrum to participate in BG.
There are necessary WHS (World Handicap System) restrictions on any BG quintet.
- Every member of a BG game must have a valid WHS Handicap.
- The Maximum Handicap of any BriskerGolfer is truncated, for a minority, to 18*.
- The Minimum Handicap of any BriskerGolfer is truncated, for a minority, to scratch**.
- A Majority of BriskerGolfers in a five ball BG5-SR (or a future BG5-MR) game, must have current WHS Handicaps of 18 or better.
[* A minority of scrutinised BriskerGolfers with handicaps of over 18 are permitted to play in a five ball BG5-SR (or future BG5-MR) game, by playing off a truncated BG provisional handicap of 18, in the care of more experienced lower handicapped BriskerGolfers.]
[** Professional Golfers and Elite Amateurs are encouraged to form BG5-Pro-Network leagues, as well as to join in fun individual five-ball BG games with celebrities.]

??Note 113. BriskerGolf/05: 21ST CENTURY GOLF, as BG-SR, and LEVELLING UP
21ST CENTURY GOLF, as BriskerGolf (BG-SR), is designed to achieve a Levelling Up between a broad range of Golf Handicaps, including a minority of modified BG Handicaps from both extremes of the Golfing Spectrum to tempt elite golfers to participate in BG, and to encourage inexperienced Golfers to rapidly develop Brisker golf habits.
Continuing with the theme of levelling up in the world of golf:
- BG is a very benign game.
- BG RULES negate or minimise all unfortunate lies, provided that a BriskerGolfer is decisive!
There are no penalties for a ball landing in:
(i) a poor lie in the rough
(ii) a poor lie in sand
(iii) an out of bounds lie
(iv) an otherwise mysterious lie (lost ball on land or in water)
- BG RULES abbreviate play:
(v) The BG Crucial Score Rule prohibits non-essential play ('practising on the course') when any possibility of making a positive contribution to the contest at a Hole, by securing a win or a tie has vanished. Prompt sporting Curtailment of Active play when out of contention at a Hole is mandatory!
[* Brutally, a NET BOGEY is the only permissible BG passive score, whatever the potential of a BriskeGolfer's match play score at a Hole!]
(vi) The BG Passive Backstop Score Rule exists for all BriskerGolfers whose play has become redundant at a Hole, for example, even if they are on the brink of securing a stellar score, such as a NET BIRDIE, they can still be eclipsed(TRUMPED) by a NET EAGLE.
The BackStop Score awards a passive NET BOGEY score to every BriskerGolfer that correctly uses obligatory sporting Curtailment of play at a Hole.
(vii) BG GUIDELINES for Active NET Scores range from NET PAR to NET BIRDIE to NET EAGLE to NET ALBATROSS to NET GRIFFIN (3 NET 2 on a Par 6!!).
Any Actively achieved score, of NET PAR or better, may represent a positive contribution to the CONTEST to win or tie a Hole.
(viii) The BG Active Score Rule is an important reminder that an impressive Active Score may cruelly turn from being a Crucial Score to being a brutally Trumped Active Score! Such a dethronement is signified on a BG Scorecard by a second diagonal line in the scoring box, forming a humiliating CROSS.
(ix) The BG Omega zone Rule is that only Crucial Scores may be progressed within the Ω zone. All Active Scores that are not Crucial Scores must be sportingly CURTAILED (and will automatically become the specific Passive Score of a given NET BOGEY).
(x) The BG Ball Search Rule of a timed 30 seconds joint search from a well-defined moment-of-arrival at the approximate location of an errant ball, gives a clear choice to a hapless BriskerGolfer:
1. Continue the game with a substitute ball, from a preferred lie, without penalty.
2. Accept a passive NET Bogey score at the Hole and continue with a solo search for the ball, re-joining the BG game at the next TEE.
The BG Passive Backstop Score Rule exists for all BriskerGolfers whose play becomes redundant at a Hole, for example, even if they are on the brink of securing a stellar score, such as a NET BIRDIE, they can be eclipsed by a NET EAGLE
- The moment a potential NET SCORE of a BriskerGolfer becomes redundant, because such a score can neither win a Hole nor make a positive contribution by tieing a Hole that is already tied, it is mandatory to declare your ball redundant in the contest at a Hole, by PICKING IT UP, implying an appropriately CURTAILED score.
- Every appropriately CURTAILED score is given a Passive Score of a NET Bogey, whatever its provenance! This is still termed a Backstop Score of a Passive NET Bogey.
The following scores are ALL inappropriate in BriskerGolf!
(i) NET Bogey
(ii) NET Double Bogey
(iii) NET Treble Bogey
(iv) and worse!
Such TIME WASTING scores, equate to practising on the course. They are REDUNDANT scores in BriskerGolf, and such are termed illegal scores:
Errant golfers achieve either a Penalty, P, (two off the next tee) or a LAST HOLE Penalty P18*. (See unlucky Note 13.)
- exclusively winning a notional Coin or a Coin Bonanza at a Hole by achieving an ACTIVE NET Leading Score, which may be:
(i) a Net Par
(ii) a Net Birdie
(iii) a Net Eagle
(iv) a Net Albatross
(v) a Net Griffin*
[* A Net 2 on a Par Six]
- Scoring in BG is by a Winner Takes All achievement of an active Net Leading Score at a Hole, exclusively winning a notional Coin or a Coin Bonanza at a Hole by achieving an ACTIVE NET Leading Score, which may be:
- Ω zone etiquette implies approximately the opposite of Standard Golf Etiquette.
(i) Initially, each Ω zone SAND-LIE ball is played from an Ω zone Bunker in order, nearest to the PIN first, Continuously, to either a Conclusion(Reaching an Ω zone GRASS-LIE area of the Hole, or Holing Out), or to a Curtailment, (this latter event being signalled by a Pick Up).
- The best NET shots on arrival at the Ω zone GRASS-LIE area of a Hole, play in order of superiority, continuously, to either a Conclusion(Holing Out), or to a Curtailment, (this latter event is signified by a PICK UP). Other players benefit from watching the lines** of putts and chips towards the PIN, as competition at a Hole progresses.
[* Plus Handicap BriskerGolfers play off scratch. Their presence in any BG game would be inspirational!]
[** It is not sporting to observe any competitor's shot in the Ω zone from directly behind the player!]

Note 202. BriskerGolf/05. A STRIDE is an important APPROXIMATE Measurement in BriskerGolf, for both BG Rules One and Two. It's the Length of the Exposed Metal Shaft between the Putter Head and the Rubber Grip of a Standard Length Putter (about 54cm).
Variations of BG RULE ONE: The free Five Strides Retreat Rule: Exclusively in the ∞ region*:
- The Ten Strides Retreat Rule (includes upto Ten Strides sideways movement)
- The Fifteen Strides Retreat Rule (includes upto Fifteen Strides sideways movement)
- The Twenty Strides Retreat Rule (includes upto Twenty Strides sideways movement)
- The Twenty Five Strides Retreat Rule (includes upto Twenty Five Strides sideways movement)
and so on.
[* With one possible exception. See Note 6]
BG RULE TWO: The free Up-To-One Stride Radius in Sand Rule: in both ∞ & Ω zones
There is no restriction on taking a forward placement to gain BG Rule Two relief, in either ∞ or Ω zones.
(See Note 8.)

Note 208. BriskerGolf/10. BG RULE FOUR: the Strict HONOUR System of Ω zone Etiquette, using DESCRIPTIVE TEE PEG MARKING (DTPM) to facilitate BRISKER PROGRESS in the Ω zone. Also, the Temporary Need to Mark a Lower Order Ω zone Ball to avoid Catastrophic Contact in Honour System Putting.
BG RULE FOUR: The Strict Honour System of Ω zone Etiquette, using DTPM
All newly-arrived designated Ω zone balls must be marked using DESCRIPTIVE TEE PEG MARKING (DTPM).
(i) All Ω zone SAND-Lie balls must be played onto Ω zone GRASS-Lies, using BG Etiquette: Nearest sand lie ball* to the PIN plays first, and continuously, until the ball has arrived at an Ω zone GRASS-Lie, or has been Picked Up, having reached the limit of active play.**
[* Any dispute regarding which is the nearest ball to the PIN must be briskly resolved by a single game of ROCK/SCISSORS/PAPER]
[**Active play is limited by Failure to achieve a NET PAR, and simultaneously having been gifted a passive NET BOGEY. (See Note ....)]
(ii) All remaining Ω zone GRASS-Lie balls are now played according to the Honour system of BG Etiquette:
- High STATUS ball(s) play first, and within this elevated STATUS, nearest to the PIN plays first.
- Play is continuous, and is either to a CONCLUSION (Holing Out), or to a CURTAILMENT (Pick Up).
- And so on, with any other High STATUS ball.
- Middle STATUS ball(s) play after the play of all High STATUS balls has been concluded.
- Low STATUS ball(s) play last.
No Ω zone GRASS-Lie ball may be routinely lifted or touched, to be cleaned or identified, until the precise moment of a BriskerGolfer's honour to play his/her ball, within the hierarchy of positions in its current Ω zone.
However, accidental ball-touching in the process of placing an anchor TEE PEG immediately behind an Ω zone GRASS-Lie ball is considered to be a trivial non-punitive incident!
DTPM (Descriptive Tee Peg Marking) is the crucial process of marking all newly-arrived balls within the Ω zone with either Zero, One, Two or Three TEE PEGS.
(i) For Ω zone GRASS-LIE balls DTPM is behind the ball, in relation to the PIN, as a Description of a ball's LIVE STATUS within the Ω zone at a Hole.
- Placing an anchor TEE PEG immediately behind an Ω zone GRASS-LIE ball, on the opposite side of the ball in relation to the PIN, confirms the LIVE STATUS* of the ball.
[* Not placing a TEE PEG immediately behind an Ω zone GRASS-LIE ball confirms the DEAD STATUS of the ball, and that it should be Picked Up.]
- Placing a second, and possibly a third TEE PEG, in a line behind the anchor TEE PEG, with equal spacing between pegs of approximately the diameter of one ball, confirms the ENHANCED LIVE STATUS of a ball within the Ω zone.
When all competing balls have arrived within the Ω zone, the Honour to play, exclusively with a GRASS-LIE ball, is grouped into three Honour sections: Primary; Secondary; Tertiary.
- (i) Primary Honour: Descriptive 'Three TEE Peg' STATUS Three balls (Highest Order Balls)
- (ii) Secondary Honour: Descriptive 'Two TEE Peg' STATUS Two balls (Upper Middle Order Balls)
- (iii) Tertiary Honour:, Descriptive 'One TEE Peg' STATUS One balls (Lower Middle Order Balls)
An Irresistible Request to Temporarily have a Competitor's ball Re-Marked
This request may be made by a BriskerGolfer whose honour it is to play a Highest Order Ball before a fellow competitor's Lower Order Ball, (Upper or Lower Middle Order), to guard against the possibility of such a lower order ball stymieing a pathway for the putt of the Highest Order ball.
It is the responsibility of the Competitor whose ball has had to be temporarily re-marked, to re-position his/her lower order ball in readiness to play it, after its temporary re-positioning.
The highest order of Descriptive TEE Peg Marker (DTPM) is a THREE TEE PEG one, which indicates that the ball's owner has reached the Ω zone in spectacular fashion, and requires:
- Either three shots to make a Net Par score
- Or two shots to make a Net Birdie score
- Or one shot to make a Net Eagle score
The second-highest order of Descriptive TEE Peg Marker (DTPM) is a TWO TEE PEG marker, which indicates that the ball's owner has reached the Ω zone in above-average fashion (i.e. in Net Regulation), and requires:
- Either two shots to make a Net Par score
- Or one shot to make a Net Birdie score
The lowest order of Descriptive TEE Peg Marker (DTPM) is a ONE TEE PEG marker, the anchor TEE PEG, which indicates that the ball's owner has reached the Ω zone in below-average fashion, and requires:
- One shot to make a Net Par score
Within a leading Ω zone group of Descriptive 'Three TEE Peg' STATUS balls, the Honour to play first, and continuously, to either a Conclusion (Holing out), or to a Curtailment (Picking up), belongs to the ball NEAREST TO THE PIN.
The Honour to play second*, within the same High STATUS group, belongs to the NEXT NEAREST TO THE PIN, and so on, if there are more than two leading group High STATUS balls within a particular Ω zone.
[* As before, any positional disputes in the order of play within a STATUS group, must be settled by a single definitive game of ROCK/SCISSORS/PAPER, the rules being:
- ROCK smashes Scissors
- SCISSORS cut Paper
- PAPER covers Rock ]
Thereafter, the Honour to play belongs to all balls in an Ω zone group of Descriptive 'Two TEE Peg' balls.
Within this group, the Honour to play first, and continuously, to either a Conclusion (Holing out), or to a Curtailment (Picking up) belongs to the ball NEAREST TO THE PIN.
As before, the Honour to play second belongs to the ball NEXT NEAREST TO THE PIN, and so on, if there are more than two 'Two TEE Peg' STATUS balls within the particular Ω zone.
Lastly, the Honour to play belongs to all balls in an Ω zone group of Descriptive 'One TEE Peg' balls. Within this group, the Honour to play first, and continuously, to either a Conclusion (Holing out), or to a Curtailment (Picking up) belongs to the ball NEAREST TO THE PIN.
And as before, the Honour to play second belongs to the ball NEXT NEAREST TO THE PIN, and so on, if there are more than two 'One TEE Peg' balls within the particular Ω zone.
No ball may be putted out of sequence in the Ω zone Honour System.
Any disputes regarding a putting sequence must be settled amicably by a single game of ROCK/SCISSORS/PAPER as described above.
In short, Ω zone Etiquette is the approximate INVERSE of Standard Golf Etiquette!
Balls that are of 'Zero TEE Peg' Status must be picked up:
- either on their arrival into the Ω zone
- or possibly whilst still in the ∞ zone, before reaching the Ω zone.
They merit a passive Net Bogey score, provided they are picked up appropriately: the moment that it has become impossible to achieve an active Net Par score at a Hole.

Note 209. BriskerGolf/11. BG RULE FIVE(Part One): Continuous Play in the Ω zone, for GRASS LIE balls, observing the Honour System of Ω zone Etiquette, Playing either to a CONCLUSION (Holing Out), or to a CURTAILMENT (Picking Up), to facilitate BRISKER PROGRESS in the Ω zone.
BG RULE FIVE(Part One) is the Continuous Play of a formerly Marked Ω zone GRASS LIE ball, observing the Honour System of Ω zone Etiquette, to either a CONCLUSION (Holing Out) or to a CURTAILMENT (PickUp)
Every contesting* ball on reaching the Ω zone at a Hole must be appropriately marked, using one, two or possibly three Descriptive TEE Pegs.
[* Any non-contesting ball must be Picked Up, when appropriate, and awarded a passive Net Bogey]
For Ω zone, GRASS-LIE balls, TEE Pegs are placed behind the ball, in relation to the PIN, with the gap between adjacent TEE Pegs, in any lie of two or three TEE Pegs, being about a golf ball's diameter, implying future scoring possibilities, as follows:
- (i) Three TEE Pegs: Three shots to achieve a Net Par score at the Hole, or Two shots to achieve a Net Birdie score at the Hole, or One shot to achieve a Net Eagle score at the Hole
- (ii) Two TEE Pegs: Two shots to achieve a Net Par score at the Hole, or One shot to achieve a Net Birdie score at the Hole
- (iii) One TEE Peg: One shot to achieve a Net Par score at the Hole
Every Ball that is initially declared as an Ω zone GRASS LIE ball at a Hole must routinely be:
- (i) Untouched
- (ii) Thereafter, if appropriate, the ball is to be carefully marked, with a single Anchor TEE Peg, placed immediately behind the ball in relation to the PIN's position on the Green, without moving the ball. (Accidental touching of the ball at this stage is deemed to be trivial and non-punitive.)
- (iii) Briskly, after an Omega (Ω) zone ball has been marked with a single Anchor TEE Peg, this same ball is to be Descriptively Marked, using one TEE PEG (the existing Anchor TEE Peg), and possibly zero, one or two more TEE PEGS, to describe the ball's STATUS in the Ω zone of the Hole in play. (The TEE PEGS are spaced in a line, behind the Anchor TEE Peg, by roughly equal gaps apart of a ball's diameter.)
- (iv) The STATUS of every live ball within the Ω zone at a Hole, must be clearly indicated by Descriptive TEE PEG MARKING (DTPM) before any Ω zone ball may be played, to a CONCLUSION(Holing Out), or to a CURTAILMENT (Pick Up).
Ω zone ball Etiquette and DTPM (Descriptive TEE PEG Marking)
Once every playable ball from the ∞ zone has been played into the Ω zone at a Hole, and MARKED appropriately, strict Ω zone Etiquette Honour System rules apply to the order of play:
(i) STATUS ONE is explicitly just ONE TEE PEG positioned immediately behind a ball, creating a Descriptively Marked display of:
- a FIRST (anchor) TEE PEG,
=> PIN ..............(Ball) (TEE Peg)
which indicates that its owner has just [NET] one shot left to play in the Ω zone to achieve a meaningful Net Par score at the Hole in play.
(ii) STATUS TWO explicitly shows a SECOND TEE PEG positioned one ball's width behind a FIRST (anchor) TEE PEG, creating a Descriptively Marked display of:
- a FIRST (anchor) TEE PEG,
=> PIN ..............(Ball)(TEE Peg)[ball gap](TEE Peg)
which indicates that its owner has [NET] two shots left to play in the Ω zone to achieve a Net Par score at the Hole in play, (and potentially [NET] one shot left to play in the Ω zone to achieve a Net Birdie score at the Hole in play!)
(iii) STATUS THREE explicitly shows a THIRD TEE PEG positioned one ball's width behind a SECOND TEE PEG, which indicates that its owner has [NET] three shots left to play in the Ω zone to achieve a Net Par score at the Hole in play, (and potentially [NET] two shots left to play in the Ω zone to achieve a Net Birdie score at the Hole in play), (and potentially [NET] one shot left to play in the Ω zone to achieve a Net Eagle score at the Hole in play!)
=> PIN ..............(Ball)(TEE Peg)[ball gap](TEE Peg)[ball gap](TEE Peg)
(iv) If a ball doesn't qualify to be marked with any Tee Peg then its owner must pick it up! This ZERO TEE PEG STATUS implies that a BriskerGolfer has just reached his/her maximum net score allowance at a Hole, and in picking up his/her ball will achieve a passive (i.e. given) Net Bogey score at the Hole in play!
(v) The complete absence of a BriskerGolfer's ball in the Ω zone indicates that he/she has already reached his/her maximum net score allowance at a Hole, before arriving at the Ω zone, and has already achieved a passive (i.e. given) Net Bogey score at the Hole in play, by picking up his/her ball!
Note 210. BriskerGolf/12. BG RULE SIX: TEMPORARY MARKING of Accidentally Impeding LOWER STATUS Ω zone balls, which could otherwise disrupt Continuous Play in the Ω zone.
BG RULE SIX is the TEMPORARY MARKING of Lower Status Ω zone GRASS-LIE balls that could potentially impede the Continuous Play of any Higher Status Ω zone ball
BG Ω zone etiquette permits the delicate temporary re-marking a lower-order ball to clear a putting or chipping pathway for a higher order ball.
Using a temporary re-marking distance of TWO PUTTER LENGTHS and a FLAT DISC MARKER the owner of a potentially impeding lower-order Ω zone ball must accede to any request to temporarily re-mark his/her ball.
Once necessary reverse re-marking has been accomplished, back to the original position of a temporary re-marked ball, the Honour conditions of BG Ω zone Etiquette resume.
Note 211. BriskerGolf/13. BG RULE SEVEN: BG Ω zone Etiquette, HONOUR-TO- PLAY conditions.
BG RULE SEVEN is the UNIQUE Etiquette of Ω zone Play, which is approximately the INVERSE of Standard Golfing Etiquette.
Before the Honour Conditions of BG Etiquette in the Ω zone apply:
- All contesting balls are to be properly descriptively marked within the whole Ω zone (SAND-Lies & GRASS-Lies) of a Hole.
- All contesting Ω zone SAND-Lie balls are played onto GRASS-Lies in strict BG Etiquette Honour order, and re-marked on GRASS in DTPM standard.
- By universal* agreement amongst all BriskerGolfers in a group, the ball that has both a Leading STATUS** within the entire Ω zone at a Hole, and within its leading STATUS group is also the nearest to the PIN , in a GRASS-Lie, has the initial Honour to be played.
- The Leading STATUS GRASS-Lie ball is played to either a Conclusion (Holing Out), or to a Curtailment (Pick Up), on the arrival of all active contestants at the Ω zone of the Hole.
[* In the event of any nearest-the-PIN dispute this must be resolved by a brief no-tie game of ROCK/PAPER/SCISSORS (ROCK destroys SCISSORS; SCISSORS cut[destroy] PAPER; PAPER covers/obscures/destroys the image of ROCK.)
[** See Note 10 ]
BG Ω zone etiquette permits the delicate temporary re-marking*** of a lower-order STATUS ball to clear a putting pathway for a higher-order ball.
[*** See Note 11]
Once any necessary re-marking to avoid the possibility of stymies has been accomplished, the Honour conditions of BG Ω zone etiquette apply.
The most prominent highest order ball is the ball that qualifies as nearest to the Hole in the order of play at the Hole by virtue of:
- (i) Its elite descriptive TEE Peg STATUS (e.g. 3 Pegs trumps 2 Pegs; 2 Pegs trumps 1 Peg)
- (ii) and thereafter by its close proximity to the PIN in comparison to any other equally elite descriptive Tee Peg STATUS balls]
Possibly the highest Honour-to-play ball is identified as a Three TEE PEG STATUS Ω zone ball.
If such a ball is one of a group of similarly outstanding Ω zone balls, then the Honour to play Continuously to a CONCLUSION or a CURTAILMENT belongs to the ball in this elite group that is also the ball nearest to the PIN.
Thereafter the second highest Honour-to-play ball may belong to the second-nearest to the PIN within this elite group, and so on, until this elite group has completed its play.
Possibly the highest Honour-to-play-ball will be identified as a Two TEE PEG STATUS Ω zone ball.
Again, if such a ball is one of a group of above average Ω zone balls, then the Honour belongs to the ball in this semi-elite group that is also the nearest to the PIN, which becomes the leading ball in the the whole group, and is to be played continuously, to either a CONCLUSION or to a CURTAILMENT.
Similarly the other balls in the semi-elite group play one after another, continuously, to either a CONCLUSION or to a CURTAILMENT.
Again, if the highest Honour-to-play-ball eventually becomes a One TEE Peg STATUS Ω zone ball, play continues as it would with that of the Two TEE Peg or Three TEE Peg balls.
If such a ball is one of a group of below average Ω zone balls, then the Honour belongs to the ball in this group that is also the nearest to the PIN.
Similarly, other, more distant members of this below average group play one after another, continuously, to either a CONCLUSION or to a CURTAILMENT.
No other ball is to be lifted or touched until the most prominent highest order STATUS ball has been Conclusively played (or otherwise picked up.)
Nor is it permissible to lift or touch any other ball, unless it is either the ball owner's Honour to Play, or a temporary remarking of a ball, to avoid stymieing another (higher STATUS order) ball.
The BG Ω zone Etiquette process is approximately the opposite of Standard Golf Etiquette, and is to be repeated until there are no contesting balls in the Ω zone.
In a five ball BriskerGolf game it is rather unlikely that all five BriskerGolfers will be able to Putt Out at any particular Hole.
The BG Ω zone Etiquette process played out at a Hole, often reduces the Hole to either a runaway victory for a single player, or a titanic struggle between two or three players!

Note 212. Interlude 2: Similarities and Differences between SKINS and BRISKERGOLF
Active Skins Scoring is UNLIMITED
Skins at its best is a wonderfully free flowing five ball game for elite golfers:
- Professionals
- Scratch Amateurs, broadly ranging from WHS plus six to WHS scratch to about WHS 2 handicaps
- Golf course owners, controllers and their fortunate associates!
Certainly, it is possible to win or tie a Hole in Skins with a much wider range of scores compared to those in BriskerGolf (BG).
Any Net score that is marginally better than all the others in Skins at a Hole will win the Hole.
Rule One of Skins is:
- Winner* takes ALL the Skins (currently being contested for at a Hole)
[* for any value of a leading Net score at the Hole]
In particular, in Skins it is not uncommon to win many Holes with an extensive range of unimpressive Net scores, such as a Net Bogeys, or Net Double Bogeys, or worse!
In theory, in Skins, any active leading score, however unlikely, could become a Winning score!
Achieving such a wide range of winning Net Scores is cause for concern in any five ball Skins game!
Whereas BriskerGolf has a relatively small range of active winning Net Scores:
- Net Pars
- Net Birdies
- Net Eagles
- Net Albatrosses
And just one passive Net Score at every Hole: a given Net Bogey.
This is a BACKSTOP score that is achieved by simply conceding the contest at a BriskerGolf Hole, by overtly picking up your ball.
In a group of golfers playing Skins, the secondary motive of every member of the Skins group is for an individual to tie the leading group member at a Hole, to conserve the value of the Hole to be played for as part of a Skins Bonanza at the next Hole.
Rule Two of Skins is:
- Two Tie, All Tie (for any equal values of two leading scores at a Hole)
Similarly it is possible to tie a Hole in Skins with a much wider range of scores that in BriskerGolf (BG), such as Net Double Bogie ties, Net Treble Bogie ties, and so on!
Spectacularly in Skins, any leading score that is equal to another leading score at a Hole may be most magically low, such as:
- two Net Eagles tieing a Hole,
or relatively impressive, such as:
- two Net Birdies tieing a Hole,
or in particularly tortuous and heroic circumstances, such as:
- two Net Pars tieing a Hole
or possibly
- two Net Bogeys tieing a Hole!
However the vagaries of such an elegant 'Rule Two of Skins' allow for the possibilities for more eccentric ties to be achieved by uncontrolled Skins players, such as:
- two Net Double Bogeys tieing a Hole!
- two Net Treble Bogeys tieing a Hole!
- two Net Quadruple Bogeys tieing a Hole!
- And so on!
By the Victorian era Skins was a fully fledged gambling game, with a Skin representing a monetary value.
The brilliantly elegant Rule Two of Skins changes the motivation of players, who moments ago were fully focussed on winning a Hole, and its irrevocable prize of one or more Skins, from being blinkered individual golfers, into Team Players, encouraging their newly discovered colleagues to tie the Hole, along with their own new aspiration to tie the Hole themselves as a Team Player!
There is just one other common-sense expectation in a game of Skins, which has never become a hard and fast rule!
This is that those Skins group members who are not able to contest a particular Hole in its crucial latter stages, by virtue of one or more golfing disasters (that from time to time afflict all of the world's golfers), recognise their deficiencies at a Hole, and discontinue their active roles in contesting the Hole, by picking up their balls.
Naturally, having curtailed their active performances at a Hole, they would continue on in the game, by being passive team players at a Hole: supporters of those nerveless players who seem most likely to secure a Tie for the Hole and thereby conserve the prize for the Hole, for it to be rolled over to the next Hole!
And so the world's greatest individual matchplay golf game boils down to Two Rules and a tacit Expectation!
BriskerGolf Scoring
Active BriskerGolf Scoring is MINIMISED
Golfers play for a Coin at each Hole.
A Coin can be a monetary or a notional value.
BriskerGolf is also a winner takes all game, for a Coin or a Coin Bonanza at a Hole, but the outright winner of a Hole, is limited to a reduced number of active winning scores:
- Net Pars, Net Birdies, Net Eagles, Net Albatrosses
compared to a game of Skins.
A secondary motivation for all BriskerGolf players is the conservation of the Coin or group of Coins being played for at a Hole.
As with Skins, this desperate notion turns those players who moments ago were fully intent on winning a Hole, and its irrevocable prize of one or more Coins, into TEAM PLAYERS, urging each other on to tie the Hole, in the knowledge that BriskerGolf also has the rule:
- Two Tie, ALL Tie! (with all ACTIVE BG scores limited to either Net Pars, Net Birdies, Net Eagles and Net Albatrosses)
Note that this rule is dissimilar to that of SKINS.
BriskerGolf, unlike Skins, limits active scoring to Net Par scores or better.
It is illegal to record an active Net Bogey score because all BriskerGolfers are given a passive Net Bogey score at every Hole.
Therefore to achieve an active Net Bogey score in BG is TIME WASTING and equates to a Penalty Score: either P or P18.
There are no passive scores in a Skins game, and No Penalty score for an excessive number of shots.
Compared with Skins, the passive score rule of BG seamlessly stores up greater values of yet-to-be-won Coins as part of a Coin Bonanza at the following Hole, which itself is augmented by the Coin value of being a new Hole.
For BriskerGolfers there is a twist at the Last Hole (normally, but not necessarily, the 18th Hole).
A Tie at the Last Hole may be with any number of players in a BriskerGolf group. (If the Tie is a Net Bogey Tie it is very likely that it will be with ALL members of the group!)
In the event of such a Last Hole Tie, the winner is to be determined by a sudden death putting competition:
- No Handicap Allowances
- Players putt continuously, to either a conclusion or a curtailment, with no ball marking.
- Players putt in Handicap order, Lowest H'cap initially to Highest H'cap finally.
- The ∞ / Ω imaginary line is the starting line from which all players putt.
- Leading Tied scores will putt again from the starting line, until a winner emerges.
Unfortunately in 21ST CENTURY GOLF it is not possible to rely on a common-sense expectation in a game of golf!
It is necessary to spell out a series of BG Rules so that all BriskerGolfers have the same, very clear notions, of how to play golf Briskly, and the enormous benefits that will accrue to all players as a result of their adherence to simple BriskerGolf rules.
Note 15. Interlude/3. SKINS: Unlimited Scoring to Win or to Tie a Hole
Minimising Active BriskerGolf Scoring
Active BriskerGolf scoring is strictly limited to Net Par scores, Net Birdie scores, Net Eagle scores and (relatively rare) Net Albatross scores!
BriskerGolfers, both men & women, play off their FULL (whole number) World Handicap System (WHS) Handicap, as determined by a recognised Golf Club or Golf Society, in line with guidance from Golf's two international governing bodies, the R&A and the United States Golf Association (USGA).
BG Handicaps, without exception, are from Zero to 18 H'cap.
Players with legitimate Handicaps in excess of 18 H'cap are permitted to play in BriskerGolf rounds by submitting their actual WHS Handicap, but playing as 18 H'cap players.
However a majority of BriskerGolfers in a standard five ball BriskerGolf group must have legitimate WHS Handicaps of lower than 18 H'cap.
Note that Nursery Slope BG Golf games exist for smaller groups, such as:
- BG4 (for BriskerGolf in a 4 ball)
- BG3 (for BriskerGolf in a 3 ball)
However a majority of BriskerGolfers in standard four ball BriskerGolf or standard three ball BriskerGolf groups must have legitimate WHS Handicaps of lower than 18 H'cap.
BG RULE SIX: A Single Passive Score as a Backstop: a Net Bogey score
All BriskerGolfers are given a Backstop Score of a Net Bogey at every golf Hole.
This is a passive score which can only be achieved by a BriskerGolfer conceding that it has become impossible for him/her to make a significant contribution to the contest at a Hole:
- its impossible to superbly win the Hole outright, in contention with all the BriskerGolfers in his/her group.
- its impossible to impressively tie a Hole, as one of a duo of BriskerGolfers to initially achieve this feat.
However it is possible to passively achieve a Net Bogey Score by picking up your ball!
A BriskerGolfer signals his/her concession at a Hole by picking up his/her ball, in plain sight of all members of his/her BriskerGolf group.
All is not lost however! It may be that no one can achieve an active score to win the Hole.
Alternatively it may be that two players tie the Hole, thus conserving the value of the Coin or Coin Bonanza as a prize for winning the Hole outright, to be played for again as an increased Coin Bonanza at the very next Hole, activating the elegant RULE:
- Two Tie, All Tie
(which mostly mirrors the Skins rule)
Note: it is illegal to continue to play on, to achieve an active Net Bogey Score at a Hole. This is TIME WASTING and incurs a Penalty, P, at the following Hole, of Two-Off-The-Next-Tee, or a Penalty, P18, at the Last Hole (which may be the 18th, but could be any other nominated Hole, prior to the start of a BriskerGolf round).
A P18 is a disqualification from any Last Hole, Sudden Death putting competition, from the ∞/Ω Base Line to the Pin, to resolve a TIE at the Last Hole.
However it is possible to win a Hole in Skins with a much wider range of scores that in BriskerGolf (BG).
In theory any score that is marginally better than all the others in Skins at a Hole will win the Hole.
In particular, it is not uncommon to win a Hole with a Net Bogey score, and slightly less common to win with a poorer score, a Net Double Bogey, and rarer still, to win with a Net Treble Bogey, and so on.
In a group of golfers playing Skins, the secondary motive of every member of the Skins group is for an individual to tie the leading group member at a Hole, to conserve the value of the Hole to be played for as part of a Coin Bonanza at the next Hole.
Rule Two of Skins is:
- Two Tie, All Tie (for any value of a leading score at a Hole)
Similarly it is possible to tie a Hole in Skins with a much wider range of scores that in BriskerGolf (BG).
In theory, in Skins, any leading score that is equal to another leading score at a Hole may be spectacularly low, such as a Net Eagle or a Net Birdie, tieing a Hole, with another correspondingly equally spectacular Net Eagle or a Net Birdie score, to conserve the Coin or Coin Bonanza value of the Hole.
However, in Skins, any leading score that is equal to another leading score at a Hole may be spectacularly high, such as a Net Bogey, or a Net Double Bogey, or a Net Treble Bogey, tieing a Hole, with another correspondingly equally spectacularly high Net Bogey, or a Net Double Bogey, or a Net Treble Bogey score, to conserve the Coin or Coin Bonanza value of the Hole.
By the Victorian era Skins was a fully fledged gambling game, with a Skin representing a monetary value.
The brilliantly elegant Rule Two of Skins changes the motivation of players, who moments ago were fully focussed on winning a Hole, and its irrevocable prize of one or more Skins, from being blinkered individual golfers, into Team Players, encouraging their newly discovered colleagues to tie the Hole, along with their own new aspiration to tie the Hole themselves as a Team Player!
For example two quadruple bogey scores could be sufficient to tie a Hole!!
There is just one other common-sense expectation in a game of Skins, which has never become a hard and fast rule! This is that those Skins group members who are not able to contest a particular Hole in its crucial latter stages, by virtue of one or more golfing disasters (that from time to time afflict all of the world's golfers), recognise their deficiencies at a Hole, and discontinue their active roles in contesting the Hole, by picking up their balls.
Naturally, having curtailed their active performances at a Hole, they would continue on in the game, by being passive team players at a Hole: supporters of those nerveless players who seem most likely to secure a Tie for the Hole and thereby conserve the prize for the Hole, for it to be rolled over to the next Hole!
And so the world's greatest individual matchplay golf game boils down to Two Rules and a tacit Expectation!
BriskerGolf Scoring
Golfers play for a Coin at each Hole.
A Coin can be a monetary or a notional value.
BriskerGolf is also a winner takes all game at every Hole, for the outright winner of a Hole, exactly like Skins.
However there are a limited number of
A secondary motivation for all BriskerGolf players is the conservation of the Coin or group of Coins being played for at a Hole.
As with Skins, this desperate notion turns those players who moments ago were fully intent on winning a Hole, and its irrevocable prize of one or more Coins, into TEAM PLAYERS, urging each other on to tie the Hole, in the knowledge that BriskerGolf also has the rule:
- Two Tie, ALL Tie! (if no one wins a particular Hole)
Note that this rule is dissimilar to that of SKINS.
BriskerGolf, unlike Skins, limits active scoring to Net Par scores or better.
It is illegal to record an active Net Bogey score because all BriskerGolfers are given a passive Net Bogey score at every Hole.
Thus the occurrence of passive Net Bogey scores at BriskerGolf Holes is far greater that such scores in Skins Holes.
Compared with Skins, this passive score rule seamlessly stores up greater values of yet-to-be-won Coins as part of a Coin Bonanza at the following Hole, which itself is augmented by the Coin value of being a new Hole.
For BriskerGolfers there is a twist at the Last Hole (normally, but not necessarily, the 18th Hole).
A Tie at the Last Hole may be with any number of players in a BriskerGolf group. (If the Tie is a Net Bogey Tie it is very likely that it will be with ALL members of the group!)
In the event of such a Last Hole Tie, the winner is to be determined by a sudden death putting competition:
- No Handicap Allowances
- Players putt continuously, to either a conclusion or a curtailment, with no ball marking.
- Players putt in Handicap order, Lowest H'cap initially to Highest H'cap finally.
- The ∞ / Ω imaginary line is the starting line from which all players putt.
- Leading Tied scores will putt again from the starting line, until a winner emerges.
Unfortunately in 21ST CENTURY GOLF it is not possible to rely on a common-sense expectation in a game of golf!
It is necessary to spell out a series of BG Rules so that all BriskerGolfers have the same, very clear notions, of how to play golf Briskly, and the enormous benefits that will accrue to all players as a result of their adherence to simple BriskerGolf rules.
Note 16. BriskerGolf/13. BG RULE NINE: in part, Ruthless WINNER TAKE ALL Scoring in BriskerGolf.
BriskerGolf Scoring
This partially mirrors that of its Ancient Predecessor, Skins, but contains very necessary 21st Century Golf modifications that enable Brisker Play at all moments in a BG game.
Golfers play for a Coin at each Hole.
A Coin can be a monetary or a notional value.
BriskerGolf, like Skins is potentially a winner takes all game at every Hole, for the outright winner of a Hole, and potentially a TWO TIE, ALL TIE, elegant game, that conserves the Coin or Coin Bonanza value of a Hole, to be played for again at the succeeding Hole, possibly again and again!
However, unlike Skins, BriskerGolf has a passive BackStop Rule, BG RULE SIX, which prevents a Hole being won by a relatively poor score, such as:
- an active Net Bogey
- an active Net Double Bogey
- an active Net Treble Bogey
- And so on.
It also prevents a Hole being TIED by two of the same poor, or very poor, or extremely poor above TIMEWASTING scores!
The only acceptable potential scores that may TIE a BriskerGolf Hole are:
- Two Given Net Bogey scores
- Two Active Net Par scores
- Two Active Net Birdie scores
- Two Active Net Eagle scores
- Two Active Net Albatross scores
Dependent on the circumstances, any one of the above acceptable scores would be a ruthless yet worthy winner's score at a Hole!
A secondary motivation for all BriskerGolf players is the conservation of the Coin or accumulated group of Coins (Coin Bonanza) being played for at a Hole.
As events unfold at a Hole, suddenly players with an all-consuming desire to win the Hole outright, may become ardent Team Players in an earnest quest to Tie the Hole, to conserve the value of the Coin or Coin Bonanza that it represents, for this value to be played for, along with an additional Coin, representing the increased value of a Coin Bonanza at the subsequent Hole!
This pattern of play is encapsulated by the elegant rule:
- Two Tie, All Tie
Again, this is apparently the same rule as Skins, but in fact BriskerGolf's passive BackStop Rule, BG RULE SIX, prevents a Hole being Tied by two relatively poor, time consuming scores.
The BG RULE SIX BackStop Rule does not lessen the effectiveness of the elegant Tied Hole Rule. It simply ensures play is BRISK!
As with Skins, this desperate notion turns those players who moments ago were fully intent on winning a Hole, and its irrevocable prize of one or more Coins, into TEAM PLAYERS, urging each other on to tie the Hole, in the knowledge that BriskerGolf also has the rule:
- Two Tie, ALL Tie! (if no one wins a particular Hole)
Note that this rule is dissimilar to that of SKINS.
BriskerGolf, unlike Skins, limits active scoring to Net Par scores or better.
It is illegal to record an active Net Bogey score because all BriskerGolfers are given a passive Net Bogey score at every Hole.
Thus the occurrence of passive Net Bogey scores at BriskerGolf Holes is far more significant than such scores in Skins Holes.
Compared with Skins, this passive score rule seamlessly stores up greater values of yet-to-be-won Coins as part of a Coin Bonanza at the following Hole, which itself is augmented by the Coin value of being a new Hole.
For BriskerGolfers there is a twist at the Last Hole (normally, but not necessarily, the 18th Hole).
A Tie at the Last Hole may be with any number of players in a BriskerGolf group. (If the Tie is a Net Bogey Tie it is very likely that it will be with ALL members of the group!)
In the event of such a Last Hole Tie, the winner is to be determined by a sudden death putting competition:
- No Handicap Allowances
- Players putt continuously, to either a conclusion or a curtailment, with no ball marking.
- Players putt in Handicap order, Lowest H'cap initially to Highest H'cap finally.
- The ∞ / Ω imaginary base line is the starting line from which all players putt.
- Leading Tied scores will putt again from the same starting line, until a winner emerges.
Skins Scoring
Golfers play for a Skin at each Hole. A Skin was once a pelt that was wagered by a fur trapper in the wilds of North America, most likely Canada.
The name Skin also conjures up the notion of Skinning a gambling opponent.
In a group of golfers playing Skins the prime motive of every member of a Skins group is for an individual to Skin all the other group members by winning a Hole, or a cumulative group of previously tied Holes:
- Rule One of Skins is simply winner takes all at every Hole (This may include a Bonanza of Skins - an accumulation of yet-to-be-won Skins)
By the Victorian era Skins was a fully fledged gambling game, with a Skin representing a monetary value.
A secondary motivation for all Skins players is the conservation of the Skin or group of Skins being played for at a Hole. Amazingly, this desperate notion turns those players who moments ago were fully focussed on winning a Hole, and its irretrevocable prize of one or more Skins, into TEAM PLAYERS, urging on each other to tie the Hole, in the knowledge that the brilliantly elegant Rule Two of Skins is:
- Two Tie, ALL Tie! (if no one wins a Hole)
THERE IS NO LIMIT TO LEADING SCORES IN A SKINS TIE! (Any leading results are deemed to be active scores)
For example two quadruple bogey scores could be sufficient to tie a Hole!!
There is just one other common-sense expectation in a game of Skins, which has never become a hard and fast rule! This is that those Skins group members who are not able to contest a particular Hole in its crucial latter stages, by virtue of one or more golfing disasters (that from time to time afflict all of the world's golfers), recognise their deficiencies at a Hole, and discontinue their active roles in contesting the Hole, by picking up their balls.
Naturally, having curtailed their active performances at a Hole, they would continue on in the game, by being passive team players at a Hole: supporters of those nerveless players who seem most likely to secure a Tie for the Hole and thereby conserve the prize for the Hole, to be rolled over to the next Hole!
And so the world's greatest individual matchplay golf game boils down to Two Rules and a tacit Expectation!
BriskerGolf Scoring
Unfortunately in 21ST CENTURY GOLF it is not possible to rely on a common-sense expectation in a game of golf!
It is necessary to spell out a series of BG Rules so that all BriskerGolfers have the same, very clear notions, of how to play golf Briskly, and the enormous benefits that will accrue to all players as a result of their adherence to simple BriskerGolf rules.
Note 17. BriskerGolf/13. BG RULE TEN: in part, ELEGANT TWO TIE, ALL TIE, Scoring in BriskerGolf.
BriskerGolf Scoring Modifications
BG partially mirrors the very elegant TIE RULE of its Ancient Predecessor, Skins:
but contains a very necessary 21st Century Golf backstop modifications that enable Brisker Play at all moments in a BG game.
The same backstop rule, BG RULE SIX, that prevents a Hole being won by an unacceptably high score ...........
Golfers play for a Coin at each Hole.
A Coin can be a monetary or a notional value.
BriskerGolf, like Skins is a winner takes all game at every Hole, for the outright winner of a Hole.
However, unlike Skins, BriskerGolf has a passive BackStop Rule, BG RULE SIX, which prevents a Hole being won by a relatively poor score, such as:
- an active Net Bogey
- an active Net Double Bogey
- an active Net Treble Bogey
- And so on.
The only acceptable potentially winning scores at a BriskerGolf Hole are:
- Respectable Net Par scores
- Impressive Net Birdie scores
- Majestic Net Eagle scores
- Fabulous Net Albatross scores
Dependent on the circumstances, any one of the above acceptable scores would be a ruthless yet worthy winner's score at a Hole!
A secondary motivation for all BriskerGolf players is the conservation of the Coin or accumulated group of Coins (Coin Bonanza) being played for at a Hole.
As events unfold at a Hole, suddenly players with an all-consuming desire to win the Hole outright, may become ardent Team Players in an earnest quest to Tie the Hole, to conserve the value of the Coin or Coin Bonanza that it represents, for this value to be played for, along with an additional Coin, representing the increased value of a Coin Bonanza at the subsequent Hole!
This pattern of play is encapsulated by the elegant rule:
- Two Tie, All Tie
Again, this is apparently the same rule as Skins, but in fact BriskerGolf's passive BackStop Rule, BG RULE SIX, prevents a Hole being Tied by two relatively poor, time consuming scores.
The BG RULE SIX BackStop Rule does not lessen the effectiveness of the elegant Tied Hole Rule. It simply ensures play is BRISK!
As with Skins, this desperate notion turns those players who moments ago were fully intent on winning a Hole, and its irrevocable prize of one or more Coins, into TEAM PLAYERS, urging each other on to tie the Hole, in the knowledge that BriskerGolf also has the rule:
- Two Tie, ALL Tie! (if no one wins a particular Hole)
Note that this rule is dissimilar to that of SKINS.
BriskerGolf, unlike Skins, limits active scoring to Net Par scores or better.
It is illegal to record an active Net Bogey score because all BriskerGolfers are given a passive Net Bogey score at every Hole.
Thus the occurrence of passive Net Bogey scores at BriskerGolf Holes is far more significant than such scores in Skins Holes.
Compared with Skins, this passive score rule seamlessly stores up greater values of yet-to-be-won Coins as part of a Coin Bonanza at the following Hole, which itself is augmented by the Coin value of being a new Hole.
For BriskerGolfers there is a twist at the Last Hole (normally, but not necessarily, the 18th Hole).
A Tie at the Last Hole may be with any number of players in a BriskerGolf group. (If the Tie is a Net Bogey Tie it is very likely that it will be with ALL members of the group!)
In the event of such a Last Hole Tie, the winner is to be determined by a sudden death putting competition:
- No Handicap Allowances
- Players putt continuously, to either a conclusion or a curtailment, with no ball marking.
- Players putt in Handicap order, Lowest H'cap initially to Highest H'cap finally.
- The ∞ / Ω imaginary base line is the starting line from which all players putt.
- Leading Tied scores will putt again from the same starting line, until a winner emerges.
Skins Scoring
Golfers play for a Skin at each Hole. A Skin was once a pelt that was wagered by a fur trapper in the wilds of North America, most likely Canada.
The name Skin also conjures up the notion of Skinning a gambling opponent.
In a group of golfers playing Skins the prime motive of every member of a Skins group is for an individual to Skin all the other group members by winning a Hole, or a cumulative group of previously tied Holes:
- Rule One of Skins is simply winner takes all at every Hole (This may include a Bonanza of Skins - an accumulation of yet-to-be-won Skins)
By the Victorian era Skins was a fully fledged gambling game, with a Skin representing a monetary value.
A secondary motivation for all Skins players is the conservation of the Skin or group of Skins being played for at a Hole. Amazingly, this desperate notion turns those players who moments ago were fully focussed on winning a Hole, and its irretrevocable prize of one or more Skins, into TEAM PLAYERS, urging on each other to tie the Hole, in the knowledge that the brilliantly elegant Rule Two of Skins is:
- Two Tie, ALL Tie! (if no one wins a Hole)
THERE IS NO LIMIT TO LEADING SCORES IN A SKINS TIE! (Any leading results are deemed to be active scores)
For example two quadruple bogey scores could be sufficient to tie a Hole!!
There is just one other common-sense expectation in a game of Skins, which has never become a hard and fast rule! This is that those Skins group members who are not able to contest a particular Hole in its crucial latter stages, by virtue of one or more golfing disasters (that from time to time afflict all of the world's golfers), recognise their deficiencies at a Hole, and discontinue their active roles in contesting the Hole, by picking up their balls.
Naturally, having curtailed their active performances at a Hole, they would continue on in the game, by being passive team players at a Hole: supporters of those nerveless players who seem most likely to secure a Tie for the Hole and thereby conserve the prize for the Hole, to be rolled over to the next Hole!
And so the world's greatest individual matchplay golf game boils down to Two Rules and a tacit Expectation!
BriskerGolf Scoring
Unfortunately in 21ST CENTURY GOLF it is not possible to rely on a common-sense expectation in a game of golf!
It is necessary to spell out a series of BG Rules so that all BriskerGolfers have the same, very clear notions, of how to play golf Briskly, and the enormous benefits that will accrue to all players as a result of their adherence to simple BriskerGolf rules.

Note 213. BriskerGolf/11. The BG TIE RULE SEVEN: Elegant Scoring in BriskerGolf in part mirrors SKINS RULE Scoring, in the event of a TIE at a Hole!
Ω zone etiquette prohibits BriskerGolfers from continuing to play at a Hole if they are unable to make a significant contribution to the contest at the Hole.
The most elegant rule in Golf applies equally to BriskerGolf as it does to Skins, termed the BG/SK TIE RULE:
- TWO TIE, ALL TIE (if no winning score is possible)
BG Ω zone etiquette in the event of an unsurpassable TIE at a Hole is to PICK UP your ball, and accept a passive Net Bogey score at the Hole.
It is highly unlikely that everyone in a BG group has an opportunity to putt on every Hole in a BG Game.
Note 214. BriskerGolf/12. Coins! 'WINNER TAKE ALL RULE': Brutal Scoring in BriskerGolf partially mirrors SKINS RULE Scoring, in WINNING a Hole!
Ω zone etiquette prohibits BriskerGolfers from continuing to play at a Hole if they are unable to make a significant contribution to the contest at the Hole.
The most brutal rule in Golf applies equally to BriskerGolf as it does to Skins, termed in BriskerGolf as the BG/SK WINNER TAKES ALL RULE:
- The WINNER OF A HOLE collects a Coin, or a Coin Bonanza
This decisive rule gifts either one Coin, or a Coin Bonanza (an accumulated number of yet-to-be-won Coins) PLUS the Coin representing the current Hole in play, to the Outright Winner of a Hole!
The BG Ω zone etiquette in the event of a singularly impressive WIN at a Hole is for all losers to PICK UP their balls, and accept a passive Net Bogey score at the Hole.
????Note 14. BriskerGolf/13. LEVELLING UP processes in BriskerGolf
Rewarding Decisive Play
BriskerGolf generally rewards positive and decisive golfers in their play.
The use of FULL WHS Handicaps favours higher handicap golfers, as does the 'second chance' FIVE STRIDES Rule.
Similarly the ONE STRIDE Radius Placement in Sand Rule favours those less accomplished in Hazards.
BriskerGolf seeks to provide an enhanced platform that represents a seismic levelling up of the active enjoyment to be had for a multitude of potential and existing aficionados of one of the world's most engrossing sports, by conjuring up great communal golf games at every level of the sport, and with these, all the social and business aspects that so often accompany such pure entertainment!
Punitive Scores for illegal time-wasting play:
- either P (Penalty of playing Two-off-the-next-TEE)
- or P18 (Penalty on the LAST HOLE: Disqualification from a possible Sudden Death PUTT OFF for a potential COIN BONANZA)
Ignominious time-wasting play in BriskerGolf includes:
- Failure to concede a Hole, by continuing to play on
- Practising on the course (including putting)
- Indecision regarding a Lost Ball
- Indecision when playing towards the Green
- Indecision when putting
- Tardiness on the Tee
BriskerGolfers, both men & women, play off their FULL (whole number) World Handicap System (WHS) Handicap, as determined by a recognised Golf Club or Golf Society, in line with guidance from two of Golf's international governing bodies, the R&A and the United States Golf Association (USGA).
BG Handicaps, without exception, are from Zero to 18 H'cap.
Players with legitimate WHS Handicaps in excess of 18 H'cap are permitted to play in BriskerGolf rounds by submitting their actual WHS Handicap, but playing off a BG H'cap of 18.
However a majority of BriskerGolfers in any five ball BriskerGolf group must have legitimate WHS Handicaps of 18 H'cap or lower.
Nursery Slope BG Golf games exist for smaller groups, such as:
- BG4 (for BriskerGolf in a 4 ball)
- BG3 (for BriskerGolf in a 3 ball)
Again, a majority of BriskerGolfers in a standard four ball BriskerGolf (BG4) or a standard three ball BriskerGolf (BG3) group must have legitimate WHS Handicaps of 18 H'cap or lower.
BG RULE EIGHT is the Backstop Score of a Net Bogey at EVERY Hole, and is the ONLY Passive Score permissible in BriskerGolf.
All BriskerGolfers are given a passive Backstop Score of a Net Bogey at every golf Hole.
This is a passive score that can only be achieved by a BriskerGolfer conceding that it has become impossible for him/her to make a significant active contribution to the contest at a Hole, and therefore PICKING UP his/her ball.
This action implies that it has become impossible for the BriskerGolfer to impressively tie a Hole, as one of a duo of BriskerGolfers to achieve the feat of conserving the Coin value of a current Hole, to be re-played as a Coin Bonanza at the very next Hole, by virtue of the elegant rule:
- Two Tie, All Tie
All is not lost however!
Two BriskerGolfers may tie the Hole spectacularly or mundanely and themselves trigger the Coin conservation rule:
- Two Tie, All Tie
Alternatively it may be that no one can achieve an active score to win a Hole! Again, this result would trigger the Coin conservation rule:
- Two Tie, All Tie
The prize for winning the Hole that follows a tied Hole is always a Coin Bonanza, of at least two Coins, but could easily be three or more Coins if successive Holes have been tied!
The BG conservation rule for a Tied Hole seemingly mirrors that of the Skins rule for a Tie, but in fact the Skins rule has no backstop limiting score similar to BG's passive (given) Net Bogey score, and thus Skins permits ties of grossly inflated, time wasting scores), such as:
- active Net Bogey scores
- active Net Double Bogey scores
- active Net Treble Bogey scores
- and so on!
Such high scores allow self-absorbed golfers to indulge in wholly unnecessary practice on a course, and to dramatically reduce the tempo of any golf game!
[A reminder that in BriskerGolf it is illegal to continue to play on, to achieve an active Net Bogey Score at a Hole, or worse!
This is termed TIME WASTING and incurs either:
- a Penalty, P, at the following Hole, of Two-Off-The-Next-Tee,
- or a Penalty, P18, at the Last Hole (which may be the 18th, but could be any other nominated Hole, prior to the start of a BriskerGolf round).
A P18 is a disqualification from any Last Hole, Sudden Death putting competition, from the ∞/Ω Base Line to the Pin, to resolve a TIE at the Last Hole.]
???Note 14. BriskerGolf/13 BG RULE SIX. A CONCESSION - Lifting up a Ball in the Ω zone, when it is NOT your turn to Play, signifies a CONCESSION!
BG RULE SIX: A CONCESSION can be made at any moment by picking up your ball (& descriptive TEE Peg/s if it is within the Ω zone) when this act is not connected with any continuous attempt to play the ball
This rule is equally applicable to any ball in the ∞ zone that is patently not in contention at a Hole, after a series of disastrous shots!

?????????Note 15. BriskerGolf/14. BG RULE SEVEN: A Formal Ball Search is a MAXIMUM of 30 seconds. This is initiated by a Hapless BriskerGolfer using a dramatic (or comedic) WRIST-TAPPING MIME to his/her (remote) Marker, who MIMES his/her receipt of the signal using an upturned THUMB.
Remote audible guidance on Ball Finding from Sporting Adversaries is encouraged, but more active involvement is discouraged unless there is cause to trust an eagle-eyed witness to a ball's fate.
The point at which both BriskerGolfer and his/her remote Marker begin timing a Formal Search may be triggered by any one of the four following events, and confirmed by the BriskerGolfer's WRIST-TAPPING MIME, as described above.
- (i) Laying down a carrying bag of clubs and beginning an intensive, formal search.
- (ii) Halting, with a trolly full of clubs and leaving this collection to begin an intensive formal search.
- (iii) Halting with your personal caddy who is carrying your clubs, requesting they be deposited on the ground, and both player & caddy beginning an intensive formal search.
- (iv) Halting in a personal or shared buggy, player dismounting, with or without entourage, and beginning an intensive formal search on foot.
The Marker is under no obligation to actively participate in any initial wandering search or subsequent formal search, nor are any fellow competitors or their entourages.
It is the joint responsibility of the lost ball owner and his/her marker to time a 60 second Formal Search.
If a Marker witnesses the initiation of any one of the four events above that signal a Formal Search, yet receives no WRIST MIME confirmation of such an initiation, the Marker must time the Formal Search to a limit of 40 seconds and call an earlier end to the Formal Search.
Any member of a BriskerGolf group may proffer advice remotely on the whereabouts of a ball, but generally must attend to their own ball, and trust that in the worst case of a lost ball, the situation can be briskly remedied, albeit painfully, by employing BG RULE ONE: the free Five Strides Replacement rule.
It is the joint responsibility of the lost ball owner and his/her marker to time a 60 second Formal Search.
In the event of a fruitless 60 second formal search it is the responsibility of the lost ball owner alone to call out THANK YOU to any compassionate searchers, who must then discontinue their searching and focus on their own game of BriskerGolf.
Thereafter the hapless BriskerGolfer has two options:
- (i) To discontinue his/her interest in contesting the current Hole, and focus more intently on a solo or caddy-assisted discovery of his/her lost ball, which is now lost to the game. The golfer signals to his/her marker that he/she intends to accept a given Net Bogey at the Hole, and to continue to search for his/her ball for a further 30 seconds, before rejoining the game promptly on the next Tee.
- (ii) To continue his/her interest in contesting the current Hole by invoking the use of the FREE Five Strides Rule, using a substitute ball at a point five strides back towards the Tee, and (optionally) up to five strides across to the centre line of the Hole, or any variation of this rule, such as a Ten Strides Rule or a Fifteen Strides Rule.
After 60 seconds of a fruitless formal ball search, it is the responsibility of ALL lost ball searchers not directly associated with the ball's owner to discontinue their search on behalf of their golfing competitor. This includes the entourage of other competitors, such as caddy, relative, friend, lover etc.
Any well-meaning competing BriskerGolfer, or any member of his/her entourage, loitering in the vicinity of the lost ball after the maximum of 60 seconds of formal ball search has been called, is gifted a one shot Penalty, P, off the following Tee, or a Penalty P18 if the offence is committed on the last Hole.
[P => Play Two off the Tee that follows immediately, unless the penalty, for Timewasting, occurs on the very last Hole, in which case the Penalty is P18 => Disqualification from any sudden death putting competition to decide any tie at the last Hole].
A ball may be declared LOST at any moment during an Informal or Formal search, by its owner invoking the use of the free Five Strides Retreat Rule (see Note 6.)
This rule cannot be retracted once it has been invoked, even if a split second later the ball is found!

******Note 16. INTERLUDE (2). An extract from a golf journalist in 2021 on the Rule Change by R&A and US Golf Association, dated 1st Jan, 2019
On January 1, 2019, the R&A and the US Golf Association introduced a number of significant changes to the rules of golf. One of the more impactful changes related to the time allowed for a ball search. The official dispatch couldn't have been clearer. "Under Rule 18.2, the time for a ball search (before the ball becomes lost) has been reduced from five minutes to three minutes. Reason for change: limiting the search period to three minutes is more consistent with the underlying principle that golf is to be played in a prompt and continuous way, without long pauses in play."
What is missing from this decisive change is a definition of the moment a ball search begins!
Ball Search Rules in 21st Century Golf (BriskerGolf)
A Preliminary wandering search, timed by both marker and hapless player to a maximum of 30 seconds, is allowed, in which contact with golfing equipment may or may not be relinquished.
Thereafter a Primary ball search is timed from the moment a ball owner definitively relinquishes contact with his/her golfing equipment, in the approximate area of the ball search. This can be any one of the following scenarios:
- Laying down a carrying bag of clubs and beginning an intensive search
- Halting, with a trolly full of clubs and leaving this collection to begin an intensive search
- Halting with your personal caddy who is carrying your clubs, requesting they be deposited on the ground, and both player & caddy beginning an intensive search
- Halting in a personal or shared buggy, player dismounting, with or without entourage, and beginning an intensive search on foot
- The lost ball owner confirming 'Primary Ball Search' to his/her marker.
It is the joint responsibility of the lost ball owner and his/her marker to time a 30 second Primary ball search.
In the event of a fruitless 30 second Primary ball search it is the responsibility of the lost ball owner alone to call out THANK YOU to his/her fellow searchers, who must then discontinue their searching and focus on their own game of BriskerGolf.
Meanwhile the hapless BriskerGolfer has two options:
- (i) To discontinue his/her interest in contesting the current Hole, and focus more intently on a solo or caddy-assisted discovery of his/her lost ball, which is now lost to the game. The golfer signals to his/her marker that he/she intends to accept a given Net Bogey at the Hole, and to continue to search for his/her ball for a further 30 seconds, before rejoining the game promptly on the next Tee.
- (ii) To continue his/her interest in contesting the current Hole by invoking the use of the FREE Five Strides Rule, using a substitute ball at a point five strides back towards the Tee, and (optionally) up to five strides across to the centre line of the Hole, or any variation of this rule, such as a Ten Strides Rule or a Fifteen Strides Rule.
After the first 30 seconds of a fruitless Primary ball search, it is the responsibility of ALL lost ball helpers not directly associated with the ball's owner to discontinue their search on behalf of their golfing colleague. This includes the entourage of other competitors, such as caddy, relative, friend, lover etc.
Any well-meaning competing BriskerGolfer, or his/her entourage, loitering in the vicinity of the lost ball after the maximum of 30 seconds of a Primary ball search has been called, is gifted a one shot Penalty, P, off the following Tee, or a Penalty P18 if the offence is committed om the last Hole.
A ball may be declared LOST at any moment during such a Preliminary or Primary search, by its owner invoking the use of the free Five Strides Retreat Rule (see Note 6.) This rule cannot be retracted once it has been invoked, even if a split second later the ball is found!
Note 18. BriskerGolf/15. The freedom to imagine an Omega Zone as the basic TARGET of a golf Hole.
The above diagram which shows 18 rudimentary Ω zones on a standard 18 Hole golf course as enclosed Ω zone areas is simply indicative of eighteen approximately imagined targets, each one being a combination of adjacent manicured sections around a Bull's Eye, (the PIN), and more broadly the prime target (the Green), surrounded by any combination of secondary manicured targets, these sometimes being raked Bunker(s), and ALWAYS being cut grass Aprons, including cut grass Humps & Hollows.
Outside the Ω zone, everywhere else (including water, sand, rough, fairways and out of bounds) is termed the ∞ zone (Infinity zone).
The imagined boundary of an Ω zone is very flexible, and it is permissible to include or exclude manicured areas adjacent to the primary target of the Green if a BriskerGolfer prefers a less inclusive version of an Ω zone to a more inclusive version, at any individual Hole.
Such a flexibility enables BriskerGolfers to adjust their order of play near to, or within an Ω zone, which is governed by Ω zone etiquette rules. (See Notes 9 & 10, above).
Note 20. BriskerGolf/17. BG RULE EIGHT: Active & Passive Scores - A Major Diffference between Skins scoring & BriskerGolf scoring!
Acceptable ACTIVE Scores in BG are LIMITED to Net Pars, Net Birdies, Net Eagles & Net Albatrosses
Unacceptable active scores are any Net scores worse than Net Par:
- Net Bogeys
- Net Double Bogeys
- Net Triple Bogeys
- Net Quadruple Bogeys
- And so on ,,,,,
ALL potentially unacceptable active scores are resolved before they occur in BriskerGolf by levelling up processes, such as:
- BG RULE TWO: the free, up to One Stride Radius Placement in Sand rule (Note 6.)
These free processes remove many potential impediments to creating acceptable active scores, but the lowest recordable active score in BriskerGolf is:
- Net Par
Below this lowest active level a BriskerGolfer achieves a passive score of:
- Net Bogey
by Picking Up his/her ball.
No other passive score level is acceptable in BriskerGolf.
Acceptable ACTIVE Scores in SKINS are UNLIMITED
A better way is to modify the centuries-old unsurpassable five-ball golf game of Skins, for 21st Century Golf usage, for the whole spectrum of the world's golfing population:
- Novice players
- Journeyman players
- Sophisticated low-handicap Amateurs
- Elite Professionals
Quite rightly, in terms of golfing sophistication, the bar has to be set very high to permit playing five-ball golf.
The members of the R&A, for example. are all highly sophisticated golfers, and are fully aware that the wonderfully elegant matchplay golf game Skins is best played in a five-ball!
In fact there is no R&A rule that prohibits five-ball golf play anywhere!
Skins is an ancient ground-breaking game of the highest order! It is a veritable Work of Art, whose format has never changed in well over a Century!
When Skins is played, its lucky participants are immediately captivated by its awesome elegance, like no other golf game!
It is a game that instantly generates camaraderie, razor-sharp individual competitiveness, flexible teamwork, drama, comedy, social empathy & business networking, all within a magical artistic creation!
However it is also a seismically unregulated game, and is wholly reliant on the skill and consideration of its players!
There is no measure of Skins competency for wary course owners/managers to put their trust in, and so their default position is to allow five-ball matchplay in professional games, but to prohibit it in all but a handful of elite amateur games.
Perversely, it is possible to play five-ball golf in a streamlined and regulated manner that incentivises brisker play and prioritises sheer entertainment like no other matchplay golf game!
BriskerGolf (BG) is the term for such a progressive five-ball 21st Century Golf game, whose players are acutely aware of their collective responsibility to make efficient progress around a golf course, especially once they have been schooled in the Art of Brisker Pace!
Note 21. INTERLUDE(3). A Missed Opportunity to Use a Modified Version of the World's Most Sublime Matchplay Golf Game for the Benefit of ALL!
Why ignore the World's Greatest Matchplay Golf Game?
The real problem in golf is that it only takes one naïve and inconsiderate golfer in a standard two-ball, three-ball or four-ball golf game, to slow any competitive or recreational round down to a dreary procession!
A better way is to modify the centuries-old unsurpassable five-ball golf game of Skins, for 21st Century Golf usage, for the whole spectrum of the world's golfing population:
- Novice players
- Journeyman/Journeywoman players
- Sophisticated low-handicap Amateurs
- Elite Professionals
Quite rightly, in terms of golfing sophistication, the bar has to be set very high to permit playing five-ball golf.
The members of the R&A, for example. are all highly sophisticated golfers, and are fully aware that the wonderfully elegant matchplay golf game Skins is best played in a five-ball!
In fact there is no R&A rule that prohibits five-ball golf play anywhere!
Skins is an ancient ground-breaking game of the highest order! It is a veritable Work of Art, whose format has never changed in well over a Century!
When Skins is played, its lucky participants are immediately captivated by its awesome elegance, like no other golf game!
It is a game that instantly generates camaraderie, razor-sharp individual competitiveness, flexible teamwork, drama, comedy, social empathy & business networking, all within a magical artistic creation!
However it is also a seismically unregulated game, and is wholly reliant on the skill and consideration of its players!
There is no measure of Skins competency for wary course owners/managers to put their trust in, and so their default position is to allow five-ball matchplay in professional games, but to prohibit it in all but a handful of elite amateur games.
Perversely, it is possible to play five-ball golf in a streamlined and regulated manner that incentivises brisker play and prioritises sheer entertainment like no other matchplay golf game!
BriskerGolf (BG) is the term for such a progressive five-ball 21st Century Golf game, whose players are acutely aware of their collective responsibility to make efficient progress around a golf course, especially once they have been schooled in the Art of Brisker Pace!
Note 22. INTERLUDE(4). Journalistic Advice on avoiding SLOW PLAY!
Miss it quick: eight ways to play faster golf
"Play well, play fast. Play poorly, play faster."
A sign bearing these eight words greets members and guests by the first tee of Seminole Golf Club in Juno Beach, Fla. Its disarming bluntness may make some outsiders think it'e meant in jest, but it's entirely serious. Speedy play is a way of life at the compact oceanside course designed by Donald Ross and beloved of no-nonsense golfers like Ben Hogan. When I played Seminole in 2021 my caddy introduced himself thusly:
"Hi, I'm A.J. and we play golf in three hours and 40 minutes here."
Brevity is the soul of golf at Seminole and several other great courses, including The Old Course at St. Andrews, where daily play runs like clockwork at a pace of 3.57, with marshalls who are not afraid to sternly remind golfers of their sluggishness, sometimes even shooing them away from the restroom if their group has fallen behind.
BriskerGolf (BG) is the term for such a progressive five-ball 21st Century Golf game, whose players are acutely aware of their collective responsibility to make efficient progress around a golf course, especially once they have been schooled in the Art of Brisker Pace!

Note 24. INTERLUDE (4). Streamlining your Golf Game: a 21ST CENTURY GOLF lesson in the correct striking of a golf ball with an iron.
Streamline Your Golf Game with Straighter Shots: Improvement of Technique
The pace of any golf game is negatively affected by poor technique, (i.e. cockeyed shots), which is one of the prime causes of slow play.
Novice golfers of all calibres need to learn just one basic technique at their local driving range, before venturing onto a golf course with a couple of friends to experience the magic of 21ST CENTURY GOLF, initially in BriskerGolf (BG) Rehearsal Groups of two, three or four golfers.
21stCenturyGolf.com offers the following advice on The Mysterious Secret of correctly striking a golf ball!
The almost simultaneous acts of Collecting then Scooping up a ball, will kick start the golfing careers of the vast majority of novice golfers, as well as a whole army of frustrated mainstream amateur golfers!
The following brief BG Golf Clinic will instantly straighten your crooked shots out.
A) Swing a 9 iron club, square to square, in both thought and deed.
B) Attend to your grip! It must be Orthodox, either:
- Harry Vardon, overlapping, or
- Jack Nicklaus, Interlocking
BUT NOT BOTH, (nor a baseball grip!)
C) Make sure you are relaxed at address to the ball. Imagine you are gently holding a canary (like Johnny Miller).
D) Learn the rudiments of a golf swing from Ben Hogan's book, or magazines, or the Internet, or Professional tuition.
E) Practise quarter-swing chipping and eventually half-swing pitching with the 9 iron club, on both a Driving Range mat, and the Grass of a Driving range, as follows:
F) Swing square face to square face, imagining the 9 iron as a Hockey Stick, initially from 'low right knee height' on the backswing, to 'low left knee height' on the foreswing (i.e. quarter-swing chipping)
G) Now switch your swing thinking to down and through with the 9 iron, imagining square contact with an invisible ball, collecting the ball squarely, slightly downwards, below the equator of the ball, and then continuing slightly upwards, through the ball, with a scooping square action, accelerating through the ball.
H) Now change your actual swing-thoughts as follows:
(i) Aim to connect to a ball by a quarter-swing with a 9 iron, making comfortable contact with a golf ball:
- well below the EQUATOR of the ball
- smoothly COLLECTING the ball with the 9 iron, in the slightly downward motion of a COLLECT, then immediately use the slightly upward motion of a SCOOP, seamlessly sweeping upwards and squarely from your grass (or mat) lies.
- feel a solid and straight-through shot, as you COLLECT then SCOOP the ball, and notice that the ball travels with a slight DRAW near to the very end of its flight, in every instance of a correct shot!
- repeat this process until this split second magical performance feels very natural, as if you're Cameron Smith!
(iI) Extend your swing path with an elongated backswing and matching foreswing, to hip height for the matching back and fore swings, so that you are now hitting half-swing pitch shots rather than chip shots.
(iii) After a series of successful pitch shots extend your backswing length to a three-quarter swing length pitch shot, and enjoy practicing this shot, remembering that every chip and pitch shot shot should have a small amount of draw on the ball, in the latter stage of its flight.
(iv) Again extend your 9 iron swing to a full-length swing (whatever feels comfortable, remembering you are holding a canary).
(v) Repeat this process with other irons.
(vi) Experiment with the same process using a putter! On the SCOOP part of the putter swing (the follow-through section of the putter swing) feel the topspin roll of the ball on any line of your choice (imagining you're Bobby Locke).
(vii) Continue to experiment with other iron shots, using the split-second swing-thought change from COLLECT to SCOOP in the Collection Zone!
(viii) Finally experiment with wood shots, in the same manner!
You will soon be playing 21ST CENTURY GOLF!

Note 25. INTERLUDE (5). Sublime-Golf.com: not for Amateurs!
Cinderella Game
Hidden away from the vast majority of journeyman golfers, in the imaginary Fort Knox of golf, is a game worthy of the description:
- Sublime Golf !
This is a very historic game, dating from the 19th Century or possibly earlier, and to those relatively few amateurs who have played it, this is the purest form of matchplay golf!
Yet it is rarely if ever mentioned in conversations in Golf Clubhouses. It is known only by sophisticated cliques in the upper echelons of golf, such as committee members, and those ever vigilant golfing experts in more elevated positions in the organisation of golf.
This is the arch jack-in-the-box golf game:
- Five Ball SKINS!
Many golfing sages believe that this wildly entertaining and wonderfully elegant ancient five-ball matchplay golf game must be prohibited to Amateurs on every civilized golf course!
Surprisingly, perhaps, the R&A confirmed to the author that playing golf in a five ball is not prohibited in the rules of golf!
Yet throughout the 20th Century and now well into this present Century the prime focus of SuppressedGolf.com has been the suppression of Amateurs playing the historic and elegant matchplay game of:
- Five-Ball Skins Golf
almost to the exclusion of any other golf related game!
The zealousness of golf committees and other golf course controllers relating to the suppression of amateurs playing this most elegant of sporting games has been incredible!
To this day, Classic Five-Ball Skins remains the never-to-be-mentioned Cinderella game in the cosy yet competitive world of amateur golf!
For completeness however the author must reveal his views on Historic Five-Ball Skins Golf.
a) It's a magnificent matchplay golf game that should be venerated as the perfect golf game for those who happen to own their own golf course.
b) In the meantime I must reluctantly agree with the suppressors of Five-Ball Skins Golf that this world-class matchplay golf game cannot be played at any well-populated golf course, because it is intrinsically unregulated and as such would be wholly unsuitable for the vast majority of unwary yet normally Acceptable Golfers to play!
Complete chaos would ensue!
In fact it would be kinder to declare Five-Ball Skins Golf an obsolete golf game that has been confined to the vaults of golf's historians!
Perhaps the R&A has been patiently anticipating the creation of a new Five-Ball matchplay golf game that is much less controversial than the historic, wildly unregulated, and now OBSOLETE, Five-Ball Skins golf game?
Note 26. INTERLUDE (6). A Declaration that Five-Ball Skins is an Obsolete Golf Game!
A Truce !
It's now time for golf club committee members and other course controllers the whole world over to drop their animosity towards classic Five-Ball Skins, and simply declare that this beautiful game is now obsolete, with respect to amateur golfers.
It can be permanently consigned to the annals of Golfing History, as the most exhilarating example of a wholly unregulated, incredibly ground-breaking, 5-ball matchplay golf game.
Rather than dwelling on such a dispiriting thought the author has been prompted to create a 5-ball golf game that has the potential to be a dynamic levelling up force in sport, business, re-wilding of our natural resources, and peaceful, positive, global social interaction.
Note 27. BriskerGolf/18. Attacking opportunities! Like its illustrious predecessor, Skins, a 21ST CENTURY GOLF Five-Ball Matchplay game focusses on winning a Hole, or a cumulative group of Holes, OUTRIGHT, as ELEGANTLY as possible.
BriskerGolfers above all are encouraged to attack every Hole, FEARLESSLY!
Every Hole has a value of One Coin and this reward cannot be extinguished, once a Coin or a cumulative group of Coins (a Coin Bonanza) has been won outright.
The value of a single Coin can be either notional or monetary, and this can be a constant value, or a variable amount, as determined by either a single five-ball group or a number of five-ball groups.
Uppermost in the minds of all 21st Century Golfers must be that the game of BriskerGolf is very much a WINNER TAKES ALL game at every Hole.
However a secondary thought quickly creeps into players minds: that of conserving the value of the Coin or Coin Bonanza at a currently contested Hole, by striving to tie the Hole at very least, using the rule:
- 'TWO Tie for the Lead at a Hole, ALL Tie!'*
Thereafter the game reverts to the thrill of winner takes all at the very next Hole, with the added bonus of playing to win the enlarged Coin Bonanza!
And so the tension builds in the fast-paced game of 21st Century Golf (BriskerGolf)!
After a win at a Hole, the value of a win at the next Hole reverts to One Coin, and the process of the winner takes all game of BriskerGolf continues.
[Variations of this system include escalating values of Coins after a first win a Hole, and so on.]
[* Except at the Last Hole, which, in the event of a Tie, is decided by a no Handicap sudden death play off, in PUTTING, from the Joint Ω/∞ Line to the Pin, until a winner emerges!]
Note 28. BriskerGolf/19. 21ST CENTURY GOLF Registration Requirement regarding future Five-Ball Matchplay Golf permission!
Robustly Regulated 21ST CENTURY GOLF Registration, with a view to future Five-Ball Matchplay Golf Permission!
Registration, as a 21ST CENTURY GOLFER
- The submission of an applicant's Officially Authorised WHS (World Handicap System) Golf Handicap to 21stCenturyGolf.com, to be used In all 21ST CENTURY GOLF games. All competitors play off their full WHS allowance, (NEVER three-quarters of their full WHS allowance), regardless of gender, up to a maximum handicap of 18 shots per round.
- The completion of a 21ST CENTURY GOLF registration form by a prospective BriskerGolfer, to include photographic evidence of one acceptable BG Omniscorecard of their play in a BriskerGolf Rehearsal game of either 4-ball or 3-ball BriskerGolf, using memory alone of BG rules.
Status as a Probationary BriskerGolfer
- The submission to 21ST CENTURY GOLF (via 21stCenturyGolf.com) of photographic evidence of three acceptable 4-ball BriskerGolf or 3-ball BriskerGolf Omniscorecards, using memory alone of BG rules, to achieves the status of Probationary BriskerGolfer.
Status as a Regular BriskerGolfer
- The submission to 21ST CENTURY GOLF of photographic evidence of five acceptable 5-ball Probationary BriskerGolfer Omniscorecards, using memory alone of BG rules, to achieve the status of Regular BriskerGolfer.
Status as an Exemplary BriskerGolfer
Successive goals for all BriskerGolfers, beyond that of Regular BriskerGolfer are now aided by the acquisition of a BG App , which will automatically enable the compilation and submission BG 5-ball informal competition scores.
- The submission of an additional five acceptable 5-ball single round BriskerGolf scores, via the BG App, automatically achieves the status of Exemplary BriskerGolfer in 21ST CENTURY GOLF, as confirmed by the BG App.
Status as a BriskerGolf PASSPORT Holder
- The submission of a further five acceptable 5-ball single round BriskerGolf scores, via the BG App, by an Exemplary BriskerGolfer automatically achieves the status of BriskerGolfer Passport Holder in 21ST CENTURY GOLF for an applicant, and is confirmed by the BG App.
The awards of Exemplary BriskerGolfer and BriskerGolf Passport Holder are lifetime awards.
???Note 29 21st-C-Golf: the STREAMLINED Orchestrated Play within the Omega Phase, using SWIFTER ETIQUETTE!
Swifter-Etiquette in the Omega zone (Ωz)!
The differently streamlined Omega Phase of 21st C. Golf begins on a ball's arrival within (or on) the boundary of a second-phase Omega target zone, Ωz, at a Hole.
This is the inception of the Omega Phase process of Swifter Etiquette at the Hole.
Swifter Etiquette Rules in the Ω Phase
The Omega zone (Ωz), is a coherent manicured section, including the Green, but is always larger than just the area of the Green.
A ball lying anywhere within the Ωz has equal significance and status to that of any other similarly positioned ball, be it lying in raked-sand, Manicured Grass humps & hollows, on the grass fringe (apron) of the Green, or on the Green itself.
To underline the equality and inequality of all active Ω zone (Ωz) balls, every such active Ωz ball must be marked according to a colour code on initially reaching the Ωz.
Once every active Ωz ball is correctly marked with a Tee Peg then Swifter Etiquette rules of play apply in the Ωz of a Hole.
It is not permissible to mark a ball in any other lie outside the boundary of the Ωz of a Hole: for example, a ball that is lying close to the PIN but is in a Non-Ωz Lie in Rough.
Such a Non-Ωz ball has priority in Swifter Etiquette over any marked ball in the Ωz (Omega zone), and must be played onto the Ωz, and then correctly marked, before any Orchestration of play of all the marked balls in the Ωz, using Swifter Etiquette rules, can begin.
Swifter Etiquette is important to the Brisk flow of a game. Benign rules, B1, B2, and B3, are meant to be interpreted approximately, without questioning the judgement of any BriskerGolfer, so that there are no unnecessary interruptions to a harmonious golf game!
Re-touching a ball that has just been re-placed is a Time-wasting offence, and incurs an automatic Penalty, P or P18. (See Note 7.)
Swifter Etiquette in the Ωz does not begin until all active balls at a Hole are within the Omega (Target) zone, Ωz, and have been properly marked, according to their Status.
Note 34. Winning a Hole Outright secures a COIN or a COIN BONANZA
Securing a BG Coin by an OUTRIGHT win at a Hole
A Net win at a Hole can only be achieved by an active score of either:
- a purposeful Net Par
- an impressive score of either a Net Birdie, or Net Eagle, or Net Albatross
as the indisputable leading score at the conclusion of play at a Hole.
Every BriskerGolfer is given a conclusive passive Net score at every Hole, for the purpose of BriskerGolf, termed:
- a passive Net Bogey
This implies that no BriskerGolfer may attempt to achieve:
- an active Net Bogey
This would be a time-wasting offence and equate to an automatic Penalty, P, for an errant BriskerGolfer, who would have to play Two-Off-The-Next-Tee!
In addition, a passive Net tie of a given NET Bogey at the LAST Hole can only be achieved by Countback Scutiny to determine the last legitimately qualifying winner of a Hole.
An outright winner at a Hole in BG achieves either
- a Coin
- or a Coin Bonanza, (of 2 Coins, 3 Coins, or more)
Any Hole other than the LAST HOLE may be tied in BriskerGolf, in just two ways:
- by two purposeful Net Par leading scores
- by two passive Net Bogey leading scores
The BG rule in such tied scores is:
- Two Tie, All Tie
If a Hole is tied the Coin that represents a win at the Hole is conserved and is rolled up (accumulated) together with the Coin that represents a win at the next Hole, to make a Coin Bonanza for a win at the next Hole, of Two Coins, and so on, if a third consecutive Hole is tied, for a Coin Bonanza of Three Coins, etc.
When a Hole is eventually won, the value of a win at the next Hole reverts to One Coin.
A Hole can NEVER be tied by two equally impressive scores, because of the brutal Ultimate Impressive Score Wins rule! (See below).
For ease of description NET BG scores are named as follows:
Impressive Scores:
Masterful => NET Birdie; Majestic => NET Eagle; MostFab => NET Albatross
Purposeful Score:
Purposeful => NET Par
Passive Score:
Inactive (unable to contest the Hole) => PICK UP => given passive NET Bogey
Every BriskerGolfer is GIVEN a passive NET Bogey score at the start of every Hole, to avoid delays.
Penalty, P*, Score:
(i) ILLEGAL active score => Failure to Pick up ball => Time-Wasting => Penalty, P
(ii) FAILURE to declare intention:
- either to accept a free placement rule after 30 seconds of fruitless searching
- or to accept a passive NET Bogey after 30 seconds of fruitless searching, and thereafter to continue a solo search
Either indecisive play equates to a Penalty, P , (or P18 if such illegal play occurs at the LAST Hole)
[*P => Automatic Net Bogey on the current Hole, and a TWO-OFF-THE-NEXT-TEE PENALTY at the following Hole]
Penalty, P18, Score:
Any form of Time-Wasting activity which would normally accrue a Penalty, P, Score is given a Penalty, P18, Score at the LAST Hole.
P18 refers to a Penalty on the Last Hole of a BG round, whatever pre-agreed number of Hole it finishes on, e.g. the 9th, 15th, 21st or 27th, or whatever time limit that has been pre-agreed, e.g. the subsequent Hole begun-to-be-played after 3h 45min into a BG round.
P18 is a Penalty of disqualification from Countback Scrutiny to determine the last winner of a Hole.
In the event of a given passive NET Bogey tie at the Final Hole that cannot be superseded, the legitimate scorer of a given passive NET Bogey, who is the last winner of a Hole, is declared to be the winner of the Last Hole Coin or Coin Bonanza.
EXAMPLE 1: Par 4 Hole
NET Scores: A: 4; B: 3; C: (Inactive) => Given NET Bogey; D: 3; E: 3;
Sequence of scoring: C => Pick up => Given NET Bogey passive score => loses!
A => 4 NET Par (Purposeful) Score => out-scored => loses!
B => 3 NET Birdie (Masterful) Score => GHOST TIE => loses!
D => 3 NET Birdie (Masterful) Score => GHOST TIE => loses!
E => 3 NET Birdie (Masterful) Score => The Ultimate Impressive Score => Wins!
EXAMPLE 2: Par 5 Hole
NET Scores: P: 4; Q: 5; R: (Inactive) => Given NET Bogey; T: 3; V: 3;
Sequence of scoring: P => 4 NET Birdie (Masterful) Score => out-scored => loses!
Q => 5 NET Par (Purposeful) Score => out-scored => loses!
R => Inactive Score => Pick up => Given NET Bogey score => loses!
T => 3 NET Eagle (Majestic) Score => GHOST TIE => loses!
V => 3 NET Eagle (Majestic) Score => The Ultimate Impressive Score => Wins!
EXAMPLE 3: Par 3 Hole
NET Scores: A: (Inactive) => Given NET Bogey; B: 3; C: (Inactive) => Given NET Bogey; D: 2; E: 2;
Sequence of scoring:
A => Inactive Score => Pick up => Given NET Bogey score => loses!
B => 3 NET Par (Purposeful) Score => out-scored => loses!
C => Pick up => Given NET Bogey score => loses!
D => 2 NET Birdie (Masterful) Score => GHOST TIE => loses!
E => 2 NET Birdie (Masterful) Score => The Ultimate Impressive Score => Wins!
EXAMPLE 4: Par 3 LAST Hole
NET Scores: A: (Inactive) => Given NET Bogey; B: 4 (Penalty, P, for exceeding an active score of NET Par); C: (Inactive) => Given NET Bogey; D: (Inactive) => Given NET Bogey;; E: (Inactive) => Given NET Bogey;;
Sequence of scoring:
A => Inactive Score => Pick up => Given NET Bogey score => loses by Countback Scrutiny
B => 4 (Penalty, P, for exceeding an active score of NET Par) => loses, by disqualification
C => Inactive Score => Pick up => Given NET Bogey score => loses by Countback Scrutiny
D => Inactive Score => Pick up => Given NET Bogey score => WINS by Countback Scrutiny
E => Inactive Score => Pick up => Given NET Bogey score => loses by Countback Scrutiny
Note 37. The LAST HOLE (Normally the 18th, but can be ANY nominated Hole or Finishing Time!)
A Brisk Finish to the LAST HOLE
A brisk Last Hole finish is always achieved in 21st-Century-Golf.com (=> BG ) via its decisive rules.
The Last Hole in BG can be ANY Hole that has been decided by:
- a private group of five, four, three or two BriskerGolfers
- a private group of more than five BriskerGolfers (subject to special permission!)
- an organised match of several groups of BriskerGolfers, using the BG App
- an organised Professional competition ( Male/Female/Mixed: elite Pro; Pro-Am, Celebrity Am-Am), using the BG App
- the amount of TIME that a game is allowed to take, before the next Hole played becomes the Last Hole!
Traditionally the Last Hole is the 18th, but equally it could be any ordinal number of Holes, such as the 9th, 12th, 16th, 21st or 25th, or the Hole that begins just after 3h 30m of playing time has elapsed, for examples.
Any such variation is possible, as long as the nature of the Final Hole is determined before the start of a game.
Note 38. The Decisive LAST HOLE!
Tied Scores at the Last Hole are always Resolved to ONE Winner of the Last Hole!
Some of 21st Century Golf's (=> BG's ) rules are modified at the Last Hole to ensure a Decisive finish, whatever the Tied leading scores may be!
Impressive Score Ties
No change to the Note 13 BG Tie-Breaker rule:
In the event of an impressive* score TIE of two or more BriskerGolfers the winner is decided by the following BG Tie-Breaker rule :
- The Ultimate NET Impressive Scorer in a Tie-Break is the WINNER!
The other equally Impressive NET score(s) are termed Losing GHOST TIES!
[*Impressive Golf Scores => NET Birdie; NET Eagle; NET Albatross.]
Purposeful* Score Ties
At the LAST Hole only, BG has a decisive rule change regarding a Tie between two or more purposeful* golf scores
This is termed:
- The ULTIMATE NET Purposeful score at the Last Hole in a Tie-Break is the WINNER!
[*Purposeful Golf Score => NET Par at a Hole.]
The other equally Purposeful NET score(s) are termed Losing GHOST TIES!
LAST Hole, PAR 4, Scores:
A = inactive (Pick up); B = NET 4 (Par); C = NET 4 (Par); D = inactive (Pick up); E = NET 4 (Par).
Sequential Results:
A = inactive (Pick up) => NET Bogey => Loses
B = NET 4 (Par) => GHOST TIE => Loses
C = NET 4 (Par) => GHOST TIE => Loses
D = inactive (Pick up) => NET Bogey => Loses
E = NET 4 (Par) => ULTIMATE TIE => Wins
Bogey Score Ties
In the event of a NET Bogey Tie, at the LAST HOLE only, the qualifying scorer, by Countback Scrutiny, who last won a Hole, is declared the Winner of such a Last Hole NET Bogey TIE, and collects the Coin or Coin Bonanza that represents a win at the LAST HOLE!
Last Hole Penalty, P18.
P18 is the BG term for a Penalty on the Last Hole, whatever the number that the Last Hole may be.
A penalty P18 for TIME WASTING, is a disqualification from achieving a Given passive NET Bogey at the Last Hole, and thus a disqualification from potentially winning the Last Hole by Countback Scrutiny of qualifying NET Bogey scorers.
There are many self-GIMMIES (pick ups) in BriskerGolf! These are termed either a CONCESSION of a good but losing score, or a DISCONTINUATION of active scoring because a BriskerGolfer has reached the active store limit of NET Par. Both Concession and Discontinuation equate to a GIFT of a Passive NET Bogey score at a Hole.
Such a GIVEN Passive NET Bogey score at the LAST Hole has a possibility of winning the Hole, in the event of a passive NET Bogey TIE for the Hole, by referring to Countback Scrutiny of the last Hole won.)
Note 40???. Curing Inadvertent SLOW PLAY, and the BICC golfer!
Inadvertent SLOW PLAY!
A small minority of players are resistant to learning the very basics of Recreational Golf, including their positioning on a golf course as a Team Player. They may have lived their pre-golf lives without the innate benefit of active sporting participation.
Golf may be the very first active sport that has really attracted their attention!
Some novice Recreational Golfers become so self-absorbed with their game of golf that they fail to notice fellow golfers progress around a golf course! They exhibit a distinct lack of peripheral awareness.
Golf is both an Art Form and a very special three-dimensional Sport. 21st-Century-Golf.com focuses on both these aspects of the game, literally extending the boundaries of golf!
(i) The Art of Golf
21st-Century-Golf.com makes no assumptions about any golfer's talent for playing golf in a civilized way, and from scratch sets out a clear framework for making impeccable progress on any golf course, for novice and experienced golfer alike.
This allows a BriskerGolf game to flow seamlessly, with very little interruption, from TEE to the initial Target of Inner PIN-Side, and keep the tragedies of the sport down to a minimum!
Providing inclusivity by limitlessly expanding the boundaries of a golf course is a constant theme of 21st-Century-Golf.com : every shot is progress, often with good humour.
Gradually confidence and creativity on a course develop, along with the realisation that being a Team Player on a golf course is a wider responsibility than being a member of a specific group of players.
(ii) The Sport of Golf: BriskerGolf
Golf is an acutely competitive sport, which initially involves safe passage from TEE to the Target area (Inner PIN-Side). In this, 21st-Century-Golf.com makes the journey less perilous, by virtue of its benign rules!
On arrival at the Target area, Inner PIN-Side, the compulsory marking of every active ball gives competitors time for a moment of reflection: will they be playing to win the Hole outright? Or will they be playing for the whole team, to tie the Hole, and conserve the value of the Coin or Coin Bonanza for the next Hole's contest? Or will they withdraw from the contest at the current Hole, and hope that it is tied?
Again, 21st-Century-Golf.com makes a Brisk decision possible. By withdrawing from the end-game contest at a Hole a BriskerGolfer achieves a passive NET Bogey score. This may be the joint-top score at the Hole! Certainly it is a very sporting and considerate action, in terms of BriskerGolf!
The status of a ball on reaching the Target, Inner PIN-Side, is crucial to the resolution of play at a Hole, and is a unique competitive feature of 21st-Century-Golf.com!
A Status Two* position for a BriskerGolfer in 21st-Century-Golf.com is a delightful double-edged sword!
[*Staus Two => On Target, 'Inner PIN-Side', in REGULATION]
The Orchestration of Inner PIN-Side
The author recognizes the therapeutic value of golf and seeks to enhance the golfing experience of all participants in the game, by raising the standard level of progress in a direct and somewhat unsubtle way.
up to the point of their being normalized in golfing society, as opposed to their current golfing status:
- Blithely Ignorant of Common Courtesy! (BICC)
Few in the Standard Golf sector can make substantial headway with BICC golfers!
In other words, the very people most likely to be responsible for episodes of Slow Play in Standard Golf games are allowed to languish in the golfing shallows without receiving much by way of basic golf aid.
In contrast, 21st-Century-Golf.com is a golfing lifeline to BICC golfers!
BICC golfers are generally those who have experienced very little active participation in organized team games of any note, such as Soccer, Rugby, American Football, Basketball, Hockey, Ice Hockey, and so on.)
Golf may be their last chance to succeed in a mainstream sport!
(No slur is intended to the many gifted individual sports people who have seamlessly transferred their skills in Snooker, Cricket, Tennis, Baseball, etc, etc, onto the golf course, without any external advisers!)
The golfing talents of players with widely varied innate ability to play the game of golf are often obscured by the one Formal Index that Standard Golf charts assiduously:
- their Official Golf Handicap(OGH)
However BriskerGolf is very appreciative of the OGH and uses the Full Handicap status of all players of BG, from Scratch to 27, in all BG games.
The Official BriskerGolf Handicap (OBH), to be compiled eventually by the BG App, will be an indicator of considerate and brisk golfers, as well as their specific BG performances. It will be an adjunct to the OGH.
Standard Golf officialdom tends to forget that golf is always both an individual game and a team game!
It pays profound attention to its star golfers, amateur and professional, and their individual achievements in Standard Golf, whereas it gives scant attention to the latent ability of journeyman and novice players to play together Briskly and Considerately as Exemplary team players in an everyday golf club game.
The OBH (Official BriskerGolf Handicap) will be used to encourage BriskerGolfers in their endeavors to achieve recognition as Exemplary BriskerGolf Players, using a very clear pathway, as follows:
- Novice BriskerGolfer, beginning with 3-Ball and 4-ball BriskerGolf, to achieve the status of Journeyman BriskerGolf Player
- Journeyman BriskerGolfer, beginning with 5-Ball BriskerGolf, to achieve the status of Exemplary BriskerGolf Player
- Exemplary BriskerGolf Player, continuiing with 5-Ball BriskerGolf, to achieve the Lifetime status of BriskerGolf Passport Holder
The structure of standard golf games puts emphasis on the relaxed nature of golf. However this is misinterpreted by a significant minority, largely those with a BICC background, as playing without a care in the world!
The failure to communicate vital golfing speed-awareness information directly to those BICC with a peripheral awareness deficit is a major difference between Standard Golf and 21st-Century-Golf.com (=> BG).
21st-Century-Golf.com is very direct and deliberately unsubtle in its golfing rules.
Its aim is to make a massive impact globally, growing the game of golf by virtue of an all-embracing inspirational and entertaining game that can be played at every level of golf, from novice through to elite professional.
Along the way, the general pace of golf, seemingly unchanged over many decades, will be visibly enhanced!
Only BriskerGolf can demonstrate that it is eminently possible to radically accelerate the average pace of a golf game, whilst actually having tremendous fun!
Note 42. 21st-Century-Golf.com communicates ALL the essential ingredients of Sublime Golf!
BriskerGolf.com (=> 21st-Century-Golf.com ) is designed specifically to take on the task of communicating ALL the essential ingredients of the game of golf, by bringing about a revolution in the way five (four, three or two) golfers can work together as a team in which each individual has learnt all the techniques of Brisk progress on a golf course.
This naturally brings about the maximum pleasure in a golf round! It is all encapsulated in a very disciplined, exceptionally competitive, multi-match-play golf game, that bears only a slight resemblance to the fun game of Historic Skins, and is very much an up-to-date 21st Century Golf Game called:
- 21st-Century-Golf.com (=> BriskerGolf.com => Sublime-Golf.com)
Note 43. Levelling Up the Game of Golf
Levelling Up
In terms of levelling-up the game of golf, between Elite (BG E) and average/below average (BG A) Amateur golfers, 21st-Century-Golf.com (=> BriskerGolf.com) performs a miraculous transformation, based on simple common-sense BG handcapping, featuring easily comprehensible BG rules such as:
- the Four Finger (FREE) ball replacement (not DROP!) rule, from any manicured lie(Cut Grass or Raked Sand)
- the Five Strides Retreat rule, from any non-manicured lie (including Water, Out of Bounds, Scrub & Trees)
- the Brutal, yet Poetic and Logical, ULTIMATE SCORE THAT TIES A HOLE: WINS rule, which adds golfing skill, strategy and white hot competition to many otherwise run-of-the-mill Holes, as well as the more delicious ones!
- The strictly orchestrated BG Etiquette system of play that is initiated when ALL contesting golf balls are at Inner PIN-Side and have been accurately and descriptively marked, indicating their Status at Inner PIN-Side, with either a simple coloured Tee Peg (or a standard Disc Marker, where necessary!Inner PIN-Side
- The notion of a TEE-Side, PIN-Side Line (TPL) on every Hole on a golf course. This separates the two distinct areas on each Hole: TEE-Side and PIN-Side. The TPL has an extremely important function in the end game of every Hole!
- The notion of BG Passive play (Given, passive, Net Bogeys, to all eligible BriskerGolfers, for time-saving purposes)
- The notion of BG Active play: BriskerGolfers play their active competitive shots ONLY! They do NOT Time-Waste in a competitive BG game by playing non-essental shots that serve only as Practice Strokes! Instead they apply the very strict BG etiquette rule of 'curtailment of a futile shot' by picking up their ball to politely and elegantly indicate their CONCESSION at a HOLE, at the earliest appropriate moment!
- A 21st Century scoring system, using a BG App, which is used to determine the cumulative scores of an organised BG game's input of pp, (positional points), for the purpose of creating an electronic Leaderboard in Real Time, at any BG Multi-Course, Multi-Round competition. See Graphic 03 below.
- The Introduction of the BG App as a powerful tool to educate BriskerGolfers in the Art of making Brisk Progress on a golf course, and much more!
A very good indicator of Artful BriskerGolf players will be that compiled by the forthcoming BG App for each individual BriskerGolfer, as an adjunct to the Official Golf Handicap (OGH).
The Official BriskerGolf Handicap (OBH) will relate specifically to BG performances by golfers, and is intended purely as a measure of a golfer's competence in rigorous BriskerGolf competitions.
Great Brisk Play
With regard to the perennial problem of slow play on a golf course, the fantastic pace set by Matt Fitzpatrick and Will Zalatoris during their 2022 US Open tussle was a great lesson to all golfers, Professional and Amateur!
[Whereas BriskerGolf.com is a complete analysis of the game of golf, and the common sense changes necessary to speed up every part of the game.]
Great edit 17 Mar23
BG revolutionizes Inner PIN-Side competition by equalizing the importance of the areas surrounding the Green itself, and creating the Orchestration of Inner PIN-Side play, using Inner PIN-Side Etiquette (roughly the reverse of Standard Golf etiquette).
The 'Ultimate to Tie wins' rules create may incentives at every Hole, for golfers of all Handicaps.
As a result, the whole package of BriskerGolf.com makes the game much more pleasurable, not least by enabling golf, with training, to be played seamlessly, briskly and competitively in a five-ball , in addition to the more traditional configurations of four-ball, three-ball and two-ball.
46. Handicap Divisions
Male/Female(Separate Tees) | (0 to 5 h'cap) | (0 to 10 h'cap) | (0 to 15 h'cap) | (0 to 20 h'cap) | (0 to 27 h'cap) |
BriskerGolf lends itself to more diverse rounds with golfers of widely varying skills, because of the forgiving nature of its rules, which allow less technically gifted golfers to compete on more equal terms with elite golfers.
Low handicap golfers should be encouraged to enter all comers BriskerGolf events, as well as selective elite events, to inspire Journeyman golfers
However, very exclusive Elite and Low Amateur BriskerGolf competitions will also become more widely available, in the near future.
It’s 1908 and Harry Vardon has won the US Open and a mere four British Opens without taking his jacket off. You are wondering if Harry acquired a better outfitter would he go on to win a couple more British Opens, and gain some sort of recognition for gripping a golf club??
You happen to be in Paris pre-lockdown, and to have popped into Picasso’s Montmartre Studio. By chance Picasso and his new friend, the painter and decorator Georges Braque, have just created Cubism.
“It wasn’t a fluke”, said modest Georges, "I was influenced by a rather good golfer called Cézanne."
“#Moi aussi” said Picasso, (although later that same day he thoughtfully retracted this phrase out of sheer raciness, complaining that it would cramp his style).
Georges said to Pablo “I’ve still got some of these tins of Dulux oil paint left, but they’re only in browns and greys. Shall I chuck them?”
“What would Cézanne have wanted us to do with them?” said Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso.
“Well, for a start he would have advised you to use most of them to sign your name all over those cubes when they’ve dried out” said Georges.
“Why don’t I just sign my school nickname, Paula Maria?” said Pablo.
“I don’t think transgenderism necessarily follows cubism in Art movements” said Georges, the visionary yet occasionally slapstick artist. "It belongs to a future time when soccer players are free to become ballerinas, and vice versa” he said, before tripping up over his elongated shoes, holding an open tin of Dulux, which splashed all over a giant empty canvas nearby.
“Sacré Bleu! What a ‘#MoiAussi’ moment!” exclaimed Georges, inexplicably in Franglais.
There and then they decided to call this random movement Braqueism and that Picasso should take virtually all of the credit for Cubism.
This recurring dream has left me wondering whether Harry did in fact change his tailor in order to win his last two British Opens…..
It also has left me musing about Georges and Pablo. Could they have applied their Cubism experience to the Art of golf?
Did they spend the rest of that historic day, possibly after a refreshing siesta for Pablo whilst Georges worked on, analysing the game of golf with their new-found Cubist skills?
Was it Georges, who had taken the game up the day before, who said to a sleepy Pablo, “Pourquoi is this game so slow and unamusing? It’ll never catch on, and neither will French for that matter.”
Of course, he was correct. In 1999 a Belgian made a mockery of the historic game by paddling in a stream, and as a direct result of his comedic action, there were absolutely no spectators for any of the top professional golf tournaments by 2020.
Luckily in 1908 both George and Picasso were both mic’d up and their conversations were preserved for eternity, and have now been transcribed.
Georges: "Forget Cubism Pablo, we’ve got to simplify this irritating game, for the sake of the whole world."
Pablo (yawning): "I agree, but can we do it before tea because I’ve got a hot date at 7:00 pm."
Georges: "We can easily break this game down. Just hit the ball, walk towards where it lands, even if it’s out of bounds or in a pond, thicket or wood, find it quickly or put another ball down, (don’t make the absurd mistake of just dropping the ball – place it), hit it towards the target, (let’s call it the green-side area), and keep doing this with impunity until you either reach green-side or get embarrassed by the number of shots you have taken and pick your ball up."
Picasso: "What then Georges?"
Georges: "Don’t hit your ball again. Just mark it."
Picasso: "Is that it?"
Georges: "No. You must wait for everyone else who’s not embarrassed by their score to arrive at green-side and mark their balls."
Picasso: "Sounds complicated. I think you’ve lost me. How does this infernal game end?"
Georges: "Well, being Cubists we forget about the standard honour system when we’re at green-side, and create our very own honour system, which is the exact opposite of the standard one."
Picasso: "Will this get the game over quicker so that you have more time to go out in the evening?"
Georges: "Bien sûr, mon ami!"
Picasso: "You forget, I’m not French"
Georges: "È natural!"
Picasso: "Nor Italian."
Georges: "Of course, I forgot. You communicate with your Dulux paint brushes and are a hit with younger women, or perhaps just hit on younger women."
Picasso: "No matter Georges. How does this tortuous game end?"
Georges: "Well, when all playable balls are at green or green-side, or perhaps further off the green, Braquesker Golf Etiquette applies."
Picasso: "Quel est ce mot étiquette?"
Georges: "It’s something you’ll never comprehend, but for the benefit of cubists and sphereists alike it is the revolutionary green-side Braquesker Golf convention:"
1. The nearest to the Pin plays first, and continues to a conclusion, which may be holing a putt or picking up his/her ball.
2. Similarly the second-nearest to the Pin plays second, to a conclusion or a curtailment.
3. If it causes no embarrassment, in terms of time-wasting, the third nearest to the Pin plays next, and similarly the fourth nearest, if his/her playing has any significance to the game. There’s even time for a fifth player to join in, but by this time it may only be appropriate to pick up his/her ball and move on to the next Hole.
Picasso: "I don’t like the name. It gives you all the credit for this creation."
Georges: "I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings Pablo. How about BriskerGolf instead?"
Picasso: "That’s the problem with you Georges. You’re a bit of a prima donna, as we say in Italy."
Georges: "What’s that in Spanish?"
Picasso: "Pintor español."
Georges: "This is just the first phase of BriskerGolf, which I call Analytic Briskergolf. In the second phase of BriskerGolf I plan a much more colourful game than standard golf. I might call this Synthetic BriskerGolf. What do you think?"
Picasso (snore ......., interrupted): "I’ve got a date. You do all the work and I’ll take all the credit for this."
Georges: "Pintor español."
51 CAUTION: Learn the basics of BriskerGolf by playing COINS!4 golf, COINS!3 golf and COINS!2 golf informal games, and gathering evidence of your competency in BG, via completion of BG Scorecards & attainment of the awards of Exemplary BriskerGolfer and possible a BG Passport, well before launching a request to play in a BG 5-ball game at a Top Flight Golf Course!!
Note 52. Informal BriskerGolf
i12 WHS (World Handicap System)
Martin Slumbers, Chief Executive of the R&A:
“Our hope is that the launch of the WHS will be a catalyst for change; signalling the start of a new era of golfer engagement, being inclusive by embracing all golfers, whatever their level of ability, and broadening its appeal to a much wider audience.”
Mike Davis, CEO of the USGA:
“It is one of the many ways we are investing in golf’s future, to strengthen and foster growth of the entire game for years to come.”
The aspirations of both the R&A and USPGA are clear. The WHS is intended to usher in a more inclusive era of golf, and in doing so foster growth in the entire game.
BriskerGolf is entirely supportive of WHS and its creators.
All BriskerGolfers play to their full WHS handicaps in a BG game
Graphic 01: Omniscorecard (slightly outdated!)

Graphic 02: Omniscorecard (Slightly Outdated)

Graphic 03: Omniscorecard (Slightly Outdated)

informal BriskerGolf
In the Royal Dornoch scorecard immediately above there is a human error!
- On Hole 11, the far right Coins score of 5 should be 2 , representing the Coin Bonanza won by Player X
The OUT total near the bottom right-hand corner is correctly marked as 6
The use of a BG App will eliminate such accidental marking.

Graphic 04: Omniscorecard (Slightly Outdated)
Graphic 04: Omniscorecard (Slightly Outdated)

57. informal BriskerGolf
i01 The informal (i) version of BriskerGolf: iBG
BriskerGolf is an amazingly convivial and brisk golf game for three or four friends, which becomes magical when played in a five-ball!
Currently, when five friends meet spontaneously at a golf club they will be prevented from playing together in a five-ball. Course managers cite the possibility of disruptively slow play as the reason to veto such a game.
In terms of pace of play the concern should not be about the number of players in a group. The R&A itself has no restriction on five-ball golf in its rules!
The wonderfully elegant game of Skins is best played in a five-ball, but this is a seismically unregulated game, wholly reliant on the skill and consideration of its players. There is no measure of Skins competency for wary course owners/managers to put their trust in, and so their default position is to prohibit five-ball play in amateur games.
The unpalatable choice for a group of five golfers at present is either to split into a couple of dissimilar groups of three and two, or to banish one friend and play in a four!!
This is not the British way! Our spirit compels us to reach out to our friends around the world with innovative ideas on all manner of subjects, including golf!
The real problem in golf is that it only takes one naïve and inconsiderate golfer in a standard two-ball, three-ball or four-ball to slow the game down to a dreary procession!
Perversely, playing golf in a five-ball encourages brisker play! Golfers in a five-ball are acutely aware of their collective responsibility to make efficient progress around a golf course, especially once they have been schooled in the art of brisker pace.
With a nod to Skins, the author has created a new game, BriskerGolf, which is at once:
- ideally played as a five-ball (all other groupings are also fun!)
- both a team game and an individual game
- most ruthlessly abbreviated to @Net-Par scores or better
- strictly contained by reversing @Green-Side-Etiquette
- simple to score, by memory of Coins won
- an inclusive and forgiving game from tee to green, (the @Tee-Side region), with OOBLU* rules that eliminate most feet of clay moments!!
- brutally competitive in its @Green-Side play, by virtue of its Ultimate decider system in combination with its @Green-Side-Etiquette rules, (even more so than Skins!)
- brisker than a comparable Skins game!
- full of drama, comedy, camaraderie and networking
- a pathway to a formal inclusive multi-round, multi-course BriskerGolf game
- a fabulous party game for six or more golfers (if permitted)
[*Note i09]

58. informal BriskerGolf
i02 BriskerGolf Nursery Slopes for informal BG Play
Every sport has its nursery slopes and those for BriskerGolfers are the courses where they hone their informal BG play in iBG3 or iBG4 (informal BriskerGolf in three-ball or four-ball games.)
The author is acutely aware of the prohibition of five-ball golf games on the majority of golf courses and urges the adherents of informal or formal BriskerGolf to be equally sensitive, and focus firstly on iBG3 or iBG4, before approaching a golf club with a request to play iBG5.
For the transition to iBG5 it will be necessary to have formal proof that you understand the principles of BriskerGolf. This can be in the form of one or more completed BriskerGolf scorecards1*, supported by a letter from either the author of BriskerGolf, or his understudy.
[1*BriskerGolf scorecards are two-sided:
- an Omniscorecard on one side (i.e. everyone's active scores in a iBG3 or iBG4 rounds; and later, iBG5 rounds)
- a BriskerGolf scorecard on the other side, showing only Penalty scores (for Time-Wasting), and outright wins together with their corresponding Coin or Coin Bonanza scores.]
Note that ties (both stable & unstable) are recorded on an Omniscorecard as significant active scores, even if they ultimately become ghost ties.
In contrast, TIES DO NOT HAVE TO BE RECORDED on a BriskerGolf scorecard because they do not signify the acquisition of a Coin or a Coin Bonanza.
XXXXX. informal BriskerGolf
i06 Precedence of @Tee-Side Shots over @Green-Side Shots
All balls lying in @Tee-Side areas, including invasive @Tee-Side areas1*, must be played onto @Green-Side areas before any @Green-Side play can begin.
[1* See Note i03]
XXXXX. informal BriskerGolf
i07 Preparation for @Green-Side-Etiquette-Reversal
When all competing balls reach @Green-Side, they must be marked with a Tee Peg is used in the specific @Green-Side areas which include:
- @Green
- @Manicured-Grass-Areas-Near-Green (i.e. in cut grass, excluding any immediate surrounding areas of any @Water-Hazard)
- @Sand-Hazards-Near-Green
An @Green-Side ball within the confines of a bunker must be marked with a Tee Peg but may not be optionally free-repositioned within the confines of the bunker until:
- It is the honour of a BriskerGolfer to play it
- It is still deemed to be an active ball in the contest for the Hole.
At this moment a BriskerGolfer may retrieve his/her tee peg (or other marker) and free-reposition his/her ball anywhere within the confines of the bunker, in raked sand, such that his/her stance at address to the ball is also within the confines of the bunker.
However if the marked ball in its original sand lie has become an inactive ball in the contest for the Hole before it is the honour of a BriskerGolfer to play it, then the most courteous and brisk sporting action to take is to leave the tee peg marker in the bunker as a present for the next BriskerGolfer that visits it, and emotionally support active contestants at the Hole.
A ball in an invasive@Tee-Side area, i.e. within the minor sector1* of a Hole may be:
- either in @Rough
- or in an @Water-Hazard
- or in the immediate surrounding area (both Pin-Side and Non-Pin-Side) of an @Water-Hazard
[1* the minor sector is the @Green-Side area of a Hole]
Reminder: no @Tee-Side ball, natural or invasive, may ever be marked2*, and all competing @Tee-Side balls must be played onto @Green-Side before @Green-Side-Etiquette-Reversal comes into play.
[2* however, any @Tee-Side ball, natural or invasive, may be free-repositioned using the Five Strides rule.]
XXXXXX. informal BriskerGolf
i08 @Green-Side-Etiquette-Reversal
@Green-Side-Etiquette-Reversal begins when all competing1* golf balls are @Green-Side and precisely marked, using Tee Pegs.
[1* Still active in the contest for the Hole]
@BG-Green-Side-Etiquette is a reversal of Standard Etiquette.
The BriskerGolfer to play first is the one who is nearest to the pin:
- either @On-Green
- or @Off-Green, on @Manicured-Grass
- or @Off-Green, in @Sand-Hazard
In the event of a reasonable dispute as to who is the nearer or nearest to the pin this issue must be resolved by drawing straw lots (i.e. strands of grass) from the hand of a disinterested BriskerGolfer or passer-by.
The BriskerGolfer to play first, has the following options:
- playing to a conclusion (i.e. until his/her ball is holed)
- playing to a curtailment (i.e. until his/her ball is picked up before being holed, and either a legitimate @Given-Net-Bogey, g , or a slow play Penalty, P, or a slow play Penalty, P182*, is recorded
- choosing to pass the honour to play first3*, implying that the next nearest to the Pin has no option but to play first!
[2* A Penalty disqualification in the event of a tie for slow play (i.e. @Time-Wasting by playing a futile shot) at the last Hole, (see i14)]
[3* a BriskerGolfer that passes the honour to play first must play last!]
The BriskerGolfer initially second-nearest to the pin, when eventually nearest to the pin, has two options:
- either to play to a conclusion
- or to play to a curtailment
Note: the former second-nearest BriskerGolfer is NEVER allowed to pass the honour to the former-third nearest BriskerGolfer to play first!
And so on for the BriskerGolfer next-nearest to the pin, etc.
Play on a hole is discontinued when no BriskerGolfer can make a positive contribution to scoring on the hole, and the hole is either won or tied.
XXXXXXX. informal BriskerGolf (iBG)
i09 iBG inclusive OOBLU rules
There’s No Turning Back (almost) in BriskerGolf!
Forward progress to an approximate @In-Bounds landing area along the flight path of an errant ball must be made with almost every shot1*.
[1*Except in the event of a comically short shot from the tee, such as a complete fluff or a ricochet. See i09.(02).(iii) below]
Provisional balls are not allowed.
Any OOBLU (Out Of Bounds, Lost or Unplayable) ball, or its substitute ball (by @Ball-Sacrifice) may be free-regressed2* (and placed, not dropped) from:
(i) an Out Of Bounds Landing Area to an improved In Bounds Landing Area, by sportingly retreating in line with the errant shot, using the Five Strides Rule or any of its variants. (See 07 BG Rule 13.)
(ii) an In Bounds Landing Area to an improved In Bounds Landing Area, by sportingly retreating in line with the errant shot, using the Five Strides Rule or any of its variants.
(iii) the Tee to the (same) Tee, after a comedic shot (fluff or ricochet), by playing two-off-the-tee from a Tee Peg , if necessary using a substituted ball. (See @Ball-Sacrifice, Note i09.03 below.)
[2*Any free-regressed ball must be sportingly retreated, either from its original or assumed in bounds landing spot to a position that is more distant from the pin than this spot, using the Five Strides Rule or any of its variants.]
An @Ball-Sacrifice may be made:
(i) for a Lost ball in an In Bounds landing area by free-retreating with a free-substituted ball to an improved In Bounds landing area determined by the Five Strides Rule or any of its variants.
(ii) for a Lost ball in an Out Of Bounds landing area by free-retreating from an assumed in bounds landing spot with a free-substituted ball to an improved In Bounds landing area determined by the Five Strides Rule or any of its variants.
Any ball may be @free-switched between an Unloved & a Treasured ball, or vice versa, after being played at least once. This switch may be done after each stroke if so desired when @Tee-Side, but only once when @Green-Side, provided each switch is announced to at least one BriskerGolfer before it is made.
The @free-retreating rule allows for ALL @Tee-Side balls to be regressed in line with the errant shot to an improved In Bounds landing area determined by the Five Strides Rule or any of its variants.
This includes all @Water-Hazard balls, which are always classed as @Tee-Side locations, and all @Sand-Hazard balls that are deemed to be @Tee-Side by their owners (who may not be challenged by their decisions!)
No @Sand-Hazard balls deemed to be @Green-Side by their owners (by marking them with a Tee Peg) may ever be free-retreated.
Retrieval of an original water-born ball is permitted only by principal searchers (the ball’s owner and his/her personal caddy) after3* the free-repositioned substitute ball has been played.
[3*unless the ball is in motion downstream, and therefore needs urgent attention]
The retrieval time limit after a shot has been played is 30 seconds. Attempting retrieval beyond this time implies acceptance of an irreversible @Given-Net-Bogey score at the Hole to any principal searcher, and/or to any well-meaning non-principal searcher.
(06) An @Sand-Hazard ball that is in an @Green-Side location must first be marked with a Tee Peg in its original lie, and thereafter may only be @free-repositioned when it is its owner's honour to play, provided it is still an active ball in the contest for a Hole.
(07) For any @Sand-Hazard ball on a hole that is in an @Green-Side location, the @free-repositioning rule allows for any such ball to be placed in an improved raked lie, anywhere within the confines of the sand hazard, such that the BriskerGolfer’s stance at address to the ball is also within the confines of the hazard. This rule applies to multiple shots in the same @Green-Side hazard!!
Inclusive iBG rules ensure that every BriskerGolf shot has a positive outcome.
XXXXX. informal BriskerGolf
i10 Time Constraints on Positive OOBLU Decisions
BriskerGolf requires decisive action from its players, in return for concessions that are designed to keep all its players involved in the game, for the bulk of the time, on every hole. There is a very small window of time, no more than 10 seconds, in which to make an advantageous OOBLU decision, following a BriskerGolfer's arrival at the exact location of an errant ball.
A raised hand indicates that an errant ball has been found and an OOBLU decision has been made to free reposition (not drop) the ball along the flight line of the errant shot, at a location that is sportingly and significantly more distant to the pin than the original landing area of the ball, using the Five Strides Rule or any of its variants.
No raised hand and simply addressing the ball in its original lie is an irreversible decision to eschew an OOBLU advantage and play the ball as it lies.
A ball search following the moment of arrival1* at the approximate location of an errant ball may be made for no more than 30 seconds without reference to an OOBLU decision being made.
Thereafter an irreversible decision to use or eschew an OOBLU advantage must be made.
[1*Moment of arrival at an approximate location of an errant ball begins at the instant that a BriskerGolfer:
- either parks & vacates his/her buggy/trolly
- or grounds & releases hold of his/her carry-bag
- or begins to search in earnest for his/her ball with his/her caddie by gesturing widely with his/her arms (to a breadth of about 2m)]
- or starts to quarter the ground like a yacht sailor, on foot, optionally towing a trolly, or in a buggy]
Failure to either park, ground, gesture or quarter within 20 seconds of apparent arrival at the approximate location of an errant ball, as determined by an impartial BriskerGolfer, equates to indecision and a limit of a further 10 seconds of search time, before making an allowable OOBLU decision.
If a ball is found within 30 seconds of arrival at its approximate location, or a decision is made to play a substitute ball within that period, there is a further 10 seconds of OOBLU decision time to consider free-repositioning of the ball (i.e. 40 seconds of decision time in total).
Vacillation beyond 40 seconds from the moment of arrival1* (above) implies acceptance of the irreversible gift of an @Given-Net-Bogey. All non-vacillating BriskerGolfers must desert the vacillator within this same 40 seconds period, in favour of pursuing of their own game, otherwise they too must accept the irreversible gift of an @Given-Net-Bogey.
61. informal BriskerGolf
i11 informal BG Coin scoring, by Memory
Each hole in BriskerGolf represents either a notional Coin, or an accumulation of such yet-to-be-won Coins (a Coin Bonanza!)
The primary aim of a BriskerGolfer at each hole is to win it outright and thereby gain a Coin or Coin Bonanza, which is a permanent acquisition.
The secondary aim of a BriskerGolfer at each hole is to tie it, which will at very least preserve a Coin or Coin Bonanza as a yet-to-be-won Coin Bonus at the very next Hole, but may often be equivalent to winning the Hole!
There are only two types of enduring ties at a hole:
Type 1: A poor score 'gimmie' tie (excluding the last Hole), in which no BriskerGolfer achieves a Net Par score, and every member of the BG group is given a Backstop Score of either an @Given-Net-Bogey 'gimmie'1*, or possibly a Penalty, P, the rule being:
- No Net Par, All Tie2*.
[1* A Net Bogie is the only legitimate 'gimmie' allowed in BriskerGolf]
[2* All Tie, (gimmies and Penalty scores) with the exception of the last Hole, where a Type X rule applies]
Type 2: An acceptable @Net-Par score tie (excluding the last Hole), in which two BriskerGolfers achieve leading Net Par scores, which ultimately cannot be bettered by any other BriskerGolfer. In this instance the rule is:
- Two Tie, All Tie
All other apparent ties are actually ghost ties (i.e. numerically equal net ties which have succumbed to an Ultimate Leading Net Score rule), as in the following examples:
Type X: A poor score tie at the last Hole, in which no BriskerGolfer achieves a Net Par score, and every member of the BG group is given either a legitimate Backstop Score of an @Given-Net-Bogey 'gimmie', or possibly an illegitimate Penalty score, P182*, the rule being:
- No Net Par, All 'Gimmies' 3* Tie
[2* A Penalty score for slow play at the last Hole is generally termed a P18, but equally if a Briskergolf game is terminated at another hole, by prior agreement, then it could be termed (for examples as) P9, P12, P16 or P21, to signify termination at the 9th, 12th, 16th or 21st holes.]
[3* A last Hole Penalty score, generally P18, disqualifies an errant BriskerGolfer from potentially benefitting from a No Net Par tie at the last Hole, which is resolved exclusively between legitimately qualifying BriskerGolfers with gimmie scores at the last Hole, by Countback to the most recent Hole won outright by such a legitimately qualifying BriskerGolfer.]
Type Y: An acceptable @Net-Par score tie at the last Hole, in which two or more BriskerGolfers achieve leading Net Par scores, which ultimately cannot be bettered by any other BriskerGolfer. In this instance the rule is:
- In a Net Par Tie4* at the last Hole by two or more players, the Ultimate Net Par score is the WINNER!!!
[4*When a Type Y tie initially produces an Ultimate Net Par score and a ghost tie, this result remains vulnerable to being brutally untied by another Net Par score, which will become the new Ultimate Net Par score which trumps all other Net Par scores (each of which become ghost ties), until the conclusion of the last Hole]
Type Z: An @Net-Sub-Par score tie at ANY HOLE, in which two or more BriskerGolfers achieve equal Net-Sub-Par scores, most commonly Net Birdie scores, but possibly Net Eagle scores, or, however unlikely, Net Albatross scores.
A Type Z tie is always brutally untied instantly (i.e. simultaneously resolved to a single winner and one or more ghost ties) by the following rule:
- The Ultimate Tying Net-Sub-Par score TRUMPS all other Tying Net-Sub-Par scores!
A Coin can never be extinguished (i.e. lost to the game of BriskerGolf) and so there are always 18 Coins to play for in an 18 hole game of BriskerGolf.
A Type 1 or Type 2 Tie as above conserves the Coin or Coin Bonanza at the conclusion of a Hole, and creates a roll-over contest at the next hole for the @Yet-to-be-won-Coin-or-Coin-Bonanza plus the Coin for the next hole.
A Type X, Type Y or Type Z Tie brutally unties a numeric tie instantly, by creating an Ultimate Winner in a tie of either:
- two or more equally Poor yet legitimate No Net Par scores at the last Hole
- or two or more equally Acceptable scores of Net Par at the last Hole
- or two or more equally Masterful scores (e.g. two Net Birdie scores) at ANY HOLE
and in each instance creates one or more Ghost Ties at the conclusion of the Hole!5*
[5*See also Note i23]
63. informal BriskerGolf
i13 Three Types of Scores in BriskerGolf
- Unacceptable [@Time-Wasting scores, equating to an @Two-off-the-next-tee Penalty, P, or a P18 score]
- Acceptable [@Net-Par and @Given-Net-Bogey 'gimme' , g ,scores]
- Masterful [@Net-Birdie, @Net-Eagle & @Net-Albatross scores]
64. informal BriskerGolf
i14 Unacceptable Score
This is a score that results in an @Time-Wasting penalty, termed a Penalty, P, of @Two-off-the-next-tee, on any Hole other than the Last Hole, normally the 18th, at which the Penalty is P18*.
[**Whilst the default Last Hole is the 18th, by pre-match agreement the Last Hole may be any ordinal number, such as 6th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 21st or 36th, however the Last Hole Penalty is always termed P18, rather than terms such as P6, P9, P11, P14, P21, or P36]
An @Time-Wasting penalty on the Last Hole, termed a P18, is a disqualification from a potential benefit from the resolution of a tie at the Last Hole.
A legitimate tie at the Last Hole implies a potential benefit of a Coin win or Coin Bonanza for the BriskerGolfer who was the last outright winner of a Hole, as determined by @Countback.
An Unacceptable Score is any futile Net Score posted on a Hole!
- Posting an actual Net Bogey (or worse!) is always a futile Net Score, and is therefore an Unacceptable Score
- Posting a Net Par is a futile Net Score if a Masterful Net Score (of Net Birdie, Net Eagle or Net Albatross) has already been posted.
- Posting a Masterful Net Birdie Score is a futile Net Score if a Masterful Net Eagle Score or Net Albatross Score has already been posted.
- Posting a Masterful Net Eagle Score is a futile Net Score if a Masterful Net Albatross Score has already been posted.
BriskerGolfers can avoid posting an Unacceptable score at a disastrous hole by curtailing their play at the hole (i.e. picking up) rather than playing on when it becomes apparent that posting a significant score has become an impossibility.
64. informal BriskerGolf
i15 Recording an Unacceptable Score
An erroneous score, unlike a legitimate capitulation (a legal gimmie, g,) must be recorded precisely, because it invariably involves time wasting practice on the course.
In every such tardy occasion it is the Gross score of an errant BriskerGolfer, whether it be a curtailed score, such as 3. or 4. or 5. or worse, or a concluded score, such as 3, 4, 5, 6 or more, that must be recorded.
The resultant Net Score is either P , or much less frequently, P18, and is written on an Omniscorecard as in the following examples:
Gross / Net Gross / Net Gross / Net Gross / Net Gross / Net Gross / Net Gross / Net Gross / Net
3. / P 4. / P 5./ P 6. / P 3 / P 4 / P 5 / P 6 / P
Gross / Net Gross / Net Gross / Net Gross / Net Gross / Net Gross / Net Gross / Net Gross / Net
3. / P18 4. / P18 5./ P18 6. / P18 3 / P18 4 / P18 5 / P18 6 / P18
A score of P results in an @Time-Wasting penalty, of @Two-off-the-next-tee, except at the conclusion of the last hole.
An @Time-Wasting penalty on the last Hole, normally the 18th Hole, is termed P18, and is a disqualification from a benefit if there is a tie at the last hole.
A legitimate tie at the last hole implies a potential benefit of a Coin win or Coin Bonanza for the BriskerGolfer who was the last outright winner of a hole, as determined by @Countback.
An Unacceptable Score is any futile Net Score posted on a hole!
- Posting an actual Net Bogey (or worse!) is always a futile Net Score, and is therefore an Unacceptable Score
- Posting a Net Par is a futile Net Score if a Masterful Net Score (of Net Birdie, Net Eagle or Net Albatross) has already been posted.
- Posting a Masterful Net Birdie Score is a futile Net Score if a Masterful Net Eagle Score or Net Albatross Score has already been posted.
- Posting a Masterful Net Eagle Score is a futile Net Score if a Masterful Net Albatross Score has already been posted.
BriskerGolfers can avoid posting an Unacceptable score at a disastrous hole by curtailing their play at the hole (i.e. picking up) rather than playing on when it becomes apparent that posting a significant score has become an impossibility.
65. informal BriskerGolf
i16 An Acceptable Score may be an appropriately used backstop score, termed an @Given-Net-Bogey (i.e. a legitimate 'gimmie', g.)
To achieve a backstop score it is always necessary to curtail play at a hole.
It is never permissible to play on, to actively reach the backstop score! It is a passive score that is automatically achieved by BriskerGolfers who curtail their play appropriately.
When a BriskerGolfer has just failed to achieve a provisional or conclusive winning score, or a provisional or conclusive tying score at a hole, it is necessary to accept a passive backstop score of an @Given-Net-Bogey 'gimmie', g, to avoid an @Time-Wasting penalty @P, or @P18, (see Note i14).
Whatever the potential score of a BriskerGolfer - Net Par, Net Birdie or even Net Eagle - if it becomes necessary to curtail play if it is futile to continue to a conclusion, the resultant curtailed passive Acceptable Score is always equivalent to an @Given-Net-Bogey, 'gimmie' , g, score and is signified on a scorecard as:
- Gross Score / Net Score => / (i.e. BLANK / BLANK)
A superseded score, of either an Acceptable Net Par score, or a Masterful Net Birdie, Net Eagle or even Net Albatross score, is always equivalent to an @Given-Net-Bogey score, and is always1* signified on a scorecard as the actual Gross and Net scores, enclosed in Parentheses, as in the examples below:
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 3 => (4) / (3)
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 3 => (3) / (3)
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 4 => (5) / (4)
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 4 => (4) / (4)
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 5 => (6) / (5)
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 5 => (5) / (5)
and, less commonly:
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 3 => (3) / (2)
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 3 => (2) / (2)
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 4 => (5) / (4)
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 4 => (4) / (3)
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 5 => (6) / (4)
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 5 => (5) / (3)
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 5 => (4)/ (3)
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 5 => (3) / (3)
[1*A superseded score is always recorded. On a cardboard Omniscorecard the once @Leading-Score details, both Gross and Net, are physically enclosed in parentheses as in the above examples, whereas on an electronic Omniscorecard the Gross and Net former @Leading-Score details are automatically enclosed in parentheses]

65. informal BriskerGolf
i17 The moment an unattainable Masterful Net Birdie, Net Eagle or Net Albatross score has already been posted by a rival BriskerGolfer, it is never Acceptable to play on.
A BriskerGolfer can always achieve an Acceptable score, no matter what disaster or defeat unfolds at a hole, by implying acceptance of the gift of an @Backstop-Score, termed an @Given-Net-Bogey, (informally a 'gimmie', g,) by a well-timed Curtailment (ball pick-up) of his/her live score.
It is permissible but inadvisable to record a legal pick-up as a Gross and Net score, each followed by a period (full stop in English).
Such scores are always equivalent to @Given-Net-Bogey scores, and are signified on a scorecard enclosed in Parentheses, implying NULL scores, as in the examples below:
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 3 => (4.) / (3.) scoring curtailed because Net Par is unachievable
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 3 => (3.) / (3.) scoring curtailed because Net Par is unachievable
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 4 => (5.) / (4.) scoring curtailed because Net Par is unachievable
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 4 => (4.) / (4.) scoring curtailed because Net Par is unachievable
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 5 => (6.) / (5.) scoring curtailed because Net Par is unachievable
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 5 => (5.) / (5.) scoring curtailed because Net Par is unachievable
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 3 => (3.) / (2.) scoring curtailed because Net Birdie is unachievable
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 3 => (2.) / (2.) scoring curtailed because Net Birdie is unachievable
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 4 => (5.) / (3.) scoring curtailed because Net Birdie is unachievable
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 4 => (4.) / (3.) scoring curtailed because Net Birdie is unachievable
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 5 => (6.) / (4.) scoring curtailed because Net Birdie is unachievable
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 5 => (5.) / (3.) scoring curtailed because Net Eagle is unachievable
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 5 => (4.) / (3.) scoring curtailed because Net Eagle is unachievable
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par 5 => (3.) / (3.) scoring curtailed because Net Eagle is unachievable
All the above scores are legitimate but are inadvisable because they can all be resolved to:
- Gross Score / Net Score on a Par => / (BLANKS on both Gross & Net imply scoring legitimately curtailed)
For clarity and efficiency this latter method of recording legal pick-ups is preferred.
On a physical (i.e.cardboard) Omniscorecard it is always the preferred option, and on an electronic Omniscorecard it is the default option.
66. informal BriskerGolf
i18 Continuing to play when all is lost, is tantamount to practising on the course, and equates to time wasting and is therefore a Penalty, P or P18 (see i14 above).
There are four possible reasons to curtail play at a Hole:
- You are unable to score the net par of the Hole
- You are unable to achieve an ultimate net birdie score against a Masterful competitor
- You are unable to achieve an ultimate net eagle score against a Masterful competitor
- You are unable to achieve an ultimate net albatross score against a Masterful competitor
The moment it becomes Unacceptable to play on, because the chance of achieving a significant score at a Hole has been extinguished, whether it be the chance of net par, ultimate net birdie, ultimate net eagle or ultimate net albatross, a BriskerGolfer may always achieve an Acceptable 'gimmie' score, no matter what disaster or defeat unfolds at a hole, by a well-timed legal Curtailment (ball pick-up) of his/her live score.
Such acquiescence implies acceptance of the gift of an @Backstop-Score, termed an @Given-Net-Bogey, (informally termed a 'gimmie' , g , score) and is indicated on an Omniscorecard in one of three ways:
- Gross score / Net score => / [i.e. BLANK / BLANK , the preferred option]
- Gross score / Net score => - / - [i.e. BLANK / BLANK , the NULL option]
- Gross score / Net score => (figure.) / (figure.) [the literal option, bracketed to denote it has been superseded]
The NULL legal pick-up option shows the Gross and Net scores as dashes, indicating submission.
The literal legal pick-up option shows the actual Gross and Net scores, each followed by a period (full stop in English), to show curtailment of scoring, with each curtailed score figure enclosed in parentheses.
The preferred option of indicating acquiescence on a Hole is the clearest indicator of an @Given-Net-Bogey score on a physical (i.e. cardboard) Omniscorecard.
Whichever of the three forms of notation inputted into an electronic Omniscorecard its default interpretation will be the preferred option.
The significance of an @Given-Net-Bogey ('gimmie') ' g ' is that it is not a Penalty score!

66. informal BriskerGolf
i19 An Acceptable Score may be achieved after just failing to achieve an attainable Masterful Net Birdie, Net Eagle or Net Albatross score, to match the one that has already been posted by a rival BriskerGolfer.
A BriskerGolfer achieves such an Acceptable score by implying acceptance of the gift of an @Backstop-Score, termed an @Given-Net-Bogey, (i.e. a 'gimmie') by well-timed Curtailment (ball pick-up) of his/her live score, however promising it may be.

Graphic 01: Ganton GC Omniscorecard

Graphic 02: Wentworth GC Omniscorecard

Graphic 03: Royal Dornoch GC Omniscorecard

Graphic 04: St George's Hill GC Omniscorecard

informal BriskerGolf
i27 Honour to play from the Tee for @Given-Net-Bogey 'gimmie' recipients & Penalty score, P, recipients
The first @Given-Net-Bogey recipient goes last from the Tee, the second @Given-Net-Bogey recipient goes second-last, and so on.1*
[1* Unless there are one or more Penalty score recipients, in which case the first Penalty score, P, recipient goes last from the Tee, the second Penalty score, P, recipient goes second-last, and so on.
The first @Given-Net-Bogey recipient then goes after the last Penalty score, P, recipient, and so on.]

informal BriskerGolf
i28 A tie for the honour to play first from a Tee
For any pair, trio, quartet, quintet etc of tied BriskerGolfers, the honour to play first, second, third and so on, from a Tee must be decided by drawing straw lots, i.e. strands of grass, ideally from the hand of a disinterested BriskerGolfer or passer-by, with the shorter or shortest straw having the honour, and, if necessary, the second-shortest straw having the second-honour, and so on.

informal BriskerGolf
i29 Marking an @Green-Side Ball precisely with an @Cube-Marker or, in raked sand, with a Tee Peg
On arrival at any @Green-Side location a ball must be marked precisely, ideally with an @Cube-Marker, except in the circumstance of an @Green-Side ball being within the confines of a bunker.
An @Cube-Marker is a small monochrome cube, with faces clearly numbered (or spotted) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6.
Dice with chamfered edges from a decent board game such as backgammon will suffice as @Cube-Markers.
In gales or a dice drought a standard marker placed at the non-pin side of a ball is sufficiently accurate for sporting BriskerGolfers.
The advantage of using a die for ball marking is that it can be placed in such a way as to both mark a ball accurately and to communicate to all BriskerGolfers the current gross score of a player on his/her arrival @Green-Side.
The uppermost face of a die should represent the current gross score of a BriskerGolfer on his/her arrival @Green-Side.
A single vertical edge of a die should be positioned tangentially to the non-pin side surface of a ball as an accurate marker in the following @Green-Side locations, namely:
- @On-Green
- @Near-Green-on-manicured-grass1*
[1* Excluding any area within @Green-Side surrounding either side of an @Water-Hazard, which is always classed as invasive @Tee-Side even when close to @Green, and whilst such an @Tee-Side ball in or close to an @Water-Hazard may be retreated from it, and then repositioned, it may never be marked (OOBLU rule)]
It is mandatory for a Tee Peg to be used to mark a ball's initial position in any @Green-Side Sand Hazard
The net score of a BriskerGolfer on reaching @Green-Side should also be indicated by placing one, two or even three tee pegs2* at the non-pin side of the @Cube-Marker to indicate receipt of shot/shots allowance at a hole.
[2* No tee peg = no shot allowance; one tee peg = one shot allowance; and so on].
It is not necessary to mark an @Green-Side a ball once @Green-Side play of the ball is in progress.
@Green-Side-Etiquette requires continuous play from the BriskerGolfer who has the honour to play, either to a conclusion (i.e. holing out the ball) or a curtailment (i.e. picking up the ball).
Very brief marking and replacement of a ball is permissible when @On-Green, as is the current norm in professional and serious amateur games, but lower echelon BriskerGolfers must be mindful not to break the flow of their @Green-Side play once it begins, with unnecessary ball-marking routines!
(01) An @Rough ball is always an @Tee-Side ball and must never be a marked ball, even it is re-placed on a manicured position determined by adherence to OOBLU rules.
(02) Equally an @Water-Hazard ball is always an @Tee-Side ball and will never be a marked ball, even it is re-placed on a manicured on-land position determined by adherence to OOBLU rules.
In BriskerGolf there is no advantage in playing a ball from a shallow @Water-Hazard, although it’s great fun to try!
However, on reflection it’s not worth risking the deadly Weil’s Disease (Leptospirosis).

informal BriskerGolf
i30 Essential Check on the Visible Die Score when @Green-Side
Using the most visible upward facing die face to represent the gross number of shots played by a BriskerGolfer on reaching @Green-Side (which includes @Green) initially is an essential check for all BriskerGolfers.
BG @Green-Side-Etiquette rules insist on the mandatory marking of a BriskerGolfer's ball when it reaches @Green-Side.
It is not necessary to mark a ball once it is being played continuously @Green-Side (which includes @Green) towards the pin, to either a conclusion (holing out) or a curtailment (pick up)!
Professional and elite amateur golfers habitually mark a ball that lands on a green, and then do so again after each further shot. To an average BriskerGolfer extra ball marking is generally unnecessary and time wasting!
@Green-Side play is always continuous until a conclusion or a curtailment. There cannot be another ball impeding the progress of @Green-Side play because the ball being played is deemed to be the nearest to the pin1*.
[1* Unless the BriskerGolfer whose ball is the nearest to the pin has opted to play last instead of first!!! (See Note i08 (01). In this instance the nearest ball to the pin must be flat-marked rather than with a die.]

informal BriskerGolf
i33 informal BriskerGolf Coin Scoring by Memory
Each hole played in BriskerGolf has a notional value of 1 Coin.
No Coin may extinguished in a BriskerGolf game, thus there are 18 Coins to be won in a standard round of BriskerGolf.
No hole, other than the 18th Hole1*, can be won with a score that is worse than a Net Par.
[1* Assuming this is the last Hole]
Anyone failing to achieve an @Net-Par score on a Hole is gifted an @Net-Bogey score gimmie, and must curtail play without attempting to score an @Actual-Net-Bogey score, having passively received what is also termed an @Given-Net-Bogey score.
A passive gimmie is mandatory in every circumstance where a BriskerGolfer cannot make a significant contribution to scoring at a Hole. A BriskerGolfer must resist any attempt at an insignificant score in relation to the contest at a Hole, in many instances heroically and stoically eschewing the personal satisfaction of achieving a Net Par, or Net Par, or, very rarely, a Net Eagle.
Failure to curtail play appropriately by a BriskerGolfer is either a Penalty, P, or a Penalty, P181*.
Penalty P is achievable on Holes 1 to 17, and actuated on holes 2 to 18. It is a two-off-the-next-tee Penalty.
Penalty P18 is only achievable on Hole 181*, and is an ineligibility Penalty at the last Hole, normally the 18th hole, whereby a BriskerGolfer incurring the Time-Wasting penalty P18 becomes ineligible to benefit potentially from a tie on the last Hole.
By prior agreement the last Hole may be any ordinal number, such as the 6th, 9th , 11th, 15th or 21st. Thus the last Hole Penalty would be P6, P9, P11, P15 or P21 respectively.
Errant BriskerGolfers who fail to curtail play at this important last Hole are disqualified from benefitting from a potential Coin win or Coin Bonanza at the conclusion of the 18th Hole in the event of the 18th being tied by:
- two or more legitimate No Net Par 'gimmies' (@Given-Net-Bogies)
Note: it is not possible to tie the last Hole with two or more @Net-Pars because of the last Hole Net Par score rule:
- the Ultimate Net Par score of two or more Net Par scores at the last Hole is deemed to be the winner of the Hole!
The BriskerGolf rules for a No Net Par 'gimmie' conclusion of the last Hole, normally the 18th Hole, are threefold:
- Two or more achieve a legitimate No Net Par Tie, All Eligible BriskerGolfers Tie
- @Countback in the event of a Tie, to the last Hole won outright, determines the Winner of the 18th hole.
- A winning score could also be a lone BriskerGolfer achieving a legitimate gimmie score at the last Hole!

informal BriskerGolf
i35 Minimal Recordings of Gross/Net scores on an Omniscorecard:
A Gross/Net score at a Hole which has become insignificant but is NOT illegal should be recorded as BLANK/BLANK, for example as below:
Hole 3, Par 4 Gross/Net score => / (The Preferred method of recording insignificant scores)
However the use of Null signs ‘–‘ to record the above insignificant Gross/Net scores are legal, as below:
Hole 3, Par 4 Gross/Net score => - /- (The NULL method of recording insignificant scores)
Using a periods (full stops) and parentheses to record insignificant Gross/Net scores are also legal, as in the following example:
Hole 3, Par 4 Gross/Net score => (5.) / (4.) (The Over-elaborate method of recording insignificant scores)
implying (Gross score of 5 curtailed)/(Net score of 4 curtailed), but this is also unnecessary!
Only either significant scores or blatantly illegal scores (i.e. insignificant & irrelevant scores) need to be recorded in detail at a hole, as in the following examples:
Hole 3, Par 4 Gross/Net score => 6./P (blatantly illegal score)
Hole 3, Par 4 Gross/Net score => 3/3 (significant score)
Hole 3, Par 4 Gross/Net score => 4/P (insignificant score when 3/3 has already been posted)
Backstop Score Recordings
To prevent and hopefully nullify any attempt to achieve an illegal actual Net Bogey (or worse!!) all BriskerGolfers are gifted a Net Bogey score at each hole (i.e. a Backstop Score 'gimmie').
This is termed an @Given-Net-Bogey score.
It implies that the moment a BriskerGolfer has failed to achieve a significant score at a hole (which may be a failure to hole out for a Net Par, or a Net Birdie, or a Net Eagle, or even a Net Albatross) he/she must curtail play and accept the legal gift of the Backstop Score of an @Given-Net-Bogey, no matter what his/her potentially heroic @Losing-Net-Score might have been!!!
An @Given-Net-Bogey 'gimmie' score is always an insignificant score and should preferably be recorded as BLANK/BLANK as above, and as shown by the progression below:
Hole 7, Par 3 Gross/Net score => (3.) / (3.) is unnecessary!!
But it does imply (Gross score of 3 curtailed)/ (Net score of 3 curtailed) and is therefore still valid.
Using minimal scoring the recording should be:
Hole 7, Par 3 Gross/Net score => /
Similarly, use of the NULL sign, as below:
Hole 7, Par 3 Gross/Net score => - / - is not minimal scoring!
However it does imply (Gross score of 3 curtailed)/(Net score of 3 curtailed) and is therefore still valid.
Futile Scores
The Gross score recording of any futile score, made either in knowledge or in ignorance of the fact that it cannot make a significant contribution to the contest for a hole, is always to be enclosed in square brackets.
Using minimal scoring, the Net score recording of any futile score must be either P or P18 without square brackets, as in the following example:
Hole 6, Par 5, no shot allocation: Gross/Net score => [6.] / P (=> 6. => an illegal Net score of a Bogey 6)
Using minimal scoring this must always be written as:
Gross/Net score => [6.] / P on a cardboard Omniscorecard
(On an electronic Omniscorecard the illegal score 6 will be recorded automatically as [6.], as will the corresponding net score of a Penalty P)
P is a two-off-the-next-tee Penalty that may be imposed at the conclusion of Holes 1 to 17.
P18 is a disqualification Penalty on the last Hole, normally the 18th, which excludes an errant BriskerGolfer from benefitting from the resolution of a tie on the last hole.
Additional examples of Penalty scores, using square brackets:
Hole 1, Par 4 5/5 => Gross 5/Net 5 => [5] / P
Hole 3, Par 5 7/6 => Gross 7/Net 6 => [7] /P
Hole 12, Par 3 5/4 => Gross 5/Net 4 => [5] / P
Hole 9, Par 5 7./6. => Gross 7./Net 6. => [7.] /P
Hole 11, Par 3 5./4. => Gross 5./Net 4. => [5.] / P
Hole 15, Par 4 6/5 => Gross 6/Net 5 => [6] / P
Hole 16, Par 5 6/6 => Gross 6/Net 6 => [6] / P
Hole 17, Par 3 4/4 => Gross 4/Net 4 => [4] / P
Hole 18, Par 4 6/5 => Gross 6/Net 5 => [6] / P18
Hole 18, Par 5 7/6 => Gross 7/Net 6 => [7] / P18
Hole 18, Par 3 5/4 => Gross 5/Net 4 => [5] / P18
Hole 18, Par 5 8./7. => Gross 8./Net 7. => [8.] / P18
Hole 18, Par 3 4./4. => Gross 4./Net 4. => [4.] / P18
Recording an actual @Net-Bogey score is expressly forbidden, and results in a Net score of either a Penalty, P or P18.
Recording an @Given-Net-Bogey (a passive score)
There are two ways to record a legitimate @Given-Net-Bogey at a hole:
- Record NOTHING! (i.e. a Blank score for both Gross and Net scores, as BLANK / BLANK on the BriskerGolf Omniscorecard). It is superfluous to record null scores, as - / - , or any other mark. A Blank score in both Gross and Net sections on a hole implies a legitimate @Given-Net-Bogey has been achieved.
- Record that a provisionally @Leading-Score or @Tieing-Score of a positive value of @Net-Par or better (i.e. @Net-Birdie or @Net-Eagle) has been superseded by a Masterful score at a hole (i.e. an @Net-Birdie or @Net-Eagle or @Net-Albatross), by putting parentheses around the superseded Gross and Net scores, as in the following examples:
Most common Superseded scores:
Gross score / Net score: (5) / (4)
Gross score / Net score: (4) / (4)
Gross score / Net score: (3) / (3)
Very rare Superseded scores:
(5) / (3) ; (4) / (3) ; (3) / (2) ; (2) / (2)
Gross score / Net score: (5) / (3)
Gross score / Net score: (4) / (3)
Gross score / Net score: (3) / (2)
Gross score / Net score: (2) / (2)
Superseded scores are @Losing-Scores and are therefore deemed to be equivalent to @Given-Net-Bogey scores, in that they are ultimately @Insignificant-Scores, but BriskerGolfers can take some satisfaction in having a recording of their heroic failures on the Omniscorecard!
Superseded scores are recorded either:
- Physically, in Parentheses, on a cardboard BG Omniscorecard
- Electronically, and automatically, by the BG App

informal BriskerGolf
i36 Detailed Recordings of Gross/Net scores on an Omniscorecard:
When an @Leading-Net-Score is superseded (i.e. TRUMPED) by a later Net Score on a Hole it is necessary to show the change from an @Leading-Net-Score to an @Losing-Net-Score in detail on a BG Omniscorecard, whether it be a cardboard and electronic version.
Maintaining consistency and clarity of scoring between physical and electronic Omniscorecards is imperative when an Acceptable Net Par score, or a Masterful Net Sub Par score (i.e. Net Birdie, Net Eagle etc) is trumped (i.e. superseded)
When an @Leading-Net-Score becomes an insignificant @Losing-Net-Score this is manually indicated by parentheses on a physical Omniscorecard, or automatically indicated by parentheses on an electronic Omniscorecard as in the sequence below:
First score posted by BriskerGolfer A:
Hole 8, Par 5 Gross/Net score => 6/5 => @Leading-Net-Score & significant Net score
Second score posted by BriskerGolfer B:
Hole 8, Par 5 Gross/Net score => 5/4 => @Leading-Net-Score & significant Net score
The First score posted by BriskerGolfer A changes as a result of being trumped (i.e. superseded) by the Second score posted by BriskerGolfer B.
- With regard to a physical input onto a cardboard Omniscorecard, using a pencil, erasure must be avoided! The addition of parentheses around both superseded Gross and superseded Net scores is the only acceptable way to indicate redundant scores.
- With regard to an electronic Omniscorecard the addition of parentheses around both superseded Gross and superseded Net scores is done automatically.
The following example shows the change from @Leading-Net-Score to @Losing-Net-Score on an Omniscorecard:
Hole 8, Par 5 Gross/Net score => 6 / 5 => @Leading-Net-Score
Hole 8, Par 5 Gross/Net score => (6) / (5) => @Losing-Net-Score (insignificant Net score)
- The electronic BG App does NOT change the trumped First score posted to BLANK / BLANK as below:
Hole 8, Par 5 Gross/Net score => / => @Losing-Net-Score (insignificant Net score)
- NOR does the BG App change the First score posted to NULL / NULL as below:
Hole 8, Par 5 Gross/Net score => - / - => @Losing-Net-Score (insignificant Net score)
Although both BLANK and NULL changes are legitimate electronic ways of describing changes brought about by scores being superseded, neither of these last two legitimate changes can be easily replicated on hardcopy, i.e. on a cardboard Omniscorecard, without erasure!

THIS IS THE COMPLETION OF THE INFORMAL BRISKERGOLF WEBSITE: www.BriskerGolf.am.................................................................................................................................................................................................................Beyond this point are stored the elements of more than one website, which are currently being edited. These may become www.MostFab.com and a formal version of BriskerGolf, such as www.BriskerGolf.pro or www.BriskerGolf.com or www.BriskerGolf.club or possibly something else! Currently the author is busy with unrelated projects right now (26th Feb '20) but will revert to this crusade in the near future! ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Interlude ........ www.MostFab.com
i37 THE SEVEN ARTS, and STATE OF THE ART creations

i38 For possible afterthought

(TABLE OF CONTENTS: Formal BriskerGolf - NOT APPLICABLE UNTIL BriskerGolf APP is completed - future reference only - 31st Dec'21 - Best wishes, David Holmes)
001 Formal BriskerGolf: all informal BriskerGolf rules apply to formal BriskerGolf.
002 An Awkward Number of Golfers
003 Use of the @ Sign
004 Magical Five-Ball Golf
005 Interlude ....
The Hot Club du Monde
.... End of Interlude
006 Skins: The Kernal of BriskerGolf
007 BriskerGolf (@BG.am & @BG.pro): a Sea-Change in Golf
008 BG Primary Scoring: GROSS scores inputted manually into the Omniscorecard & NET* scores automatically calculated by the BG App
009 BG Primary Scoring: Coins & Positional Points (pp) auto-calculated from Omniscorecard onto @BG.am scorecard by BG App
010 BG Primary Scoring: Omniscorecard data automatically interpreted & transferred by BG App onto @BG.am scorecard
011 BriskerGolf auto Coin Scoring: @Dc (Days coins), @Cc (Countback coins) & c-b (centre-box) coins as accrued totals; Penalty Scores, P.
012 Coin Scoring: Omniscorecard (manual input initially; thereafter, in part, auto-adjustment)
013 Coin Scoring: Omniscorecard & its Net Scores auto-carried forward to @BG.am scorecard
014 Coin Scoring: Avoiding Disincentives
015 Coin Scoring: BriskerGolf.am [@BG.am] scorecard & fluid changes in it via automatic BG App process
016 BriskerGolf Scoring: Coins Totals translated into Positional Points (pp)
017 BG Primary Scoring: the BriskerGolf.am scorecard, Coins and Tie-Break Resolutions
018 Countback
019 Omniscorecards: (Greyed Out) or preferably Blanked Out INSIGNIFICANT Scores
020 BG Primary Scoring: Coins compared to Skins
021 BG @Tee-Side & @Green-Side Sectors
022 BG Green-Side Etiquette: the REVERSE of Standard Etiquette!
023 BG OPTIONAL Secondary Scoring: Pace of Play (1)
024 BG OPTIONAL Secondary Scoring: Pace of Play (2)
025 BG OPTIONAL Secondary Scoring: Pace of Play (3)
026 BG OPTIONAL Secondary Scoring: Koins as Incentives (1)
027 BG OPTIONAL Secondary Scoring: Koins as Incentives (2)
028 BriskerGolf: There's No Turning Back!
029 BG Switching from a Treasured Golf Ball to a Less Favoured One, and Vice Versa
30 BG Primary & (OPTIONAL) Secondary Scoring: OOBLU* Time Saving
031 Sand Hazards @Tee-Side & @Green-Side
032 Sand Hazards & @Green-Side Etiquette (not relating to @Tee-Side Hazards)
033 Exemplary BriskerGolfer Status => BG Passport Holder => BriskerGolf.club Member
034 www.BriskerGolf.pro
035 All Graphic Scorecards
Formats retained for possible use in future: 037; 038; 039; 040

0039 BriskerGolf Passport: a Question of Trust
0039 BriskerGolf Passport: a Question of Trust
A BG Passport enables BG Friendly Golf Courses to trust in the skills of a group of BG Passport holders, to the extent that they are allowed to play @BG5 by virtue of their Brisk playing techniques!
Whilst formal BriskerGolf competitions are to be encouraged, the main benefit to BriskerGolf Passport holders is in the many and diverse joys of playing in a group of five competent BriskerGolfers, compared to any other grouping.
Currently the freedom to play in a five ball game is a very rare option.
Once a match play game tailored for five ball play is experienced, such as BG5, the benefits become apparent. Every game encompasses:
- great match play, with brutally decisive rules
- great teamwork, as a fluid four-against-one contest develops on certain holes
- great camaraderie in between shots
- great networking for business
all within one of the simplest and most elegant of golfing frameworks.
0044 @TG-Line and Ball Marking
The T-G Line is an approximate line, and it is up to each individual BriskerGolfer to interpret the location of the T-G Line.
Marking a ball indicates that in a BriskerGolfer’s indisputable opinion the ball is lying @Green-Side of the T-G Line.
Not marking a ball indicates that in a BriskerGolfer’s disputable opinion the ball is lying @Tee-Side of the T-G Line.
If any BriskerGolfer reasonably* disputes an opponent’s decision not to mark his/her ball, by requesting that it be marked, a blatant refusal to mark the ball on the latter’s part, equates to a gift of an immediate default @Net-Bogey to the unobliging BriskerGolfer.
Photo examples of the T-G Line, (@Tee-Side – @Green-Side Line) follow. The more common imaginary line is the Regressed T-G Line.
*In agreement with at least one @Primary-Marker
0046 Storage of Numbered and Asterisked Suffixes, which can be copied and pasted into new Blog entries
Numbered Asterisks for use in Blog Section via Copy & Paste
1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14* 15* 16*
B39: BG Omniscorecard and Punctuation. Also Penalty Codes
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