B01: In memory of Andrew, 1936 – 2001, and a British Record

I have never met a more friendly, generous, enthusiastic and optimistic person than Andrew. After an extremely spartan upbringing, (to which he never referred), his adult life was a complete joy!

He came to golf in the latter part of his life, and unsurprisingly it became one of his passions!

He was unconcerned about his persistent slice. He knew where his ball was going, and to him that was sufficient golfing knowledge. He was oblivious to the aesthetic nature of a good golf swing or shot shape. To him, playing golf was enormous fun, however you played it, as was being in a witty golfing group in the bar afterwards.

Andrew often contributed his ‘shaggy dog’ stories to this group. I noticed that when he launched into one of his stories, one member of the group habitually got out his pipe, whilst paying full attention to Andrew’s tale, and methodically filled it with tobacco, before lighting it.

The very next week I brought in about seven (sanitised) pipes, and seven pipe-fulls of tobacco. Each member of our golfing group, excluding Andrew, was secretly given a pipe and a portion of tobacco. They were briefed that Andrew was going to be encouraged to tell his favourite shaggy dog story, and that subsequently, one-by-one, led by our only true pipe smoker, they should casually get out their pipe, fill it, and light it, all the while listening intently to Andrew’s story!

Andrew didn’t need much persuading to tell his Gorilla up a Tree tale!

We had six pipes ablaze before he realised that something was afoot! (I think this is a British record).

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  1. This Post on April 12, 2019 at 10:33 pm

    I like the report

    • David on January 25, 2020 at 7:40 am

      Hi & thanks for your positive comment.

      I’m just making a major revision of BriskerGolf, hopefully it will be online in a couple of weeks.

      I am a subversive character and have always sought to push the boundaries of entertainment, particularly in golf.

      My vision is to make golf a much more inclusive game that’s wildly funny, and has a natural appeal to those who like to mix business with pleasure.

      Best wishes,
