B01: In memory of Andrew, 1936 – 2001, and a British Record

By David | April 1, 2018

I have never met a more friendly, generous, enthusiastic and optimistic person than Andrew. After an extremely spartan upbringing, (to…

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B02: Inclement Weather: The Gordon Identity

By David | June 11, 2018

When the elements conspire to interrupt your brisk game, be heartened by this uplifting story. As a last resort from…

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B03: Inclement Weather: The Gordon Supremacy

By David | June 16, 2018

Having survived the fiercest of storms and reached the relative safety of the bar, still with a thorn crown on…

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B04: Decisive but Rather Lethal Play

By David | June 17, 2018

The legendary Harry Bradshaw’s story of a wartime golf game in Ireland, with a particularly inept and eccentric golfer/soldier comes…

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B05: Lethal but Rather Indecisive Play

By David | June 17, 2018

Occasionally non-military lethal incidents occur on a golf course, for example when the general public unwittingly interact with your golf…

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B06: Lethal, Humane, yet Brisk Play

By David | June 18, 2018

Post-BriskerGolf, the resolution of a common yet atypical situation, such as duck-hooking into a cherished family pet, as previously outlined,…

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B07: Tribute to Scoop Watmough

By David | June 18, 2018

Multiple copies of the beautiful and historic links and parkland courses have been used to bookmark the position of forthcoming new and…

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B09: BriskerGolf: a step forward – there’s no going back – Almost!

By David | June 18, 2018

BriskerGolf is an abbreviated but very pure golf game, designed with the positive intention of educating golfers in the art of…

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B16: BriskerGolf: the Given Net Bogey score implies a brisk ‘gimmie’

By David | June 18, 2018

A Brisk Legal gimmie as a Backstop Score A unique legal gimmie of a Net Bogey score (in formal terms, a Given-Net-Bogey score), provides…

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